Some Spring Reminders…

The improved weather has prompted a return of skateboards, scooters and bicycles as a means of transport to and from school. Please remind your children that they are to dismount and walk their wheels once they arrive on school grounds.

We have had very wet weather lately that has prompted us to call some “inside days” at recess and lunch. However, we’ve certainly noticed how that impacts student behavior when they don’t get outside for that release of energy and some fresh air. We discussed it at our staff meeting last week and have decided that students will be going outside, rain or shine! Please make sure they are dressed appropriately for our wet spring days and, in younger classes, it may be wise to have a 2ndset of dry clothing on hand in the classroom (track pants and T-shirt) in case our students slip and get particularly wet.

Kindergarten Orientation

Tuesday, May 2nd, we will hold Kindergarten Orientation in the afternoon at 1:15 for next year’s Kindergarten students and their parents. This year’s Kindergarten students (Divisions 13 and 14) will be dismissed at 11:40 that day to free up the teachers for the orientation (the instructional minutes were factored in to the gradual entry times at the beginning of the year, so this is not a loss of education time for these students). Letters have been sent home as well to inform both the incoming and this year’s Kindergarten families.

Speech Festival

Students in Divisions 5 and 6 have presented speeches in their classes in preparations for the upcoming District Speech Festival. Finalists from both classes presented in a mini-speech festival last week and two students from each class will now represent Topham at the Walnut Grove Regional Speech Festival at Gordon Greenwood on Friday.

From Division 5, Carter R. will present his speech on Walt Disney and Charli S. will present her speech about Becoming a Paediatrician.

From Division 6, Lavel D. will speak about Fear and Brandon L. will give his speech about Curling.

Finalists from the Regional Festival will move on to present at the District Speech Festival the following week (April 28th).

Congratulations to Poster Contest Winners

In November, Division 4 students participated in a poster art contest sponsored by the Canadian Legion. Students from across B.C. and Yukon enter the contest. Yesterday two ladies from the Legion came and presented prizes to two of our Division 5 students: Aisha C. placed second and Morgan C. placed third. The girls (and their classmates) were pretty excited that two from the class won prizesas there were about 280 entries. Congratulations to both girls!

Topham PAC News

(Please note that in an extra effort to make sure this news makes it to every family, this information was also sent to you in a separate email. Sorry for the duplication, but we’re diligently trying to get the word out to all!)

A few reminders from the PAC...

Created by Kids

This coming Friday May 21st all Created by Kids orders and payment are due. Please get them back to your teacher as soon as possible please.

Fun Fair May 12th 5:30 to 8:30

We are fundraising for new iPads for Topham as the curriculum is changing the need for new technology has become more and more important.

Volunteers are still needed for our school Fun Fair May 12th. If you are available please contact your room parent or (Michelle Heaven) by the end of the week so we can get a schedule put together as soon as possible.

Raffle Donations

Each division has a Theme Basket for our raffles and by now you should have received a letter with the theme as well as some ideas of what to put in the baskets. These baskets always turn out amazing...can't wait to see them this year!

As well as the baskets we also have a few other items that are donated and raffled off that night. If you have a donation or work for a company that may be able to donate a little something to support Topham it would be greatly appreciated. You can contact to arrange a time for dropping off donations

Cake Walk

? Get your baking hats on!!! There will be a Cake Walk at this year's fun fair and we will be looking for "your" creative yummy treats ? More details to follow!

Other Donations or discounts

As we all know you have to spend a little to make a little...we are trying to keep our costs down and if you have any contacts that supply items that we could use for our concession or to give out as prizes for the games you can also contact

Thank you for your support!

Topham PAC