MAGIC's Seven fears, Seven Strengths ritual, October 2010
1Red: Sienna
2Orange: Rose
3Yellow: Valerie
4Green: Aurora
5Blue: Sundance
6Indigo: Scott
7Violet: Nikki
White: Spyder
Black: Orbb
North: Seph
East: Rosemary
South: James
West: Kori
Drum: Amanda?
If we cannot find a drummer, we will do the ritual without one.
All scripting to be done by players: Get into your character, and write your own words in a way that will be easiest for you to recall. I have included a sample of a Quarter Call and a Color speil at the end of this document.
Setup: Four altars at the quarters. Cauldron in the center with magickal prop set up inside it. Audience/participants are given a chance to write their fears on colored slips of paper, hopefully corresponding with the chakra colors. We can set up a station for this and allow time pre-ritual. People may use more than one slip of paper if they have multiple fears.
When all are ready, we lower the lights. Open in the darkness, drummer holds a heartbeat, all Colors huddled around the cauldron, under a sheet in the center. Call Quarters: East, South, West, North. Lighting candles on altars as each direction is called. All callers end in "Hail and Welcome." Participants repeat. BLACK Casts circle, SMIB.
BLACK Goes to center: "In your hand you have fears. If you are ready to give up your fears, hand them over to the appropriate player as they come near you."
Colors leave the center of the circle and interact with the audience one by one, in this order:
Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red.
(Death, Insanity, Silence, Lonliness, Pain, Failure, Rejection)
Colors in center, coming out as they speil, trailing around the circle. Speeches should end in "Are you afraid of ______?" Those who have papers of that color in their hands will interact with that color by handing over the papers. Players may have to fight a few people over their papers, or have the papers thrown at them. Each character should play this aspect up. When color is done with speil, he or she returns to the center, but faces outward, not huddled under the sheet. When Red is finished, the cauldron is now visible too.
BLACK/ Speil : You have admitted your fears. They are all out in the open now. They are all here…in our hands. (Colors wave around the papers for all to see) And we offer them to the cauldron of change. Let us charge the cauldron with the ability to change these fears." Papers are dumped into the cauldron as people watch. Colors join the chain of people in the circle for the spiralling.
Chanting begins here. Drumming changes up to fit with chant. Circle around the cauldron until it gets magickally charged, and crowd is all huddled around the cauldron. Voices quiet down to a whisper and then ends with a long long moment of silence (at least 60 seconds) Drumming stops. Quarter callers extinguish all sources of light.
BLACK says "Are you afraid?" Pause more than 120 seconds!
MAGICKAL ACT; The colored papers in the cauldron are covered by a black cloth and then topped with white papers which all say "Truth." This is easily done in the dark by wrapping the white papers in a black cloth and keeping the bundle to one side in the cauldron. We then unwrap the bundle at the right moment on top of the colored ones. People are allowed to reach into the cauldron to remove the white papers in a moment!)
(Black switches with White at this point in the ritual. Do we want to hide White until here? Do we want to hide Black after this point?)
WHITE stands on altar or stool to be over the crowd, lights a bright light, gives speil about truth being the way through the darkness of fear. (perhaps a short guided meditation here)
Altars are relit, and chant is begun again as they come back to reality. We circle out in the opposite direction. Allow people to take the white papers out of the cauldron as they pass by.
When everyone is back in the circle again, Colors leave the outer circle and return to the center. Colors play out the strengths, from bottom to top:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
(Attraction, success, comfort, love, respect, intelligence, freedom.)
Speils end with "Yes, you can!" Audience repeats this.
WHITE Spiels about the Truth of your Fears being within you. Reminder to ground.
Quarters pass out cakes and ale. When post magick socializing is done, release quarters, North, West, South, East. WHITE releases circle, MM, MP, MMA)
Sample of Speil 1:
Red: "What are you doing here? Who the hell invited you? Did you think that we wanted you here? Do you realize how disliked you are? You ever been told how ugly you are? I am your fear…your fear of not being wanted. Your mother didn't want you when she got pregnant with you. Your clasmates didn't want you in school. Hell, the people you call friends are only putting up with you…you really don't connect entirely with anyone, do you? I know you're afraid of me…because you can't be honest and open with anyone. I am your lonliness. I'm your fear that your entire life is worthless, and that nobody will ever give a shit that you were here. Fear me…I am rejection." (Red then goes and gathers all red slips of paper around the crowd…or Red can do this during the speil, however it choreographs best).
Sample of Speil 2:
Red: "You are somethin' else, ain't ya? You're super special, and you know it. Everyone wants you, and everyone loves to be around you. People just can't get enough of your yummy energy! Can you have all the adoration that you ever need in this lifetime? Yes, you can!"
(crowd responds: Yes I can)
Quarter Call: "All hail the guardians of your direction, power of main attribute . Come join us with your fill in attributes and help us with your more attributes. Protect us and keep us focused on the work ahead of us. We offer you respect and honor in our circle tonight. Hail and Welcome fill in direction.”
Quarter Release: "We thank you, guardians of direction, powers of main attribute. We are grateful for your help on our journey tonight, and we release you from your services. Stay if you will, go if you must, but remain forever in our hearts. Hail and Farewell, direction.