Licking Heights Alumni Association, Inc.

P.O.Box 77, Summit Station, Ohio 43073

Meeting Minutes for April 24, 2018

Regular Meeting LHHS Conference Room

Officers and Directors Attending:[A quorum was present].

Officers: Steve Wood, Christina Casto, Susan Baird, and Bev DeNune

Directors: Howard Emswiler,and Mike Schuler
Guest: Rosemary Emswiler, Bobbie Jo (Raver) McCarty(Class of ’93), and LH School Board Member-Mark Rader (Class of ’90)

President Steve Wood called the regular meeting to order at 6:35 pm. M/S/P Christina, Howard

Secretary’s Report: M/S/P (Christina, Bev)

Treasurer’s Report: Bev reported that the balance was $1653.73. Bev reported that reservations are coming in for the Alumni Reunion on June 9th.

M/S/P to pay $225.00 for the bulk mailing fee (Howard, Susan)

Old Business:

a. Banquet 2018
1. M/S/P (Christina, Mike) a budget of $300.00 for Alumni Reunion decorations. Bev, Christina and Susan are working on the decorations for the reunion. Discussion centered on “records” being placed around, cut-outs for photos, flower soda glasses, etc. Steve will donate Polaroid cameras that can be placed around so that people may take pictures and have the photo instantly available.
2. Howard has a screen and Steve will provide a projector for pictures of previous years’ reunions to be shown.

3. Set up for the reunion will take place the week of the reunion (Mon., & Tues.)

4.Jackie Katz and Catherine Baird will take pictures for the reunion and then will post them to the LH Alumni FB page. Bev suggested that names be put with the pictures online.
The 50 year class and the 25 year class will take a group picture to be posted on the FB page.
5. Bev ordered 250 cups of frozen yogurt from Whits at the cost of $1.50/cup
6. Steve is working on labels/database for the reunion.

7. Tim and Myra Triplett will do the appetizers for the reunion again. Cost is TBD.

8. Reservation forms are available online and will also go out in the April/May Newsletter

9. Steve will confirm the price per person with Tim Cotterman ASAP. The menu will be confirmed at the May meeting.

10. There was discussion regarding giving gifts to legacy alumni. Bev will get with Barb Triplett regarding this.

11. Barb will write and present the dedication in memory of Dan McDonnell. Steve will hand deliver an invitation to Dan’s wife, Cathy inviting the family to the reunion. The committee will also ask Dan’s children, Matt and Meghan if they would like to serve as Directors on the Licking Heights Alumni Association Board in memory of their father.

12. Scholarship winners will be invited to the reunion and will be introduced.

13. Bobbie Jo McCarty (Class of 1993) shared that she has invited her class (25 year) to the reunion.

14. There was also discussion around presenting gifts to both the oldest and the youngest alumni present.

b. Audit- Christina and Susan completed the 2017 audit with Bev.

c. Scholarships- President Steve will call the ESC to see who the 2018 Scholarship winners are.
There was some discussion regarding the lack of applicants for the Trade Scholarship, and School Board Member, Mark Rader said that he will share the information that was discussed with the School Board as he too would like to see more students applying for the scholarship. He will help to get the word out for future scholarships.

New Business:
a. The date for the Senior Awards Assembly is set for May 21, 2018 at 6 pm. President Steve will present the scholarships to the winners.

Committee Reports:

Comments: The decorating committee will work amongst themselves prior to thenext meeting. Bev suggested that all communication be shared amongst Board members so that all are informed of what is going on with the committee. Bobbie Jo has offered to help with decorations.


M/S/P (Susan/Mike) to adjourn the meeting at 7:32 pm.
The next general meeting will be at 6:30 pm on May 24, 2018 in the Licking Heights High School Conference room.

Submitted by: Susan Baird, Secretary