VAAS Monthly Meeting, April 9, 2016
Juanita K. Hammons Hall, Springfield, MO
Call to Order: Donna at 10:00 am
New members:Joellen started painting when 40, starting with abstract. 205 Gallery
Ann Kenyan taught art for 25 years, retired and then got to start painting for herself, loves watercolor
Thank you to Deby Gilley for refreshments.
Guest Speaker: Jeanie Morris - Splatter– Galloway- remodeled and back open, available for anyone who wants to teach, seats about 20 with people having half of a six-foot table. Joyce Hicks is coming in August and Fealing Lin was just here., check website for taking classes or for teaching. The reason Jeanie has opened Splatter as a not for profit, she doesn’t like to paint by herself, and as a bonus, this way people don’t have to clean house before having friends over to paint. Audrey Bottrell is teaching at Splatter and Dee Giles takes items in for critiques. Non-profit, clean up after yourself
Congratulation to members for awards:
Sherri Davis and Patty Rios Waverly House
Alicia Farris- St Louis WatercolorSociety
Meike Fresh Art Gallery
Springfield Plein Air has started back up, Facebook – Click About Thursday mornings until noon
May Hanging - After meeting we may or may not need help, do not go up too soon if the judge is not finished.
Mieke Aton has graciously agreed to be our VAAS Public Relations Coordinator. She has already posted our April show in the News-Leader’s Events Calendar, Facebook and with SRAC. Many thanks to Meike! It would be nice if public would turn out for receptions.
Webmaster Report:
Sherry will speak about website in more detail at next meeting- The new website is up, working on member pages, sent in newsletter what information you want on your website. Will do training videos so you can maintain and update your own website
Sherry Haney: Art in the Park, looking for new blood. Selling sponsorship packets, if you know any business who would like their logo on advertising.
Workshops: Suzi Agee
- Joyce Hicks will be coming in Aug. signup sheet for deposit was made available, willing to stay over 3 more days if enough interest
- Rita Kirkman workshop in November 4-6– Smalls at this workshop, She has been invited to teach at the IAPS in 2017.
- Fealing Lin was a big success.
New Business:
Been amazed at how much people have volunteered to help, a big thank you to Gary Jayne for makingmeasuring sticks for hanging.
Hanging: instructions would be nice to have available for the 4th and 5th floor during hangings.
Ann Kynion closing registration-SW MISSOURI WOMEN'S ARTIST RETREAT 2016 - 4-day retreat includes food, workshop, 3 nights and 4 days. Alicia Farris and MarilynneBradley will be teaching. On website, May 19th – 22nd.
Presentation: Sandy Strother – I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me This Before I Started Watercolor Painting.
A Few thoughts/notes:
Anything can be done in Art. Cannot be thin skinned
Winsor Newton/Holbeinpaints
Paul Jackson – on color and glazing
Bev Jozwiak
Painting things that glow by Jan Kunz
Painting wildlifein Watercolor by Peggy McNamara
Painting Watercolors that Dance with light by Elizabeth Kincaid
Topics, Information and Resources:
Do not use green right out of the tube
Swatches of color
Colors for painting people Handout
Critiquing your own painting Handout
To stretch or not to stretch paper-
Brushes - Cheap Joes browns size 10s – golden fleece Hobby Lobby brushes -Loew-Cornell
Members Information on Watercolor materials…
Windsor Newton paint
Jeanie masking fluid pen - Molotow
Moo eraser
3M masking tape
Make notes!!!
Beginning watercolor class – take Alicia Farris
Closing information:
Hand rendered art: Nathan Smith – 4th floor, grandfathered in to show photo
Reception: Lettie Blackburn -Reception on the 15th at 6:30 at JKH
Thank everyone for coming and bringing work.
Check out Joyce Hicks.
Sandra Strother motion to approve minutes, Sherry 2ndand motion approved by majority with no objections.
Adjourn: 11:17 am