Le Petit Prince Final Project

Please select oneof the following projects to complete.

Choice #1 – Petit Prince Movie Skit (Partner/Group)

  1. Re-write 5 scenes from the novel putting them in your own words in French.
  2. Create and record a video where you and your group act out the scenes using costumes and props.
  3. To receive full credit skit must be memorized.

CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Memorization / Student is completely prepared and has obviously taken rehearsal time seriously. Lines were memorized. / Student seems pretty prepared but might have needed to focus more closely during rehearsal time. Most of the lines were memorized. / Student is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal effort was lacking. Students read his/her lines. / Student does not seem at all prepared to present. Student read script at all times.
Content / Script/ skit included all of the important action and dialogue in the scene portrayed. All 5 scenes were included. / Script/ skit included all of the important action and dialogue in the scene portrayed. 4 scenes were included / The script/skit included most of the important action and dialogue from the scene portrayed. 2-3 scenes were included. / The scene/script was vague, and it was hard to tell what was happening. Less than 2 scenes were completed.
Pronunciation / Speaks clearly and distinctly, mispronounces very few words. GREAT pronunciation! / Speaks clearly and distinctly, but mispronounces some words. Good pronunciation! / Speaks clearly and distinctly most of the time. Mispronounces several words. Okay pronunciation / Often mumbles or can not be understood and/or mispronounces several words and/or Volume often too soft to be heard by all audience members. Needs improvement!
Costumes / Students have made an excellent effort to bring in costumes +/or props, which help make the scene more understandable. Students spent a lot of time recreating the scenes. / Students have made a good effort to bring in costumes +/or props, which help make the scene more understandable. / Students used very few props or costumes. / Did not use any props or costumes.
Grammar / Sentences are very easy to understand. There are minimal errors. / There are some errors. These errors do not interfere with comprehension. / There are several errors; some areas are difficult to understand. / There are vast errors; many areas are incomprehensible.

/ 20 Points

Choice #2 – The 8th Planet (Individual Project)

You are going to create, write and illustrate an 8th planet for the Little Prince to visit. Essentially, you’re inserting your own chapter to Saint-Exupéry’s work! Use the following guidelines to create a successful chapter.

Part 1: Write you chapter in French.

-Your chapter must have a minimum of 200 words, which is approximately 20-25 good-sized sentences. This is about the size of Chapter 11, le Vaniteux.

-The planet described must have at least one inhabitant, who must have a conversation with the Little Prince.

-The Little Prince must learn something from the encounter, and explain to the reader what he has learned.

-The story should be written in the PAST TENSE. Use the passé compose for specific actions in the story and use the imparfait to talk about descriptions and feelings.

-Type the chapter. Feel free to use the font and size of your choice, but make sure the font can easily be read and supports French accents.

-You may use your Petit Prince novel, and each other on this project. DO NOT USE online translation services, as they are seldom correct and easily detected. Links to these two sites can be found on my webpage.

Part 2: Draw the picture that would accompany your chapter in Saint-Exupéry’s book.

-Print out your typed chapter and add the picture to your final copy.

-Neatly draw and color your picture.

-Only hand-created pictures will be accepted. NO CLIPART!

Grading Rubric

4 / 3 / 2 / 1-0


/ Chapter is thoroughly written. The planet and characters are described in detail. The Little Prince learns something in this chapter. / Story is well described. The planet and characters are described, but slightly lacking in detail. The lesson learned in this chapter is somewhat vague. / The chapter is inadequately described and/or the Little Prince does not learn a lesson in this chapter. / The chapter is incomplete with very few descriptions and the Little Prince did not learn anything in this chapter.
Length / 200 + words. / 185-199 words / 150-184 words / 100-149 words. (1 pt)
< 100 words (0 pts)
Vocabulary / Wide range of vocabulary (varied, sophisticated, idiomatic, symbolic) / Good range of vocabulary (appropriate, but simple) / Vocabulary is appropriate, but limited or repetitive. / Limited vocabulary, significant second language interference.
Grammar/Spelling / Very good command of writing conventions (spelling, accents, sentence structure, paragraphing, punctuation, etc.) / Good command of writing conventions. There are some errors, but has a good control of basic structures. / Numerous grammatical errors. There are several errors in basic structures. / Many grammatical errors. Several sentences are incomprehensible.
Picture / Picture is creative, neat, colorful, and relevant to the chapter.
Outstanding! / Picture is appealing and relevant to the story.
Good job! / Some effort was made, but picture is lacking in color neatness or relevancy. / Clipart was used (1pt)
No picture (0 pts)

/20 Points

Choice # 3 – Petit Prince Mobile Project (Individual or Partner Project)

Le Petit Prince is a children's book that is full of symbolism. It is the symbolism in the book that attracts the adult readers. All of the characters, places, and inanimate objects are symbolic not only to the life of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, but also to life in general. It is your job to examine the symbolism throughout the story. What life lessons can one learn from the book? What does everything represent? What good things/not so good things in life are portrayed in the novel? What does everything mean?

You will create a mobile that represents the symbolism found in Le Petit Prince. The mobile that you create will have an assortment of symbolic pictures hanging from it. On the back of each picture there will be an explanation in French about what the items represent in the real world. There is no write or wrong answer as long as you can defend your reasoning (in French of course).

  1. Make a list of 10 people/items that you think are symbolic (10 per person, partner project = 20 total)
  2. Draw the item, color it, and then cut it out. NO CLIPART. You must create it yourself!


  1. On the back of each picture, write your explanation of the symbolism in French.

-State what the item is C'est un(e) _____

-State what it represents Il/elle représente ____

State why it is important to life (3-5 sentences)


Category / 5 / 4 / 3-2 / 1 - 0

10 Items (individual)


20 Items (partners)

/ Mobile includes 10/20 items. All items are original, no clipart pictures were used. / Mobile includes 8-9/
18-19 original items OR some of the 10 /20 items were not created by the group. / Mobile includes
5-7/15-17 original items OR many of the items were not created by the group. / Mobile includes less than 4/14items
OR none of the items were created by the group.
Mobile Appearance / Mobile is neat and creative. Group spent a lot of time working on the mobile and it shows. Excellent Work! / Mobile looks good! It is neat and creative. Good job! Group forgot to add a title. / Mobile is lacking in creativity. It is sloppy in some areas and/or no color was used. / Mobile is incomplete or poorly done. Items are missing, it is sloppy and lacking in color
Explanations / Each picture has 5-10 detailed sentences about why the item is important. / Each picture has 5-10 sentences about why the item is important, however more could have been said. / Not all of the pictures have 5-10 sentences. Descriptions are incomplete. / Less than half of the pictures have 5-10 sentences. Descriptions are incomplete or poorly done.
Spelling / Sentences are very easy to read. There are minimal errors. / There are some errors. These errors do not interfere with comprehension. / There are several errors; some areas are difficult to understand. / There are vast errors; many areas are incomprehensible.

/20 Points

Some examples of symbolism in the Petit Prince

le pilote

le Petit Prince

le renard

le serpent

le roi

le vaniteux

le buveur

le businessman

l’allumeur de réverbères

le géographe

le marchand de pilules

l’aiguilleur de trains

la rose

la fleur ordinaire

le mouton

les épines

les volcans

les baobabs

un champignon

un réverbère

les étoiles

les pilules

le venin

un puits

une fontaine

les cloches/les grelots

les crayons colorés

une caisse

une corde

un paravent

un globe

les oiseaux

un chapeau


la sable

le désert

les astéroïdes

These are just some of them. You can certainly use other things found in the book. Just make sure you defend your reasoning!