Steering committeeon Competence of Human Resources for Nuclear Regulatory Bodies in Member States – ACTION PLAN 2010/2011
ACTION / DETAIL / LEAD / TIMING / PROGRESSAIM 1: Adequate tools are available for helping the RB to establish and implement an adequate competence management system1.
1.1 Complete Safety Report on Competence Management and issue to SC for their consideration for endorsement at the SC meeting / This Safety Report provides guidance for regulatory bodies on their competence management systems, It is effectively a successor to TECDOC 1254 and will give consideration to and reference the SARCON document.
This was determined by the Bureau following the identification of previous action 1.4 at the December SC meeting / IAEA / Target for completion of first draft 30 September 2010. / It is anticipated that the Safety Report will be ready for SC endorsement in December 2010.
1.2 Issue Revision 10 of SARCON guide to Steering Committee for their consideration for endorsement at the SC meeting / ‘SARCON’ is self-assessment of competence needs of the regulatory body.
It will include refinement of applied technology section of quadrant 2. / IAEA / Target for completion of revision 8, 30 September 2010. / It is anticipated that the Safety Report will be ready for SC endorsement in December 2010.
1.3 Provide training for Training Co-ordinators on application of the ‘Guidelines for Competence Needs Self Assessment for the Regulatory Body’ / It is anticipated that this will be provided on a workshop/seminar basis. / IAEA / Draft training prospectus produced by to be discussed. 2010.
Training targeted for 2011 / Progress will be reported to the SC in December 2010.
1.4 Set up system for the provision of examples of good practice on competence management and its continual updating. / It is expected that initial work will concentrate on information thought to be available in IRRS reports.
In due course it may be possible to include examples provided by MS’s in the standing agenda item for this at SC meetings. / UK / Target completion by 31 Dec 2010 ratified by Bureau by 30 September 2010.
Selected developments will be reported at the Steering Committee in December 2010. / No progress has been made to date due to difficulty in allocating resource to this task.
1.5 Analyse questionnaires on training systems and practices. / Approximately 20 questionnaires have been received to date. / Bureau / Progress report at next SC meeting in December 2010. / No progress has been made to date due to difficulty in allocating resource to this task.
AIM 2: A system is in place for sharing knowledge, training materials and exchanging information on training events2.
2.1 Establish an IAEA continuous improvement process for sharing relevant training information. / This should include obtaining, ‘capturing’ and making available training information from regional centres and other agencies eg NEA, in particular for use by embarking countries.
It will also include an IAEA website location for accessing training information and capturing MS practice. / IAEA / IAEA will report developments at each Steering Committee. / Much progress has been made on improvements to the IAEA website and these will be demonstrated in December 2010. The potential for further action will be determined then, in particular making available information from MS’s
2.2 Analyse questionnaire on web links. / Approximately 20 questionnaires have been received to date. / Bureau / Progress report at SC Dec 2010
2.3 Identify barriers to exchange of information on training and competence management. / This action has been raised to follow up and explore feedback on language barriers raised in December 2009. There may be other barriers to communication other than language.
The Bureau will request MS to be prepared for discussions on this issue at the Steering Committee. / MS/Steering Committee / To be discussed at next Steering Committee in December 2010. / No progress pending clarification of the issues behind this proposal.
2.4 Complete revision of BPTC. / IAEA / Progress and future intentions will be reported at next Steering Committee in December 2010.
2.5 Revision of the Regulatory control course / IAEA / Progress and future intentions will be reported at next Steering Committee in December 2010.
AIM 3: To incorporate the outcome of the Steering Committee’s work into the development of IAEA safety standards which deal with competence of the regulatory body3.
3.1 IAEA to establish and implement a process to keep SC members advised of developments of all safety standards and other relevant activities which deal with the competence of the regulatory body. / This is intended to complement existing IAEA processes for the development of standards and guides. / IAEA / The effectiveness of this will be a standing review item at the December Steering Committee. / The Bureau was invited to provide an input to the training elements of
GS-G-1.1 Management Systems for Regulatory Bodies Part 2 but this clashed with the dates of the July Bureau meeting. Copies of SARCON and the Safety Report were provided instead.
It may be possible in future to provide an input to the IRRS guidelines.
3.2 Training Co-ordinators in Member States to comment on relevant standards as appropriate and to report on any issues of concern to Bureau. / The IAEA will ensure that MS feedback will be taken into consideration as standards are developed. / MS / Standing review item at the December Steering Committee.
3.3 Ensure that SC co-ordinates input to the development of any Safety Guide on competence so that it is compatible with existing Safety Report. / This remains under consideration as a potential long term action
AIM 4: Mutual support and sharing of experience, in the area of regulatory competence, fully meet the needs of Embarking Countries.
4.1 Develop assistance proposals specific to the needs of embarking country. / This is likely to include:
Development of information exchange with Regulatory Cooperation Forum for embarking countries and other similar activities.
Identification of additional steps needed that are not covered by other actions in this plan.
Identification of the detail will be partly dependent on provision of feedback from TM’s on embarking countries. This will be provided by the IAEA. / Bureau / Detail will be worked up and agreed after any discussion at the Regulatory Cooperation Forum. / This is a new action not previously considered by the Steering Committee.
Its need /convenience shall be discussed in December.