To help us serve you better, please complete the following questionnaire and return in the envelope provided. This information will help us better meet your needs. To contact the hospital Social Work Department, call:______
Patient name:______DOB:______Date:______
Best phone number to reach you (work)______
Marital Status: Single Committed Relationship Married Separated Divorced Widowed
Length of Marriage/Committed Relationship:______Name of Significant Other:______
Current Member(s) of Your Household:______
Please indicate if your parents are living or deceased. Mother______Father______
Please indicate number of siblings. Sister(s)______Brother(s)______
If you have children, please list them below:
Please tell us about any other family members, friends, or work colleagues that play an important role in supporting your treatment. ______
Please circle your highest level of education:
Less than 12th grade High School/GED Some College College Degree Post Graduate Degree Vocational Training Other
Please circle your current employment status:
Not Employed Retired Disabled Part-time Full-time Stay at Home Parent Student
What type of work do/did you do?______
Please indicate if you have applied for disability:
Short-termLong-termSocial Security Disability
Please list any financial concerns you may have at this time. ______
What do you enjoy doing in your leisure time?______
What do you have planned to pass time while in the hospital? ______
What are some things you do to cope with the stress of your illness and treatment?
Are you comfortable with the ways in which you are coping at this time? Yes No
If no, please explain______
Is spirituality a source of support for you? Yes No If Yes, do you affiliate with a specific religion or denomination?______
Have you ever attended a support group? Yes No
If yes, please tell us about your experience______
What concerns do you have about how your children or family members are coping with your illness and treatment? ______
Please rate your feelings of anxiety about treatment? None 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Extreme
Please rate your feelings of depression about treatment? None 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Extreme
Are you currently being treated for any mental health needs? Yes No If yes, please indicate method(s) of treatment: Medication Individual Therapy Family Therapy Couples Therapy Other______
Have you been treated in the past for any mental health needs? Yes No If yes, what were you treated for and what methods of treatment were used?______
If you are currently taking medication to address a mental health issue, please list:
Medication(s)______Dosage(s)______Prescribing Physician______
Have you ever experienced/witnessed any violence or abuse? Yes No If yes, please explain further if you are comfortable doing so______
SubstanceSpecific TypeFrequency of UseAmount used Per day/Per week
Other Drugs______
Do you have a living will? Yes No
Do you have a durable power of attorney (health care power of attorney)? Yes No
If you wish, a copy of these documents can be kept on file with the hospital..
Are you utilizing any complementary therapies at this time (herbs, relaxation techniques, etc.)? Yes No
If yes, please describe______
Please list any agencies where you currently receive services______
Are you registered with Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Patient Financial Aid Program? Yes No
If you live 60 minutes or more from the hospital, do you need assistance with arranging lodging during your treatment? Yes No
Please list any other information you would like us to know about you or any questions you may have.