Sensei Stef Biagioni
Cell: 083 384 3026
The Fourways Martial Arts Academy takes pleasure in inviting you to attend its 15thInterschool Karate Championship (this applies to Preparatory, Primary and High Schools). Details as follows:
Venue:PORTUGUESE HALL, Eastwood Street, WestTurffontein, Johannesburg
Date:15th October 2016, Saturday
Time:07h45 sharp / Officials 07h00
Entry Fee:R250.00 per competitor
Spectators:R30 per Adult. Children under 18 year’s free-of-charge
Closing date:Strictly 5th October 2016, Wednesday
Please note that only entry fees for all competitors must be paid into the bank account of Fourways Martial Arts Academybefore the Wednesday; 5thOctober and no late entries will be accepted.
Spectator’s fees must be paid on the day at the entrance before entering the Venue.
Please e-mail entry forms and proof of payment with the dojo or instructors or School’s representative names as a reference.
Bank Account Details: ABSA Fourways - A/C Number: 4067508217, Branch code: 632905 – Fourways Martial Arts cc
Categories and times
Pewees : 5 to 7 years TIME : 07H45
Children : 8 to 11 years TIME : 09H00
Children :12 to 13 years TIME : 12H00} Categories are subject to change one hour ahead of schedule
Cadet :14 to 15 years TIME : 13H00} Categories are subject to change one hour ahead of schedule
Juniors :16 to 17 years TIME : 14H00} Categories are subject to change one hour ahead of schedule
Please note Championship finishes @ approximately 18h30
Sections are as specified:Kata and Kumite. Team Kata (Children up to 13yrs & Cadet/Juniors 14-17yrs)
Sections are split into age and belt level, male and female separate.
All style kata's to be performed in one ring as shown on the list provided for Group 1, Group 2 and Group 3 for the 3 style groups. (Goju-Ryu, Shito-Ryu, Shotokan). Flags – two at a time Reprechage will be used.
Fighting time:1 minute (5yrs to 13yrs) and 1 ½ minute (14yrs to 17yrs) scoring system, WKF Rules (Reprechage)
Medals will be awarded to First, Second & Joint Third.
Trophies will be awarded to the top three schools sponsored by Royce Imaging Industry products.
The tournament organiser has the right to change the format if there is no section or competitors are less than three (3) per section.
Each school to please provide referees, coaches and team managers (referee dress code: black or grey pants and white shirt).
For further information, please contact Stef Biagioni at 083 384 3026. E-mail :
Please note! This is a WKF/KSA endorsed event and for its members only!
The organiser will not accept any late entries and indemnities that are not signed by legal guardians. The entry fees must be paid before or on the closing date and not on the day of the championship. It is compulsory for all the competitors to have mitts (the WKF red & blue mitts) as well as gum guards.
Fourways Martial Arts Academy and its Instructors hereby indemnify themselves against any accidents, injury or loss caused in any way whatsoever or cost incurred on account of such injury or loss that may occur as a result of the above event.