6.0 Short term mission trip policy

Introduction: First Presbyterian Church(FPC) is pleased to support members who wish to embark on short-term mission trips to serve the Lord. This policy is designed to clarify the circumstances in which such support may be offered. It is primarily intended to establish the terms for supporting members who will be performing mission-related work under the umbrella of an approved FPC mission cause.

Short Term Mission Philosophy and Purpose: FPC short term mission (STM) opportunities exist to promote the worship of God and service to His people nationally and worldwide, to strengthen personal relationships with Jesus Christ and to assist in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

Definition of a Short Term Mission Trip: An FPC sponsored group trip approved by the Mission Committee and Session with the goal of fulfilling the FPC Short Term Mission philosophy and purpose. The trip should include:

• A full-time immersion in the culture addressed by the sponsoring missions cause (the FPC Mission Committee strongly believes that missions equals leaving your culture)

• A duration of at least one work week but generally no longer than one month

• Requirement for participants to travel outside Gainesville/Hall County

·  Preference for trip approval will be as follows:

o  FPC supported U.S. and international missionaries and other approved mission agencies;

o  Ministries sponsored by individuals from our church and endorsed by the Mission Committee and Session, and

o  Other requests.

Approval Process:

Careful and thoughtful planning is crucial to any effort; it is especially so when the goal is to carry out STM work we undertake for the Lord. Use the checklist (Attachment A) to assist in the planning and approval process. Submit plan to Mission Committee for review and approval at least six months prior to dates of anticipated trip; The following are some things group coordinators should consider in planning a STM trip.

·  The plan should include:

o  Proposed location of trip;

o  Name and contact information (telephone and e-mail )for missionary point of contact;

o  Anticipated size of group;

o  Inclusive dates and trip itinerary;

o  Goals and objectives for the STM(e.g. work to be accomplished, plans for daily worship and study as a group, etc.);

o  Age group targeted (e.g. high school youth, adult, trans-generational, etc.);

o  Practical details about travel to and from the destination (e.g. transportation, meals, need for church bus, etc.);

o  Accommodations while there (e.g. provided by host, staying in homes, hotel, etc.)

o  Detailed estimated budget (see financial issues below);

o  Plans to engage group in appropriate cultural preparation;

o  Describe any known health or security issues, including procedures for emergency medical care, assurance of appropriate health insurance to cover trip participants, plans to address group security;

o  Describe communication plan for coordinating and working with missionary point of contact prior to, during and after the trip; and

o  Plans for sharing with FPC and other congregations after return, including a description of the work that was done and the impact it had on both the lives of those served and of STM participants.

·  Submit plan to Mission Committee for review and approval at least six months prior to dates of anticipated trip

Roles and Responsibilities:

Mission Committee

·  Meet with team coordinator to provide a copy of and discuss FPC mission policy

·  Assist the Team Coordinator in the development of the Team's application, (using the checklist) including:

o Name of Missionary Organization/ Ministry:

o Location and Address:

o Proposed Dates and duration of project:

o Project goal:

o Organization contact person (if available):

o Telephone number:

o E-mail address:

o Total Anticipated cost:

o Determine amount of total trip which is tax deductible and provide letter to that affect

o Recommend approval of a Short Term Mission trip to the Session.

·  Review STM application and recommend Session approval of STM trip

·  Arrange with Sr. Pastor for group commissioning service prior to departure date

·  Conduct follow up debriefing with Team upon completion of the STM trip.

Team Coordinator responsibilities (include but are not limited to):

·  Setting the spiritual tone of the trip(encourage, nurture relationship with team)

·  Confirm all administrative details are handled

·  Manage budget, fund raising and financial matters (may be delegated to another team member)

·  Communicate regularly with host missionary/national agency. Oversee on-site daily schedule, work assignments and team time (i.e. daily devotional, prayer, study and debriefing times, etc.)

·  Know logistical arrangements(travel, lodging, documentation, immunizations)

·  Help plan team preparation and training meetings

·  Establish and hold team members accountable to team conduct guidelines

·  Help lead debriefing and one-on-one follow-up

·  Arrange for a report to the congregation upon return

·  Insure the safety of all team members

·  Respond to emergency situations with sound judgment

·  Provide update on trip status at Mission Committee monthly meetings as appropriate

·  While ultimately responsible for all aspects of the mission trip, the Team Coordinator must enlist assistants to help with:

o  Financial coordination (budget, fund-raising records, other money matters);

o  Spiritual leadership(responsible for devotions, etc.);

o  Coordinators for supplies, travel and documentation (passport, visa, medical releases, etc), and

o  Group photographer/ trip reporter

Financial Issues:

It is FPC's policy that individuals who want to participate on short-term mission teams will not be precluded from participation by lack of resources. In all cases at least half of the support must be raised by the individual; depending on the circumstances and availability of funds, the remainder may be funded by a combination of support from the Endowment fund for missions, from contributions from church members or through fund raising activities approved by the Mission Committee.

Short Term Mission Trip temporary restricted fund (TRF): The team coordinator or designated team treasurer will work with the Church Accountant, who will establish a TRF specifically for the approved STM trip. All trip funds will be deposited in this account. For FPC-sponsored STMs, donors can designate funds for an individual, but the church must have ultimate control/discretion on how the money is spent. Donations must be made directly to the Church, not to the individual. Donors cannot expect to get their money back if the individual they are contributing towards exceeds their individual funding requirements, or even if that individual decides to back out of the trip. On all information related to fundraising for the trip, the Church will include a paragraph that specifically states that if an individual receives more money than is needed, the excess will be used by the Church to support the mission.

IRS considerations: Please indicate any side trips or "tourist days" the group is planning as part of this STM trip. (Usually no more than one day of a week-long trip) This information is crucial to be able to determine what portion of the trip is tax deductible under IRS guidelines. The Mission Committee will work with the team coordinator to determine the portion of the trip paid for by the traveler may be submitted to IRS as tax deductible and provide a letter to that effect. Without this information the determination of whether a portion of the trip is deductible under IRS rules will be the responsibility of the individual participant and their tax consultant.

Determine Total Anticipated cost: Please provide a detailed budget. Remember to include all related costs -- flight, other transportation, accommodation in route(if applicable), food, any materials required for the trip, medical insurance, trip cancellation insurance, etc. The Missions Committee may be able to help if you require advice in the area of budgeting for your trip.

·  The team treasurer will set up individual member accounts and maintain records of all funds received from them toward their individual trip, but will provide funds to the Church Accountant as prescribed for all funds received by the church for depositing to the FPC temporary restricted fund account. This will be the Church Accountant's only responsibility in relation to the trip funds.

·  Use of Funds: STM funds will be used to cover the cost of the short-term mission project and approved expenses that involve no significant element of personal pleasure, recreation or vacation. All personal, raised or gifted funds are to be spent only on direct costs of the mission trip such as: airfare or airport taxes, other transportation, trip insurance, assigned lodging, materials and supplies necessary to accomplish team mission trip goals, group food money, etc. The group may decide to provide excess trip funds to the approved non-profit organization which is sponsoring the STM trip. However, reimbursement will not be made for any articles left at/with the Mission organization. Money for souvenirs should always come from the participants personal funds, and not be collected or distributed through the church.

·  Fund raising:

o  Fund raising can provide great opportunity to experience God and see His faithfulness at work. The financing of a mission trip can be faith stretching for the entire congregation, and enables us to trust in God’s provision.

o  Once the Session has approved the STM trip, fund raising activities may begin. (Note that the Session approves only the trip and "fund raising," but that a plan for specific activities with their expected dates of occurrence must be further approved by the Mission Committee to assure lack of conflict with other scheduled church activities.)

o  Funds raised through sales or donations must be turned in directly to the Church Accountant for deposit into the STM trip TRF and not held in the possession of individual participants or their families.

·  The following statement must be used in all solicitations for contributions: “Contributions are solicited with the understanding that FPC Mission Committee has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.” A donor may indicate a preference that FPC use a gift to support the trip of a certain individual. However, FPC and STM trip participants will refrain from any inference that the contribution will be paid as expenses to or for a particular participant. These funds will be used for the trip at the discretion of FPC's Mission Committee. If a donor expresses a restriction for a certain trip recipient, the gift is generally considered earmarked and will be returned.

·  Support Solicitation Letter: Each letter soliciting support for the STM trip must include the standard language above and first be approved by FPC Missions Committee and then an approved copy forwarded to the Church Accountant before tax deductable donations will be received on behalf of the STM trip. Any checks received with a designation in the memo line, because of the copy of the support letter, will be construed as simply a suggestion. Use of broad language in support letters such as “my student mission trip” is encouraged and preferable to “my trip to Haiti in August of 2011” to avoid generating restricted contributions.

·  Donations non-refundable: Donations received for participants who, for whatever reason, cannot go on the trip, as well as donations received in excess of the trip goal total will not be returned to donors. FPC receives fundraiser sales receipts only as an addition to the "STM trip” total. As such, these funds are non-refundable.

·  Funds for airline transportation must be raised 2 weeks before ticket purchase date. Since "missionary rates may be available for international flights, raising these funds as early as possible will assure the lowest ticket prices.

·  All funds for STM should try to be received a minimum of two weeks before departure date. Support letters should reflect this deadline in them.

Mission Committee approval: 8/4/2014

Session approval 8-26-2014

Appendix A

First Presbyterian Church

Short Term Mission Trip Application Form

Date Submitted:______

Proposed location of trip: USA (Specify City)______International (Specify City)______

Inclusive dates and trip itinerary:______

Coordinator's name:______Phone: ______E-mail: ______

Name of missionary agency point of contact: ______Phone:______

Anticipated group size:______

Age group targeted high school youth adult trans-generational

Goals and objectives for the STM(e.g. work to be accomplished, plans for daily worship and study as a group, etc.):______



Practical details about travel to and from the destination (e.g. transportation, meals, need for church bus, etc.):______

Proposed Budget:

Accommodations: at site: provided by host staying in homes hotel

Detailed estimated budget: (provide estimated costs)


flight ______

church van ______

other ______

trip insurance ______

medical insurance ______


in route(if applicable)______

at site ______

food ______

Materials/supplies for trip ______

Other ______

Total ______

Plans to engage group in appropriate cultural preparation:______Describe any known health or security issues, including procedures for emergency medical care, assurance of appropriate health insurance to cover trip participants, plans to address group security:______


Describe communication plan for coordinating and working with missionary point of contact prior to, during and after the trip:______


Plans for sharing with FPC and other congregations after return, including a description of the work that was done and the impact it had on both the lives of those served and of STM participants:______
