Please review the PTO volunteer opportunities, complete the form below, and mail to WAMS PTO (70 Quincy Rd., Basking Ridge) or drop the form in the PTO mailbox in the WAMS office as soon as possible. Please include your name, phone, and email and check the boxes where you would like to volunteer as a chair and/or volunteer. Some committees may have some or all of the chair positions filled. Alternatively, you can email the pertinent information to Achint Kaur at . Thank you.

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Name: Phone: Email:

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/ Chairs / Volunteers /
Opportunity / Description / Timeframe / No. / Check box to chair / No. / Check box to volunteer /
Beautification Committee / Install seasonal plantings within school grounds. Work with staff-organized courtyard committee. / Throughout school year / 1 / OPEN / 10 / Need 9
Curriculum Committee / Attend district curriculum meetings and report at general PTO meetings. / Throughout school year / 2 / Dr. George Avirappattu
Prachi Jain / 0
Coffee Service / Order coffee only for both General staff use and staff special orders, restock creamers and sugar, collect cash in box and submit cash and invoices to Treasurer. Clean k-cup machine and ensure it is in working order. These duties need to be done on a weekly basis and completed during school hours. / Throughout school year, Once every week / 1 / Michelle Jacoby / 10 / Need 10
Directory Committee / 1 Chair needed to serve as System Administrator for new electronic directory and be responsible for printed directory production. Requires computer proficiency, including Excel, and attention to detail. 1 Chair needed to coordinate collection of PTO membership dues and directory distribution. 1 Chair needed to solicit advertisements for directories. / June to October / 3 / Directory Chair
Betsy Riddiford-
Advertising Chair
Lois Taddeo
Meena Sharma
Membership Chair
Manasi Sovani / 0
General Volunteers / Assist with PTO committees and events as needed. You may or may not be called upon. / Throughout school year / 0 / 25 / Need 4
Gifts of Kindness / Work with WAMS Peer Leader group to collect holiday donations for families in need. / October to January / 3 / Ameetha Sankaranarayanan
Dongmei Wang

/ 20 / Need 19
Magazine Drive / Coordinate annual magazine drive fundraiser, including organizing kick-off meeting for students, distributing sales materials, obtaining volunteers to tally sales, and distributing prizes. Meet with vendor in spring to select sales dates and pick prizes for following school year. / September to November, May / 2 / Sophia Hu
Achint Kaur
Tissiana Oliva / 10 / Need 9
Media Center / Assist Media Center in library activities including, shelving books, staffing media center check-out desk, and performing related activities as requested. Media Center contacts all volunteers directly to arrange scheduling. / Throughout school year as needed / 0 / 35 / Need 23
6th Grade Family Fun Night / Assist Peer Groups (Student Council and Peer Leaders) in providing support for 6th Grade Family Fun Night (Fall). Communicate with each Peer Program staff liaison to ascertain needs for student event. / Fall / 3 / Maria Sblendorio
Kris Leopold
OPEN / 20 / Need 18
WAMS SLAMS / Assist Peer Groups (Student Council and Peer Leaders) in providing support for WAMS SLAMS (Spring). Communicate with each Peer Program staff liaison to ascertain needs for student event. / Spring / 2 / Rebecca Moussally / 5 / Need 5
PTO Meeting Refreshments / Coordinate the purchase of refreshments for one of the 6 General PTO meetings. / October to May / 1 / Laura Isserow / 6 / Need 4
Refreshment Committee / Assist committees with refreshment/baking needs as requested. / Throughout school year / 1 / Elaine DiDario / 25 / Need 20
Spirit Wear Committee / Coordinate the ordering and selection of WAMS Spirit Wear. Volunteers needed to assist in the sales of Spirit Wear at various WAMS events. / Throughout school year as
needed / 1 / Meena Sharma / 10 / Need 10
Spring Fundraiser / Organize annual spring luncheon, including choosing theme/colors, booking venue and entertainment/guest speaker, selecting luncheon menu, designing invitations, centerpieces, obtaining donations for raffles and/or silent auction items, and soliciting and contracting with vendors for shopping boutique. / October to April / 3 / Deborah Naude
Eileen Rodriguez
Melissa Breheny / 15 / Need 12
Staff Appreciation Holiday Luncheon / Coordinate Staff luncheon. This includes organizing donated food, paper products, servers and caterer. The volunteers are needed to donate appetizers, baked goods and beverages, set-up, clean-up and serve. / November to December / 2 / Meena Sharma
OPEN / 20 / Need 7
Staff Appreciation Luncheon / Coordinate staff luncheon in May (in conjunction with Teacher Appreciation Week). Responsibilities include organizing donated items, paper products, servers and caterer. Volunteers are needed to donate baked goods, beverages, set-up, serve, and clean-up. / March to May / 2 / Jaya George
Heather Olivo / 20 / Need 5
Teacher Appreciation Week / Organize and implement teacher appreciation week by selecting and purchasing gifts and providing to the office for distribution. / March to May / 2 / Meena Sharma
Susan Lu / 3
“Turkey Trot” Fun Run / Organize a “fun run” for the community the weekend before Thanksgiving. / August to November / 3 / Rachana Garg
Jian Zhang
Jayanthi Venktaramani / 20 / Need 18
WAMS Greeters for New Families / Coordinate refreshments for “New to District Orientation.” Volunteers will bake for orientation. / Last week of August / 1 / Kris Leopold / 5 / Need 4
Yearbook Committee / Assist yearbook staff with yearbook orders, collection and typing of 8th Grade Quotes and proofreading yearbook before printed. / March to June / 1 / Lynda Tomaru / 5 / Need 2
5th Grade Orientation / Organize reception for incoming fifth grade parents including water and desserts. / March / 2 / Stacey Uhrig
Lisa Henson / 10 / Need 9
7th Grade Field Day Volunteer Coordination / Assist 7th grade staff in organizing field day by obtaining and scheduling parent volunteers. / April to May / 2 / Eileen Rodriguez
Veronica Tennariello / 20 / Need 10
8th Grade Activities / Provide hospitality for Youth Summit Day (i.e., food for guest speakers, Municipal Alliance members, and WAMS coordinators); coordinate the distribution and collection of graduation gowns. / September and June / 2 / Wanning Wu
Maria Sblendorio / 10 / Need 2
8th Grade Celebration / Work with WAMS staff and coordinate volunteers for celebration at WAMS. Volunteers are needed to shop, bake, organize games, set-up, clean up and serve. / March to June / 3 / Maria Sblendorio
OPEN / 20 / Need 6
8th Grade Graduation Dance / Coordinate volunteers for graduation dance to be held the week of Graduation. Volunteers are needed to shop, bake, set-up, clean up and serve. / March to June / 2 / Maria Sblendorio
Kendra Killeen
Maryam Banafti / 40 / Need 27
Parent Advisory Council (PAC) / This committee is comprised of parents and hosted by the Principal monthly to discuss the school environment and any issues raised by parents or teachers. Members include the PTO Executive Board and two parents per grade. Appointments to PAC are randomly chosen each year (beginning the 2012-2013 school year) to those volunteers who have committed to chairing a PTO Committee. You must chair a committee if you are interested in participating in PAC. Parents are encouraged to contact PAC members with any questions or suggestions to be discussed in the closed meetings. / Monthly / 2 per Gr. / 6th Grade
Tissiana Oliva
7th Grade
Dongmei Wang
Heather Olivo
8th Grade
Maria Sblendorio
Jayanthi Venkatarama / 0

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Thank you for volunteering to help with WAMS PTO events and activities

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