Poetry Notebook
Date assigned:Date Due:
Your poetry notebook will be a collection of the poetry terms, devices and forms we will study in our unit. The requirements for the notebook are listed below:
- Create on page for each for the following poetic devices: metaphor, simile, personification, imagery, onomatopoeia and rhyme.
Each page must contain the term, definition, example and an illustration.
- Create one of each of the following poetic forms: lyrical, narrative, list, haiku, concrete, elegy, acrostic, diamante and sonnet.
Each poem should be on an individual page with an illustration.
- Create on page for a favorite poem of your choice that you have found. This may also be song lyrics. Include the title and author, and a brief paragraph of why you chose that piece.
- Create a table of contents for your notebook.
- Crate a cover for your notebook including the following information: “Poetry Notebook”, name, and class period.
- All pages must be typed (excluding the concrete poem) with information on one side only. Students with nice handwriting may receive teacher approval.
- There must be illustrations (in color) on each page of your notebook. Illustrations may be hand drawn or computer generated.
Notebooks will be graded on required elements, neatness, and creativity. You will have class time to work on your notebook. If you wish to use stationary or colored paper for your notebook, you must supply your own. I will have crayons, markers, and colored pencils available for you to use during class. This project will count as a test grade (100 points), so take it seriously…I will be grading it seriously!
Poetry Notebook Score Sheet
Cover _____Total:
Table of Contents _____Total:
- Term _____
- Definition_____
- Example _____
- Illustration _____
- Term _____
- Definition_____
- Example _____
- Illustration _____
- Term _____
- Definition_____
- Example _____
- Illustration _____
- Term _____
- Definition_____
- Example _____
- Illustration _____
- Term _____
- Definition_____
- Example _____
- Illustration _____
- Term _____
- Definition_____
- Example _____
- Illustration _____
- Example _____
- Illustration _____
- Example _____
- Illustration _____
- Example _____
- Illustration _____
- Example _____
- Illustration _____
- Example _____
- Illustration _____
- Example _____
- Illustration _____
- Example _____
- Illustration _____
- Example _____
- Illustration _____
- Example _____
- Illustration _____
Author Poem:Total:
- Example _____
- Illustration _____
- Paragraph _____