Welcome to. . .
Marine Biology
Mrs. Hobbs
Marine Biology is a one semester elective studying marine life at the microscopic and macroscopic scale. This comprehensive course in Marine Biology is designed as a rigorous examination of the major marine animal and plant phyla including their behavior, physiology, reproductive strategies, and ecology. It will connect students to the organisms of the Merrimack River and the Gulf of Maine on a historical, social and biological level. Students will be exposed to the seven principles of ocean literacy, dissections, local and sometimes live organisms. Students will be expected to keep a binder, complete research assignments, participate in dissections and complete quizzes.
· 2” 3 ring binder with lined paper to help you easily organize your notes, hand-outs, activities and labs. You can choose how to organize your binder.
· Writing utensils including colored pencils (suggested)
Semester Topics
Unit 1. Intro to Marine Science and Marine Autotrophs
Unit 2. Simple Marine Heterotrophs
Unit 3. Marine Invertebrates
Unit 4. Marine Vertebrates
Your final project will be worth 10% of your overall grade and its format will be discussed later.
Grading: Assessments include quizzes, labs, projects, homework, tests and class participation. The grade for this course is based on a point system: For example a quiz may be worth 25 points and exams 100 points. Add up all your points at the end of the semester and divide by the total earned. Activities, exams, quizzes, labs, and projects will receive varying points depending on assignment.
You are responsible for obtaining all absentee work.
Extra Credit: I do not give any extra credit assignments!!!
Bathroom Policy: Bathroom trips must be requested in the first two minutes of class or the last five minutes. Class disturbances, due to bathroom requests, will not be allowed.
Student Expectations:
1. Be on time and prepared for class.
2. Follow all NHS Rules
3. Follow all Lab Safety Rules and Regulations
4. Cell Phones: Cell phones should not be used in class unless I request so for academic purposes.
5. Please bring the following to class: Completed Homework, Anatomy Notebook, pencil and eraser
6. Please Ask Questions Anytime!!
7. Be respectful of others, your teacher and your classroom/lab at all times.
8. Stay on task during individual, lab and group assignments. No packing up early!
9. Try your bestJ!!
Extra Help & Make-up Work: Room 332 or 318
If you need extra help, or you have been absent and need to make up an assignment, I will be available Tuesdays after school. Please feel free to come in, just let me know.
I plan to post a great deal of information concerning this course on the following site.
www.newburyport.k12.ma.us/moodle Science Marine Biology
The most important thing you can do to be successful in this class is to complete each and every assignment to the best of your ability. If you have a question, ASK!
Mission StatementNewburyport High School strives for excellence. We believe that this quest for excellence is a partnership among all aspects of a student's life: home, community, schools, educators, and peers. NHS values the student as an independent, creative learner, and provides diverse learning environments to nurture different abilities and aspirations. NHS honors its traditions while embracing change and progress to prepare its students to succeed in a globally competitive world. Our mission is to foster a sustained passion for learning that each student will carry throughout life.
Newburyport High School Laboratory Safety Contract
Student Name (printed) ______
I have read and agree to follow all of the safety rules set forth in this contract. I realize that I must obey these rules to ensure my own safety, and that of my peers and instructors. I will cooperate to the fullest extent with my instructor and peers to maintain a safe lab environment. I will also closely follow the oral and written instructions provided by the instructor at specific times throughout the year. I am aware that violations of this safety contract will result in the following consequences:
· First Violation: verbal warning from my instructor
· Second violation: Inability to finish the lab, zero for a lab grade and a phone call to my parent or guardian to discuss the violation
· Third Violation: Removal from lab, zero for a lab grade and a meeting with my parent or guardian
______(student signature) (date)
Do you wear contact lenses? ______
Do you have allergies? ______If so, list specific allergies below.
Dear Parent or Guardian:
We feel that you should be informed regarding the school’s effort to create and maintain a safe science classroom/lab environment. With the cooperation of the instructors, parents, and students, a safety instruction program can eliminate, prevent, and correct possible hazards. You should be aware of the safety instructions your son/daughter will receive before engaging in any lab work. Please read the list of safety rules. No student will be permitted to perform lab activities unless this contract is signed by both the student and parent/guardian and is on file with the teacher.
Your signature on this contract indicates that you have read this student safety contract, are aware of the measures taken to ensure the safety of your son/daughter in the science lab, are aware of the consequences of violating this safety contract (first, second and third violations) and will instruct your son/daughter to uphold his/her agreement to follow these rules and procedures in the lab.
______(parent/guardian signature) (date)