Lymphatic and Immune Systems Study Guide
1. What fluid is leaked out of capillary beds and into tissue spaces?
2. What structure does lymph flow to?
3. What organ destroys worn out red blood cells and recycles some of the products back to the liver?
4. What lymph tissue traps and removes bacteria entering the throat?
6. What lymph organ programs T cells and functions at peak levels during youth?
7. What are the first lines of defense of the body?
8. What are the nonspecific body defenses?
9. What are the proteins called that protect nearby cells and stop multiplication of viruses?
10. What do natural killer cells do?
11. Where is the Thymus gland located?
12. Where are Peyer’s patches located?
13. Where are the tonsils located?
14. Where is the spleen located?
15. The infection that causes a red, sore, swollen throat that becomes infected with bacteria is known as what?
16. What is immunocompetence signaled by?
17. Where do B cells develop immunocompetence?
18. What are the functions of macrophages?
19. List Immunity that results from antibodies that pass from mother to the fetus via placenta or breast milk is known as what type?
20. Vaccines are considered what type of immunity?
21. Injections of immune serum (gamma globulins) are known as what type of immunity?
22. Vaccines are not used for:
a. influenzac. snake bites
b. poliod. chicken pox
23. With allergies, what antibody binds with mast cells that release histamine?
24. Describe each of the types of grafts:
25. Which of the following is NOT considered an autoimmune disease?
a. AIDSc. type I diabetes
b. multiple sclerosisd. rheumatoid arthritis
26. What do antigen presenting macrophages activate?
27. What are the different names of T cells?
28. What is responsible for stopping or slowing the activity of B and T cells once the infection is over?
29. What type of cell can respond years later in response to an infection you have had before (long term immunity)?
30. What type of cell becomes an antibody secreting machine?
31. What are the antigens called that are found on our own cells that identify them as “self”, preventing your body from attacking them?
32. What is the congenital disorder called that causes B and T cells to be deficient?
33. What do Peyer’s patches prevent?
34. What does the spleen hide during bacterial infections?
35. What are the proteins called that can attach to foreign cells such as bacteria, fungi, or mismatched RBCs?
36. What atrophy’s once someone hits puberty?
37. What has to be given after a graft to prevent the body rejecting the graft?
38. What percent of the MHC has to match before a graft can be done?
39. When does the primary response peak?
40. Why is the secondary response more effective?
41. What cells tag foreign bodies for destruction?
42. What happens when someone experiences allergies, and what are some of the symptoms?
43. What do lymph nodes do?
44. What types of cellsdoes the red bone marrow make?