Flyball Tournament Results
Milwaukee Dogs’ Flyball team competed in Synergy’s U-FLI tournament the weekend of September 22-23 in Henry, IL. We entered two teams each day - as we did not quite have enough dogs to field two teams on our own one of those teams was a Pick-Up Team. In U-FLI pick up teams can have dogs from more than one club. They are not eligible for tournament placement but rather exist to have fun and earn points toward their racing titles if they are successful. There are some really great dogs from our most recent beginner class who are just about ready to race so before you know it you’ll see us fielding two teams of our own dogs again at tournaments like this. The tournament results are as follows:
The Great Balls of Fur placed 1st in Division 5 with best time of the day of 19.20 seconds. Racing dogs included Jersey (Jaime Restorff), Deuce (Marnie Hammerle), Satch (owned by Neil Restorff / Handled by Kim Novotny), Oscar (Neil Restorff), Edge (Marnie Hammerle / Handled by Kim Novotny) and Ruby (Dawn Butler). Ruby spent most of the day practicing for her big debut. She jumped in to a racing position for the last race of the day completing 4 picture perfect runs. Congratulations Ruby and Dawn for a job well done!
All Furr’d Up – our pickup team consisted of Sprout (Sarah Willems), Pepper (Kira Haslam), Rhys (Marnie Hammerle) and running in his very first practice position was Dexter (Ashlea Woodley). The non-Milwaukee Dogs who joined us to complete the Pick-up team were Sprocket from Ulti-Mutts (Madison, WI) and Jetta from Rocky Mountain Flyball (she actually lives near Henry, IL)
The Great Balls of Fur again placed 1st but this time in Division 3 with best time of the day of 17.35 seconds (a new club record). Racing dogs included Jersey, Sprout, Pepper, Charlotte (Fred Luehrs) and Rhys
All Furr’d Up – our pickup team consisted of Edge, Sprocket, Satch, Jetta, Oscar and Ruby.
We want to shout out a big thank you to Kevin (Jaime’s brother) and Kevin (Dexter’s owner) for helping the team by ball shagging and box loading this weekend.