English Pre-primary Reading Aloud Satisfactory 3
KeyFor the purpose of this transcript, the following editorial marks have been applied.
(.) / Micro pause, a notable pause but of no significant length
(0.2) / Timed pause, a pause long enough to time
- / segmenting/blending
( ) / The words spoken here were too unclear to transcribe
___ / Raise in volume or emphasis
CAPITALS / Words were read/said loudly or shouted
[ ] / Provides further/contextual information
/ Rise in intonation
[Symbol descriptions adapted from: University of Leicester. (n.d.). What is the Jefferson transcription system? Retrieved July, 2017, from
Summarised by the University of Leicester from:
Jefferson, G. (2004). Glossary of transcript symbols with an introduction. In G. H. Lerner (Ed.), Conversation analysis: Studies from the first generation (pp. 13–31). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Hepburn, A., & Bolden, G. B. (2013). Transcription. In J. Sidnell & T. Stivers, T. (Eds), Blackwell handbook of conversation analysis (pp. 57–76). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.]
Teacher 1: What’s happening on the front cover? What do you think the story might be about?
Student 1: Umm, a dog and a cat jumping.
Teacher 1: Oh, they might. What’s the title of the book?
Student 1: Jump.
Teacher 1: Okay. Can you read it for me in a big voice?
Student 1: Yep. Jump. Bob and Meg jumped on the, the (.) to the bunk bed. Let’s jump off the bunk bed.
Teacher 1: Careful when you turn the …
Student 1: Let’s jump off.
Teacher 1: That’s it.
Student 1: Bob can l-ea-p.
Teacher 1: No. Look at the …
Student 1: L-and on the mat. (.) ‘I can jump off.’ ‘Jump off!’ Bob yells to Meg. ‘I will (.) end up with a leap … l-i-m-p, limp.’
Teacher 1: Good boy, good sounding.
Student 1: Viv, Viv has, have, (.) has to lift Meg off the bed. ‘I can help.’ Ta-da.
[Transcript of student reading from: Reis-Frankfort, T., & Tweedie, W. (2014). Jump! (Dandelion Readers; Unit 8b) (3rd ed.). Malmesbury, UK: Phonic Books.]
Teacher 1: Who were the main characters in the story? Who was in the story?
Student 1: Umm, a cat and a dog and a person.
Teacher 1: And what was the person’s name?
Student 1: Um, Vi-Viv.
Teacher 1: And what were the names of the other characters? You can use the book to have a look through.
Student 1: Bob and Meg.
Teacher 1: Okay. And where does the story happen?
Student 1: Um, in the book.
Teacher 1: Yeah, but where abouts? Have a look at the pictures and tell me where the story happens.
Student 1: Happens? (0.3) On the pages.
Teacher 1: Yeah, but look at the pictures. Where about? Is it in a house? Is it in the bush?
Student 1: Is it (.) in a house?
Teacher 1: What pa-, what room in the house?
Student 1: The bedroom.
Teacher 1: How do you know it’s a bedroom?
Student 1: ‘Cause beds are in bedrooms.
Teacher 1: That’s right.
Student 1: If it …
Teacher 1: What happened first?
Student 1: They jumped on the, umm, bunk bed.
Teacher 1: And then what happened?
Student 1: Umm, the cat, Bob, jumped off … off. (.) The dog, Meg, still, still is on. Viv gets Meg off.
Teacher 1: Why did Viv have to get Meg off?
Student 1: ‘Cause (0.2) I don’t know.
Teacher 1: Have a look. Why did Viv have to help Meg off?
Student 1: ‘Cause he’s too scared to jump off.
Teacher 1: Oh. What makes you think she’s too scared? What shows you?
Student 1: ‘Cause he might jump (.) up and go like, ‘Ouch.’
Teacher 1: Okay. If you were in a high place, what would you do when you couldn’t get down? What would you do?
Student 1: Umm, stay up there ‘cause I’m afraid of heights.
Teacher 1: Are you?
Student 1: Yep.
Teacher 1: Could you get someone to help you do you think?
Student 1: YES.
Teacher 1: Who could you get to help you?
Student 1: Umm, MUMMY or DADDY.
Teacher 1: Okay and who else do you think might enjoy this book?
Student 1: Umm, (0.2) the other people.
Teacher 1: Other people in your class?
Student 1: Yeah.
Teacher 1: Why do you think they’d enjoy the book?
Student 1: ‘Cause they might.
Teacher 1: Okay.
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