Parish Clerk: Mrs M Life, 6 Home Close, Grafham

Chair: Mr P Allingham, 15 Breach Road, Grafham

To the members of the Council:

You are hereby summoned to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Grafham Parish Council at the Village Hall, Grafham on Tuesday 16May 2017 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business.

Members of the public and press are invited to address the Council at its Open Forum.


17/010Election of Chair

17/011Public Forum

To receive matters brought to the attention of the Parish Council by members of the public.

17/012Apologies for absence

17/013Councillors’ Interests

To receive from Councillors’ declarations as to pecuniary interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda items

17/014 To sign and approvethe minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2017

17/015Matters arising from previous minutes (information only).

17/016Planning matters

  1. Application ref: 17/00836/HHFUL – Garage extension, including first floor over garage. Infill extension between garage and house
  2. Application ref: 17/00734/FUL – Amendment to previous application ref: 1401306FUL for a link corridor and barn conversion to be added to SW residential unit
  3. Application ref: 17/00735/LBC - Amendment to previous application ref: 1401307FUL for a link corridor and barn conversion to be added to SW residential unit

17/017Footpath issues in Grafham

To discuss further evidence of the violation of footpath regulations.

17/018Application for S137 funding

To consider an application from Grafham Beekeepers Association for start-up funds in accordance with S.137 of the Local Authorities Act.

17/019RoSPA Inspection of children’s playground and gym equipment

To discuss recommendation contained in the RoSPA report following their inspection of equipment and grounds.


  1. To approve the following accounts for payment
  • Clerk's fees for April 2017£ 281.76
  • CPALC Membership fee 2017/18£ 225.73
  • RoSPA Playground inspection report£ 96.60
  1. Report on current financial position

17/021 Signing and approval of Annual Return 2017

  1. To approve the Annual Governance Statement
  1. To consider the Accounting Statements presented as approved by internal audit
  2. To approve the Accounting Statements by resolution
  3. To sign and date the Accounting Statements by person presiding at this meeting

17/022 Correspondence received

  1. MAGPAS - request for support

17/023Other items for information only


Parish Clerk

10 May 2017