SCRUTINY REMIT:Virtual Schools for Children Looked After
As at 22 Aug
OBJECTIVE:To scrutinise the work of theVirtualSchool for children looked after following its first full year and the improvement that has been made in reversing the lack of progress in addressing the underperformance in educational achievement.
- What difference has the Virtual School made to the underachievement of children looked after?
- What is the contextual information that lies behind the data on outcomes for children and young people and how is it relevant?
- How effectively does Hertfordshire County Council fulfil its duty to promote the educational achievement of children and young people in care?
- An understanding of full remit of the VirtualSchool to support and promote the educational achievement, training and employment of children in care and care leavers
- A greater understanding of the achievement and progress made to narrow the gap for this highly vulnerable group, with recommendations that will strengthen future strategy
- An understanding of the impact of the outcome of this work on individual children and young people through the sharing of case studies
This scrutiny will focus on the work of the VirtualSchool for children in care and care leavers to promote educational achievement and improved life chances and not the wider Children Looked After Strategy
Felicity Evans / Jan Spavin
Jackie Goodhall / Deborah Mulroney
Alison Saunders ( Head Simon Balle school and VS Governor) / Kate Cawthra
Marian Ingram / Daniel Kerr
Angie Walker ( JohnWarnerSchool) or Sarah Lansley ( ParmitersSchool) / Vikkie Balkram ( GeorgeStreetPrimary School)
MEMBERSHIP:Membership of OSC
Scrutiny Officer: Natalie Rotherham
Lead Officers: Felicity Evans
Democratic Services Officer: Fiona Corcoran
HCC Priorities for Action: how this item helps deliver the Priorities
- Support economic well being
- Maximise independent living
- Ensure a positive childhood
- Secure a good education for all
- Reduce carbon emissions
- Ensure safe neighbourhoods
- Be a leading council
The scrutiny should fulfilthe Centre for Public Scrutiny objectives
- Provides a critical friend challenge to executive policy makers and decision makers
- Enables the voice and concerns of the public to be heard
- Is carried out by independent governors who lead and own the scrutiny role
- Drives improvement in public services