Program Plan/Report of the Guidance Committee/GradPlan Planning Sheet
Please use this form as a planning sheet for your initial meeting with your guidance committee and the development of your program plan, only if you were admitted in FS16 or later. Students admitted prior to FS16 see Joni for a different worksheet.
The Program Plan is a contract between you and the University, identifying what courses you agree to take to complete your doctoral degree. You will enter the agreed to courses into the GradPlan system following your initial Guidance Committee meeting. You will also enter your committee membership.
Specific requirements for our program, the Educational Administration department, and College of Education, and University can be found in the Academic Programs Catalog:
Particular attention needs to be directed to the following areas/pages:
o Graduate Education:
o General Information, Policies, Procedures and Regulations:
o College of Education:
o Graduate Degrees:
o Educational Policy – Doctor of Philosophy:
§ Students who began the program in Fall 2016 must request to be recoded into the new Education Policy doctoral program with a new program code: 6777 or Dual Major Code 9859, if they plan to follow the requirements of the new program. The program did not take effect until Spring 2017.
§ Students in the old program (6764 or dual code 9855) must refer to the Archived Academic Program catalog that corresponds to the year they began the program -, to view their program requirements. If you are unsure what program code you are currently in, you can view it in STUINFO.
You will need to have these items handy for entering into GradPlan:
· Guidance Committee Members’ Names as recognized by the University or their MSU NetIDs
o Committee members who are external to MSU or who are not tenure stream, need prior approval before they can be added to your plan. Directions on how to request permission for someone to serve on your committee who is not currently approved can be found in the College’s Graduate Forms menu: (under the Guidance Committee heading)
· Course codes for planned courses, including MSU equivalents for Big Ten Academic Alliance Traveling Scholar Program (formerly known as CIC Traveling Scholar Program), if taken and need to be included on program plan.
· Comprehensive Exam Areas
· Tentative Dissertation Topic
· Whether you will use Human or Animal Subjects in your research
· Semester and year you anticipate passing part II of comprehensive exams
Courses (separated by GradPlan category):
Courses that have already been taken will pre-populate to be added to your plan. Courses that have not been taken will need to be added as planned courses.
Dept / Course # / Semester & Yr(you took or plan to take the course) / Course Title
(found in Schedule of Courses) / # of Credits
EAD / 942 / Econ Analysis in Ed Policy / 3
EAD / 943 / Politics of Education / 3
EAD / 944 / Social Context of Education / 3
EAD / 947 / Comparative International Education Policy / 3
Dept / Course # / Semester & Yr(you took or plan to take the course) / Course Title
(found in Schedule of Courses) / # of Credits
CEP/EAD / 930 / Educational Inquiry / 3
EAD / 946A / Regression Analysis for Education Policy / 3
EAD / 946B / Econometric Analysis for Education Policy / 3
TE / 995 / Research Practicum / 1-3
In addition to the required courses listed above, you must include the following Research Requirements:
1 Additional Qualitative Methods course – 3 cr. (i.e. EAD931, TE938, TE939D-F)
1 Additional Advanced Research Methods course – 3 cr. (i.e. CEP933, CEP934, CEP935 – check
prerequisites in case you need a waiver or to take an additional course)
CONCENTRATION (These are your Ed Policy concentration courses. The program requires, you take 4 courses - 12 credits - in disciplinary or policy studies to provide competence in a specialized area of research. EAD949 is required as one of the four and re-enrollment is possible up to 3 times.)
Dept / Course # / Semester & Yr(you took or plan to take the course) / Course Title
(found in Schedule of Courses) / # of Credits
EAD / 949 / Advanced Seminar in Education Policy / 3
ELECTIVES (Courses that don’t fit into one of the above categories, but strengthen your program plan)
Dept / Course # / Semester & Yr(you took or plan to take the course) / Course Title
(found in Schedule of Courses) / # of Credits
Course Notes Required:
Entering courses that are special topics courses or independent study, require a note be added to the Notes box explaining the course. Please use the sample structure as follows:
Course, Semester/Year, Professor, Topic -
i.e. EAD991A in FS15 with Amita Chudgar, Topic: Educational Finance
Required Course Waivers:
If you’ve been granted a waiver for a required course, a copy of the approval must be on file in the Graduate Records Office for it to be formally approved. If you are unsure if your waiver is on file in Grad Records, please confirm prior to submitting your GradPlan. The waiver can be an email or other formal documentation. Once a copy is on file, you need to add a note in the Notes box that reads:
i.e., CEP932 waiver on file in Grad Records.
For Students Intending to Complete Dual Majors
In GradPlan, you will be asked if you want to request a dual major. This is when you request it, as long as you’ve discussed it with your committee and your planned courses reflect the requirements of both majors. A formal written request must also be initiated and requires Guidance Committee Chair, Department Chair, College, and Graduate School approval before your GradPlan will be fully approved. For assistance on how to initiate the formal request, contact Joni.
All primary major courses follow the categorization requirements of the primary major and dual courses are identified using the Dual category heading from the pull-down menu.
Graduate Specializations and Graduate Certificates
If you intend to pursue either a Graduate Specialization and/or Graduate Certificate, there is a box to enter it/them into GradPlan. Be prepared with the proper title(s) and also be sure to initiate an Intent to Enroll form for each and submit them to the appropriate department (the one responsible for program oversight).
Graduate Specializations must be documented in GradPlan. Complete the section below identifying the courses that you intend to count toward your specialization. Courses can only be shared twice. So, if you intend to count a course taken as part of your Ph.D. for your Specialization, you cannot use that course for any other degree or specialization.
Dept / Course # / Semester & Yr (you took or plan to take the course) / Course Title(found in Schedule of Courses) / # of Credits
Note Regarding Language Requirements:
We DO NOT have a language requirement in our college. Leave this area blank.