RuislipGardensPrimary School
Year 4 Curriculum Statement for the Summer Term 2018
The following information is to give you an outline of some of the work your child will be covering during this term. We hope you will actively encourage your child in the work being undertaken so that learning can be both pleasurable and rewarding.
Please note that Sex and Relationship lessons will be taught in the second half of the SummerTerm during the week beginning Monday 4th June 2018. Any parents requiring more details about the content and materials in the lessons should speak to their child’s class teacher.
The Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) policy and practice was agreed by Governors’ in October 2011 following extensive input, guidance and support from a parent’s working party, Parent Forum and the local authority. SRE is an important part of our curriculum, and the lessons that we teach are from a commercially based scheme of work which is taught in many other primary schools. Parents who feel unhappy about their child participating in SRE may exercise their right to withdraw their child from these lessons by putting their wishes in writing to Mr Titeux by Friday 25th May 2018.
The skills and concepts on which we will be concentrating are:-
/Power of Reading
Our aim is to expose the children to quality texts to engage them and develop their love of reading and writing.We will be reading How To Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell and The Butterfly Lion by Michael Morpurgo./
To use commas to mark grammatical boundaries within sentences. We will be linking this to work on editing and revising own writing.To use apostrophes to mark possession through:
Identifying possessive apostrophes in reading and to whom or what they refer
Understanding the basic rules for apostrophising singular nouns, e.g. the man’s hat; for plural nouns ending in “s”, e.g. The doctors’ surgery and for irregular plural nouns e.g. children’s playground
To identify the common punctuation marks including commas and speech marks, and to respond to them appropriately when reading.
Nelson Handwriting Scheme.
Children will be expected to write consistently with neat, legible and joined handwriting. They will be revising 6 joins – od, er, ai, oy, re, fu. /Spelling
Prefixes – im, irSuffixes – ly, ous,
Endings which sound like ‘shun’ spelt tion, sion, ssion, cian
Homophones and near homophones
Year 4 common exception words.
/ ArithmeticMental multiplication and division
Expectation to know all times tables up to 12x12 and corresponding division facts by end of Year 4
To add and subtract money with 2 decimal places, solving general money problems
Find factor pairs for known multiplication facts
Know fraction and decimal equivalents of one half, quarters, tenths and hundredths
Written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (by a single digit)
Read, write and compare 4-digit numbers and place on a number line
Read, use and compare negative numbers in the context of temperature
Multiply and divide numbers by 10 and 100 including decimals (tenths and hundredths); read and write decimals (to 1 and 2 places)
Say the number one tenth and one hundredth more or less than a given number; round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number
Use rounding to estimate answers
Understand how division undoes multiplication and vice versa
Recognise and write Roman numerals to 100; begin to know the history of our number system including 0
Calculate area and perimeter of rectilinear shapes using multiplication and addition
2D and 3D shapes
Revise equivalent fractions, write fractions with different denominators with a total of 1, recognise decimal and fraction equivalents, find fractions of amounts, add fractions with like denominators
Bar charts, pictograms, line graphs
Use coordinates to draw polygons; find the coordinates of shapes after translation
/ SoundLiving things and their habitats- classifying animals, plants and trees using classification keys
Local and worldwide environments
Effects of environments on habitats and animals
/ Programming objects- codingWord Processing
/Map and field work
/Pop Art (printing)
Roy LichtensteinD.T.:
/Making Pop- Up books
/ Marriage and RelationshipsP.S.H.E.:
/ Relationships SREDealing with change- describing the body changes when a child grows up
Similarities and differences- understanding why the body changes during puberty
- identify some basic facts about pregnancy
/ InstrumentalSinging games
/Dates and months
Spanish cities and famous peopleSeasons
Stomp DanceTennis and Football (4N and 4S)
P.E. Days:
/Tuesday- Swimming (4G and 4S)
Wednesday – Stomp (4N and 4G)Thursday- PE at school (4N and 4S)
Please make sure that all items of your child’s clothing are clearly labelled. This includes school uniform and P.E. kit and Forest School kit. (Unlabelled clothing causes considerable problems when getting dressed after P.E.)
P.E. Uniform: White T Shirt Forest School Kit: Wellies
Black shorts Tracksuit bottoms
Black tracksuit bottoms (plain) Waterproof coat
Black plimsolls and white socks Socks
May we remind you that children should not wear earrings or any other jewellery on P.E. days.
P.E. kit should remain in school from Monday to Friday and be taken home for washing at the weekend
The children should continue to record their homework details in their Home School Book. This must be signed by a parent each week. It is important that every child ensures they keep their diary up to date.
English / Maths / Spellings / TopicSet Mondays
due in Wednesdays / Set Fridays
due in Mondays / Set Wednesdays tested
the following Wednesday / As and when required
We would like all the children to read at least five times per week at home and record this in their home school book. Please help support this initiative by ensuring your children read to you at least 5 times each week. Reading regularly has a huge impact on children's educational development. Thank you for your support with this.
Educational Visits
Location / DateWoodrow High House Residential Trip / 18th-20th April 2018