Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Guest of Grayling Rotary

Randy Thompson introduced Earl Taylor from the Ann Arbor Rotary Club as our guest at last week’s meeting.

Birthday (For week of June 8-14)

Trish Grisham – June 9

50/50 Ticket Winner

Bill McNamara won $24 on ticket number 975 at last week’s meeting.

Garage Sale

This weekend is the garage sale and Diane is still in need of help with setup. People are bringing in items every day. She is looking for volunteers every day from 5:30 p.m. until about 8:00 p.m.

If you haven’t already signed up for a shift at the sale this weekend please let Diane know when you can work.

Randy Thompson’s office is taking calls for pickups and Mark Davey is in charge of getting everything picked up.

Upcoming Programs

June 15 - Traverse City Northstars

June 22 - TBA

June 29 - Rotary Web Site

Last Week’s Rotary Meeting In Review

Diane Burtch reported on the garage sale. Thanks to Col. Lutszek and some guards the tables were delivered on Tuesday. She may need additional tables.

Andy Moore reported that the new disc golf course is open at Hanson Hills. This is a flatland course with not as much walking. It will cost about $100 per hole for the concrete slabs.

Brad Summers reported that the middle school fun days were held Friday at Hanson Hills. The students were given an introduction to disc golf.

Brad Scheer reminded everyone that the chicken BBQ will be July 30. He will be distributing tickets in two weeks. As we have lost 8 members from previous years he will need additional helpers.

Traci Cook from the Chamber of Commerce presented the program. She spoke on the changes that have occurred at the chamber. They have brought back the Ambassador’s Club which allows them to continue the Coffee Club, Business After Hours, and the Spotlight Member program. They are currently developing a new business directory. She also gave the club an update on the AuSable River Festival and the new events for the week.

District News

Dear Fellow Rotarians of D6290:

We desperately need your help! With only twenty four days remaining in this Rotary fiscal year, we are extremely deficient in the needed monies for The Rotary Foundation's Annual Programs Fund (APF). This is the money, of which 50% will be returned to us three years from now, to pay for Foundation programs such as Matching Grants, World Peace Fellowships, Ambassadorial Scholarships, etc.

This year we are sitting at $138,078 to date which means we need to raise $69,740 over the next twenty four days to match last year's total. This might sound difficult to do but with sixty one Rotary clubs in our district, it averages out to $1,143.00 per club or just one fully funded Paul Harris Fellowship plus an additional $143.00!

We think this is attainable. If all our clubs and their respective members step forward to contribute, we can equal or even surpass last year's total so that DG Nominee 2013-2014, Jim White, from Lowell, will be able to continue that what we have proudly accomplished in the past.Sincerely, Tim Knaggs, DG, & George Trowbridge, Foundation Chair