Revised May 2015
Objective: To enter invoices accurately and timely for processing at the Corporate Office.
Section C - Contents
Entering Invoices in Onesite 2
Entering a Single Bill for a Multiple Account Vendor in Onesite 7
Creating & Editing Templates……………………………………………….9
Resident Referrals 11
Invoice Corrections 13
Vendor Payment Requests 14
Vendor Statement Policy 16
Payment of Invoices 18
Entering invoices in Onesite
Objective: To ensure prompt, accurate processing and payment of
Effective Date: May 2015
Procedure: The following guidelines should be followed when an invoice is received for items other than bills with multiple accounts.
To enter an invoice in Onesite Purchasing, go to the Invoices tab and select New. Select the vendor for which you want to enter an invoice. All purchases for nonrecurring items should have a purchase order. If entered through a purchase order then some of the information is carried over to the invoice, therefore, eliminating the need to enter the information again. The Items Invoiced section is populated for you. This can be done by going to the Purchase Order tab and clicking on More under Actions next to the appropriate purchase order and then clicking on Create Invoice.
Note: Make sure the vendor ID starts with your four digit community number. Another community’s vendor ID may be the same name, but the remit to address could be different and the account number linked to that vendor is specifically for that community. If you are unsure of your four digit community number please contact the Accounts Payable. If an incorrect vendor id is selected, you have the ability to correct the vendor id by choosing “Edit Vendor” (see below) within the invoice or purchase order. The vendor cannot be changed once an invoice has been transmitted over to Onesite Accounting. It can only be changed on the Accounting side and the paid information will not flow back to Onesite Purchasing.
To Correct Vendor ID:
Under the invoices tab, go to the invoice you want to fix.
· Under Action choose More
· Click on Edit Invoice and under the Actions column click on Edit Vendor
· Choose the correct vendor and hit OK. You will have to fill in the mandatory Invoice total box and then click on the Submit button
Entering Invoices:
Invoice Number: Enter the invoice number as stated on the bill omitting any beginning zeros and also omitting any type of punctuation. See examples below.
Invoice number is 00198235. Enter into Onesite as 198235.
Invoice number is 130-879-01. Enter into Onesite as 13087901.
If the vendor does not provide an invoice number on the bill then use the invoice date or statement date as the invoice number (examples: m/dd/yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy). For January through September, a single digit for the month then a slash then two digits for the day then another slash and always a four digit year. This is the only time slashes are used in the invoice number.
If there is another invoice from the same vendor with the same invoice number (first double-check that it is not a duplicate billing), then use the alphabet to make each invoice unique and always use capital letters. For example: 9/30/2014, 9/30/2014A, 9/30/2014B, etc.
If there is no invoice number & no invoice date then use the first date of service as your invoice number. If you have no service dates then use the date you are entering the invoice as your invoice number.
EXCEPTION: In order to obtain uniformity within and throughout the properties, always use the invoice date as your invoice number for the following list of vendors that supply us with a cash register receipt as our invoice or a combination of both cash register receipts and invoices from internet purchases:
Sam’s Club
OfficeMax or payable to HSBC Business Solutions
Menards or payable HSBC Business Solutions
This exception to the rule is only for the above vendors. For all other vendors follow the procedures set forth in this manual.
Posting Date: The posting date is the date the goods are received or the services are rendered. Generally, the posting date and the invoice date are the same, but not always. Some vendors may send you an invoice for services that have not yet occurred. Onesite will allow you to post up to 6 months in advance.
Presently due to year end processing, the only date you can not post to is 12/31/yyyy. Just post to 12/30/yyyy instead. Once an invoice has been submitted, the posting date cannot be changed it will have to be voided & reentered. For this reason always double check the posting date prior to submitting your invoice.
Since you are able to post to a future date, promptly enter and submit for payment any pre-billed invoices for monthly services, renewals, etc.
Invoice Date: The invoice date should always be as stated on the vendors invoice. Onesite does not allow a future invoice date to be entered. In these cases, use the system date as your invoice date and in the comment area note that you were unable to enter the invoice date as stated on the vendor’s invoice. Also make sure to adjust your due date to 30 Days from the vendors invoice date.
Due Date: As a standard rule, payment terms should be “Net 30 Days” for all vendors. All existing vendors should be aware of our policy and explain our terms to any new vendors prior to set up. The exceptions to this rule are any vendor services that we do not want interrupted or late fees assessed. For advance checks, employee reimbursements, petty cash reimbursements, etc. enter the terms “Upon Receipt” and Accounts Payable will get these invoices paid in the next check run for your community, as long as all receipts have been received (except advance checks).
Invoice Total Box: Always enter the invoice total in the mandatory invoice total box to ensure the body of your invoice adds up to the correct amount. The Onesite program presently calculates up to two decimal points. If a vendor charges the items based on more than two decimal points, then you will be pennies off on the total when calculating quantities greater than one.
For example, the purchase order was entered for 12 items at $6.50 each for a total of $78.00. The invoice from the vendor arrives and the amount is 12 x $6.5075 = $78.09. When this situation occurs the quantity must be changed to one and the total amount for those items must be entered.
Description Box: (Shows as “Product” on printed Onesite invoices.) Any information entered in the description box carries over to the general ledger in Onesite Accounting. This is where the service periods should be entered. For vendors that bill monthly, quarterly or annually, that service period should also be entered here. In addition, any purchases starting with “660” accounts should include a unit # and description if applicable. If the “660” account item has not yet been designated to a unit then note “stock” in this box.
Unit Number Box: When posting to an account that starts with a “660”, supply the unit number in this box, if applicable.
Comment section at the lower left hand corner of the invoice, (not to be confused with the comment box in body of the invoice): Use this section for any special instructions you wish to relay to your Accounts Payable Representative. Ex: mail check to community, please process in next check run and overnight to vendor, etc. Also note a brief description when changing a vendor’s invoice dollar amount so we do not have to question why the Onesite invoice does not match the vendor’s invoice.
Tax, Shipping and Discount Boxes: There is no need to calculate sales tax, shipping or discounts for each line item purchased. Enter the total tax, shipping or discount in the appropriate box and the system will allocate this for you among all accounts. If a discount applies to a single item of a multiple item bill, then deduct the discount from that line item in the body of the invoice.
IMPORTANT: Do not enter credits through the credit memo tab. This feature does not meet our requirements at this time. You will be notified if this changes. Enter your credit memo as an invoice with a negative amount. Enter the total credit amount as one line item for each different posting account with the sales tax included if applicable. Sales tax has to be included in your line item because the sales tax section in the lower right hand corner does not accept a negative amount.
Final Preparations: After the information has been entered as an invoice in Onesite please do the following:
· Print a copy of the invoice from Onesite.
· Sort Onesite invoices alphabetically. This makes it easier to check for duplicates and also to verify posting accounts, especially when you have multiple bills for the same vendor.
· Sort vendor invoices alphabetically.
· After you are finished processing, take a minute to quickly review the printouts. Check for the following:
Ø The correct vendor and preceding community ID has been selected i.e. 4111 EXPRDI.
Ø The posting date is in the correct month. Again, the posting date is the date the item is received or the service is rendered.
Ø The posting account number is correct. (The description of the posting account number is listed, therefore, easy to review.)
Ø The invoice total on the invoice and the printout are the same. (This is a very common error.)
Ø If posting to a “660” account number, make sure all necessary information is provided such as the unit number where the item was placed and a description if applicable.
· Scan two groups…one group of the Onesite invoices & one group of the vendor invoices.
· Create an email to Accounting A/P available in your Global Address List within email) and attach both scanned files to this e-mail address only.
· Enter in the subject line as follows: invoices, then your property number & email date ( i.e. invoices 4111 10/17/14)
Please email Accounts Payable by Tuesday and Friday prior to the end of business.
· After you send, recycle the Onesite invoices and keep the vendor invoices as your file copies.
IMPORTANT: Final Account Statements are sent to the same email address BUT are labeled differently as follows:
· Scan your FAS and label it as the former resident’s last name and unit number (i.e. smith 206)
· Create an email to Accounting A/P and attach scanned FAS files to the email.
· Enter in the subject line as follows: FAS, then your property number (i.e. FAS 4111).
· Once sent you can recycle the hardcopy FAS’s.
· FAS’s can be emailed at any time.
Entering a Single Bill for a Multiple Account Vendor in Onesite
Objective: To ensure prompt, accurate processing and payment of
Effective Date: May 2015
Procedure: Enter a single bill for a vendor with MULTIPLE accounts (i.e. multiple phone bills, cable/internet bills, etc.).
This method is only for those vendors that you have multiple accounts with. Check with your Accounts Payable Representative if you are unsure if a vendor meets these requirements.
Invoice Number: The invoice number for a single bill (for multiple account vendors only) will be the last four digits of the account number followed by a dash (-), then two digits for the month of the last date of service, then two digits for the year. This is the only case in which a dash will be used in an invoice number. Also, this is the only instance that using preceding zeros in the invoice number would be correct. Here is an example: The account number is 791010034, the latest service date is September and the year is 2014. The invoice number would be 0034-0914.
Posting Date: The posting date should match the latest date of service.
Invoice Date: The invoice/statement date should be as stated on the vendor’s invoice.
Due Date: The due date should be as stated on the invoice or
remittance stub. This would be the latest date before any late fees would be assessed. Some vendors (ie: AT & T) will give you a due date & then another due date before late fees will be accessed…use the due date before late fees will be accessed as your due date.
Invoice Total Box: Enter the current charges only in the total invoice box. Do not enter any previous charges or late fees unless you have researched them and found that they have not been previously entered in the system. Note paid or pd next to previous charges that have already been submitted for payment OR mark you initials if researching past due amount (this way Accounts Payable knows you have researched and are working on any previous balance). If the expense has not been
entered previously, then contact the vendor for a copy of the invoice & submit for payment. If late fees are charged and the vendor will not write them off, post to the late fees account (#637015) and include with your current charges.
Description Box: (Shows as “Product on printed Onesite invoices.) Any information entered in the description box carries over to the general ledger in Onesite Accounting. The unit number and service dates should all be entered here.
Comment section at the lower left hand corner of the invoice, (not to be confused with the comment box in body of the invoice): Use this section for any special instructions you wish to relay to your Accounts Payable Representative. Ex: mail check to community, please process in next check run and overnight to vendor, etc. Also note a brief description when changing a vendor’s invoice dollar amount so we do not have to question why the Onesite invoice does not match the vendor’s invoice.