APPEAL STATEMENT - I/we wish to appeal against the decision not to offer a place at Pate’s Grammar School for Year 7 in September 2018.
[NB Please see final page for dates of Appeals hearings, deadlines and advice on completion / processing of this form.]
1CHILD’S NAME & DOB (insert below)
Post Code:2PARENT/S NAME/S (insert below)
Post CodeTelephone Number – Home
Telephone number – Mobile
Email address
3Short indicative summary of grounds for appeal (below):
Whilst further papers and submissions are welcome, it is helpful to indicate the main grounds for appeal (for example, ‘my child sitting the test was seriously ill during the test, as shown by the medical evidence I will submit’, or ‘close family bereavement just before the test’).
Please insert your summary of grounds for appeal here. Please use separate / continuation sheet if necessary, or you can put your reasons in a letter sent in with this form.(Please indicate which of the statements below apply to you)
(a)Further supporting paperwork is attached.
(b)Further supporting paperwork – to follow by email / by post / by hand.
(c)I am content to rely on the short indicative summary of grounds for appeal in this form – there are no further papers attached or to follow.
4At present, my child attends...... (name of school)
5My child has / has not sat the Entrance Test (please indicate as applicable)
My child sat the test on ...... (date)
My child sat the test at ...... (school venue)
6(Please indicate which statement below applies to you)
(a)I wish to put my case to the Appeal Committee myself
(b)I wish my representative to put my case to the Appeal Committee.
(c)I wish my appeal to be decided by the Appeal Committee and that the submission they will receive from me will be solely written representations that I will submit in advance.
7Name/s of those attending to submit our case (if applicable)
Name: ……………………………………………………………………
Relationship** ……………………………………………………………
**Please indicate the relationship of those person(s) presenting your case – for example, parents, other relatives or, for instance, a friendof the family, as this will aid the preparation of the panel and the clerk.
If you do not appear on the day of the appeal then the appeal will proceed on the basis of any written submissions only. Unfortunately the appeal cannot be rescheduled.
8This appeal is dated ......
Advice on completion and processing of this form
•Deadline to submit this form: midday on Monday 7th May 2018.
•Deadline for submitting any additional supporting paperwork:midday on Monday 14th May 2018,in order to allow adequate time for the paperwork to be circulated to the Appeal Panel members and for them to take all the details into consideration (although we will always endeavour to circulate documentation which is unavoidably late).
Where to send this form: where possible, please submit this form by email to . All emails should be entitled ‘APPEAL’. Please note that it is not necessary to send a duplicate copy in the post. (If you wish to send in by post, please address your envelope as follows: Mr Stephen Locke, Clerk to the Governors, APPEAL, Pate’s Grammar School, Princess Elizabeth Way, Cheltenham GL51 0HG.)
•Pate’s will contact you straightaway to confirmregistration of your appeal. You will receive a letter from the Appeals Clerk giving you 10 days’ notice of your hearing date, time and venue. You will also receive (from Pate’s) a copy of any paperwork submitted by the school to be presented as part of the hearing (for example, Admissions Policy, School Statement, copies of correspondence) a week or so before the hearing.
•Dates of Appeal Hearings: Pate’s Grammar School Appeal hearings will take place on either Wednesday 23rdMay or Thursday 24th May (final details to be confirmed 10 days before). Hearings are usually held at Hester’s Way Resource Centre, Cassin Drive, Cheltenham, GL517SU.
The Appeal will be heard by an independent panel, consisting of three people, none of whom has any direct link with the school, plus an independent clerk. At least one of the panel members will have some experience in education.
Additional notes regarding supporting documentation:
•Please put your child’s name on all papers and insert page numbers into accompanying documents if possible.
•Any documentation which we receivein support of your case will be duplicated (5 copies in total)and distributed to Appeals panel members. Please note that original documentation will not be returned to you unless requested.
•Please note that a pupil’s completed practice papers are not generally regarded as useful documents to assist an appeal.
Further information : Please refer to the advice given on the school website (Admissions / Appeals). If you require any further information or clarification regarding the Appeals process itself please email Mr Locke, as above, but please note that school will be closed for the Easter holidays from 30th March until 16thApril inclusive. Please be advised that, in order to be fair and remain impartial, we are unable to discuss details of individual cases.
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