Eastholme Surgery & Heaton Moor Medical Group are
proposing to merge services in January 2018 into one Group Practice. We believe this merger will improve the sustainability and resilience of our practice and improve the range of services we are able to offer.

Patients will be able to access services at all sites under Heaton Moor Medical Group which includes Little Moor Surgery & Bosden Moor Surgery in Offerton, Dean Lane Surgery in Hazel Grove

There is free car parking at all sites and each site has disabled parking spaces.

Dean Lane Surgery is situated in Hazel Grove and has a good bus route.

Little Moor Surgery is situated on the main Offerton Road and has a bus stop directly outside the premises.

Heaton Moor Medical Centre & Eastholme are situated on the main Heaton Moor Road and have a bus stop outside the premises linking to Stockport and surrounding areas. Heaton Moor Medical Centre & Eastholme are also adjacent to Heaton Chapel Railway Station providing rail links. There are community services which also provide patient transport for those patients eligible.

Merging the Practices over the Stockport area will allow us to provide greater access for patients.

·  Main site at Heaton Moor open from 7.30am till 8.00pm from Monday to Fridays

·  Weekend Access, Saturday 8:00-14:00, Sunday 8:00–12:00

We also offer a full range of additional services for:

·  Minor Surgery

·  Coils & Contraceptive Implants

·  Cryotherapy

·  24hr BP

·  ECG

·  Spirometry

·  Open Access Blood Clinics

Monday to Friday 7:30 – 12:00, Monday & Tuesday 16:30-19:00 Heaton Moor

Monday 7:30-12:00 Bosden Moor

Wednesday 8:00 – 11:30 Little Moor

Friday 8:00-11:30 Dean Lane

·  Diabetes Monitoring

The GPs will be working across all sites on a weekly rotation basis, you will still be able to book an appointment with a GP of your choice, Dr Herd, Dr Kerins & Dr Duncan will still be partners at the practice offering the same services.

The geographical location of all sites will mean that we can cover most of the central Stockport area allowing patients to book into a clinic located close to them.

Regarding patient consultation, we are putting the information on our website regarding the proposed merger. We have also created a questionnaire to hand out in each Surgery to obtain patient feedback and we are in the process of consulting with the PPG.

We feel that these forms of communication will allow us to tailor the services for patients that are currently registered and for new patients in the future.

J Drive – HMMC Permanent Practice Information – Merger of Practices Information – Patient Information Poster re merger