The Process of Knowing Gods Will

Colossians 1:9-10

Rev. Min J. Chung

(Friday Night Large Group, July 25, 2003)

For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God Colossians 1:9,10, NIV


This is the second part about knowing the will of God. Last week I talked about the theology of knowing the will of God and today I will discuss the process of knowing His will. If you werent here last week, it would be very helpful for you to hear or read it (click here). I will review it today but youll have a much deeper understanding of it if you understand the basis of the theology we talked about last week.

Many times we make decisions but dont know whether they are right or wrong. Its hard to know if our decision is according to the will of God, whether its concerning my calling, my future, who I marry, my major, what I should wear, or which hand I should raise to indicate to my teacher that I know the answerleft, right, or foot.J You can know about all these decisions if you understand how to know the will of God from last and this week.

Today we will discuss three main things. First, well review the theology of knowing Gods will. Ill reiterate what I talked about last week to make sure the main points were understood. [Some of you only heard the last part of the message, when I said, youre free to marry whoever you want. You slept through the whole thing and woke up for the last part.J You must make sure you put everything together, that you understood that statement within the context of the entire sermon.] Second, well talk about three kinds of choices in life. Third, well talk about seven processes of discerning Gods will. The reason I will be so thorough is that it is tremendously helpful to get the whole picture. Making decisions according to Gods will is very important in life. Some people want three easy steps but it just doesnt work like that because life is very complex. Your time and decisions are very precious, so try to think deeper. I think the principles about decision-making we talked about last week and that well talk about today are very important tools you can carry with you for the rest of your life.

I. A Review of the Theology of Knowing Gods Will

A. Three Views of Knowing Gods Will

1. Traditional View

a) This view holds that there is a detailed will of God. He has an individual plan that He has outlined for us to know. We can and are supposed to know this will. This view teaches that Gods plan can be discerned by a combination of circumstances, spiritual promptings, inner voice, and personal peace of mind. We can know His will and it is actually necessary for us to know it. This is the traditional view and by far the most common. What is the will of God for me?

b) A negative consequence of this view is that we can often think, Did I make the right decision? I married the wrong person! We often feel doomed to second best. This can be true in our marriage, job, etc. I do not hold this view.

2. Traditional Charismatic View

a) This view is similar to the first in that it holds that God has a specific individual plan and that we can obtain this knowledge through direct communication with Godthrough another individual, your family, a church, a prophecy, an inaudible or audible voice, a word of knowledge. It assumes that God normally and naturally communicates what you are supposed to do in a direct and clear manner.

b) A negative consequence of this view is that people can receive all kinds of messages. A person with this view might say to you, God told me to marry you. But what if your God said no? That must mean you have a different God than them.

c) I hold the third view:

3. Wisdom View

a) This view holds that there is an individual will of God, but that this plan is secret. God usually does not reveal anything about it to us. We find out His will by becoming wise people. As we gain purity in our hearts and wisdom in our minds, we become good decision makers. But the focus is on becoming a good decider rather than on making good decisions. You become a wise person who knows the Word of God and the mind and heart of God. God is sovereign in a way that He can work through your decisions but His overall concern is that youd become a wise person.

The first two views are concerned with doing the right thing while the wisdom view is concerned with becoming the right person. It is the difference between an immature kid who is always looking for the right answer versus a mature person who is always becoming who God wants him to be. Scripture says that God wants us to be mature and wise people who can make decisions in life. He wants us to know Scripture, understand our circumstances, and make wise choices. Well talk today about Gods will from the wisdom view.

B. Two Wills of God

1. There are two wills of God in the Bible: His decretive will and His preceptive will. His decretive will refers to His secret plans while His preceptive will concerns His commands. These two wills are mentioned in Deuteronomy 29:29. The secret things belong the Lord our God but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law. The first part, the secret things belong to the Lord our God is a description of His decretive will. God moves the stars and works in your life and He knows all that is going on, but all of this belongs to the Lord. In the second part, the things revealed belong to us and to our children, Moses is referring to the commandments of God. The implication is that we should not seek the secret things; we should seek the commandments of Scripture. As we meditate on them and apply them to our lives, we become wise people who can make decisions in life.

2. Is there an individual will for us? Yes. But we should not be overly concerned with that secret plan. Rather we should look for and apply the Word of God and become wise people. We are concerned about living for the glory of God as we seek His will.

3. Romans 8:28-29 says, And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. What does the word good mean? It means Christ-likeness. Gods concern is that we become like Jesus. He wants us to have purity in our hearts and wisdom in our minds so we can make decisions. The secret plan of God is revealed through our thinking process. As we make wise decisions based on the revealed will of God, Hes so sovereign that our choices are included in His secret plan. Hes concerned with His glory and with our becoming more like Christ. Basically we are to become Christ-like, wise people, with wise minds and pure heartspeople so in love with God that whatever we want is what He wants. More than merely making good choices, He wants us to be godly choosers.

II. Three Kinds of Choices in Life

A. Three Kinds of Choices

1. Good and Bad

a) Sometimes when you make a choice, the issue is black and white. To steal or not to steal? If youre playing baseball or basketball its a different story, but stealing is a no-no in the Bible. So stealing is a good and bad choice. There are many put off and put on commands in the Bible. Put off falsehood. Put on goodness. Dont do this. Do that. These are moral commands. You shall not kill. You shall not steal. Its very simple. I didnt say its simple to obey, but the choice is very clear.

b) However, there are more ambiguous cases:

2. Good and Better

a) You have a choice: one thing is good but another might be even better. One is for the Lord but when you consider another option, its even better. It depends on three things: the situation, your motive, and the outcome. For example, consider the usage of your time. Its good to spend time in fellowship, like your small group. Its also good to read the Bible and pray. Both are good but if youre fellowshipping all the time, you might not always be making the better choice. Sometimes its better to spend your time in other ways. Or consider the usage of your money. Youre faced with the decision: Should I pay for my friend? Usually thats a good choice, but if youre doing it all the time and your motive is to make people like you, it might be better not to pay this time around. It depends. There are good and better choices.

3. Good and Good

a) In this case, both options are equally good. Sometimes you really have a choice. Its called Christian liberty or Christian freedom. You must prayerfully decide between the two equally good choices.

B. The second and third types of choices are complicatedgood/better or good/good. You need to carefully discern what is best in these situations, but know that you will encounter those types of decisions. How can I make the right decision in these situations? There are two things to consider.

1. There is an objective consideration: What would give God the maximum glory? There is also a subjective consideration: What is my motive and desire?

2. In a good/bad situation, its simple. I must obey for the maximum glory of God and because I want to please Him. In a good/better choice, I must ask myself two questions, Which would give more glory to God? and What is my motive? In a good/good situation, again, it is a combination of what would glorify God more and my motive. You need to prayerfully decide.

3. Sometimes God can lead you through your thinking process. As you think objectively about what would give maximum glory to God, He can give you insight. What would help me to grow and serve God the most? Thats why I often say that you should think 20, 30, 40 years down the line.

4. Subjectively, examine your motive. Sometimes your passion for certain things can be from God. Be careful, though, because Christians have two motives, one good and one evil. The two are fighting against each other. The Spirit is helping us to live for the glory of God while our evil nature wants us to live for ourselves. So sometimes God helps you to know His will through your desires.

C. Its partly objectiveyour thinking process; and partly subjectiveyour motive and passion. For example, theres an opportunity to help out at your home church. Should you help out with the high school youth group, the Sunday school, or the young adult group? What is the will of God? How do you decide? You should definitely use your thinking process. But your heart might just go out to the youth group. God might be leading you through that passion. Sometimes its your thinking and sometimes its your passion. But remember to think about the maximum glory of God and a desire to serve and love God. If you have a mixed motive, you must purify yourself. Lets look at a couple of passages that confirm this.

1. Colossians 1:9-10. We read this earlier. Paul has been praying for the people of Colosse: For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will (this is the part we are interested in) through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. How would these people know the will of God? Through spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God.

2. Philippians 1:9-11 says, And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight. There are two aspects here, subjective and objective. Your love is subjective and refers to your motive, heart, desire, passion. Knowledge and depth of insight is objectiveunderstanding, insight, being able to discern what is better. There are people who have biblical insight and people insight. May your heart be so filled with love for the Lord and your mind filled with knowledge and depth of insight so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ. God is concerned about you becoming a person with wisdom in your mind who can discern His will and passion in your heart who wants to do what God wants. Then youll be able to test and approve what Gods will is.

III. Seven Processes of Biblical Decision Making

A. Dedicate

1. If you are to become a person of wisdom who is able to discern the will of God, you must dedicate yourself to Him to be the person He wants you to be. Be devoted to Him. Romans 12:1-2 tells us that the goal of life is to be an instrument of God. In view of Gods mercy, offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, then your mind will be clear and filled with biblical wisdom; youll be able to discern His will. We must check every area of our lives and see if any area is not aligned with His purpose. Am I living for the will of God in every areamy entire life, my future, bodily health, personal happiness, money, relationships, goals, spouse, children, desire for security, power, influence, sexual pleasure, hobbies, sports, friends? We should leave no rock unturned. Check every corner of your life: Am I dedicated to the Lord? Is everything in alignment with the purpose of living for the glory of God? You must check every area of your life. Every decision in life must be made in alignment with His purpose and our calling, otherwise we are living for ourselves and by our own strength. Many times self-sufficiency is proven through a lack of prayer. Are you dedicated to the Lord? The lack of gratitude after success proves we did it for ourselves, by our own strength. After every success, especially in spiritual things, are you thankful because you have depended on the Lord? Are you thankful or are you boastful? If we were living for Him, we would not complain. Every time we complain we are saying to God, Why arent You giving me what I want? We are living for ourselves. We want God to do things in alignment with our own selfish desires. We want God to be our divine bellboy. Every time we complain we are trying to use God. If you are really living for the Lord, youd always be thankful and prayerful. Thats what 1 Thessalonians 5:14-17 is all about. Pray ceaselessly. Give thanks in all circumstances. Thats how Christians ought to be. Are you like that? Dedicate yourself to the Lord all the time.

2. We can practice thankful dedication or fearful dedication. Fearful dedication sounds like this: Im afraid that God might not give me what I want so Id better dedicate myself to Him. Thankful dedication is: I am so thankful that nothing is too much for Him. Its alabaster love. Youd break everything for Him. Youd pour out your life savings because service is expression without expectation. When you offer your service to the Lord, is it a service of expression or a service of expectation? When people dont react the way you expect to your service, do you get upset? Leave no rock unturned. Dedication. Purify yourself because the more bad motive you have in you, the more youll be hindered from deciding what is right according to the will of God.

B. Research

1. So when you think about your major, who to marry, your potential job, you should do research. But isnt that self-dependency? Well, we just said that God wants you to become a wise person. How does that happen? Through researching Scripture and gaining insight into life. You gotta be good researchers. Is this biblical? Yes. Numbers 13:18-20 describes the time when the Israelites were about to enter the land of Canaan. God chose one Israelite from each of the twelve tribes to go into the land and research. Check it out. He didnt use those exact words, but they did exactly that. Of course, ten of the spies made wrong interpretations. We did the research and here is our conclusion. Were going to be demolished if we go in there. Two of the spies also did the research but they didnt just research the circumstances, they also researched God. Yes, well be demolished if we go in there by ourselves. But the Lord is with us. Research.