April 2006 IEEE P802.22-06/0057r0
IEEE P802.22.1
Enhanced Protection for Low Power Licensed devices Operating in TV Broadcast Bands
Date: 2006-04-28
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
WilliamRose / WJR Consulting Inc. / 3 Tunxis Road
West Hartford, CT06107 / +1 860
313-8098 /
The Task Group conference call officially convened at 12:00 AM EDT on Friday, April 28, 2006 and adjourned at 1:00 PM EDT.
- Attendance
- Review Minutes of April 21st call (Deferred)
3.Discuss Preliminary RFP distributed by BillRose
4.Next Meeting
- Other Business
- Adjourn
BillRose, Interim Chair / GregBuchwald / EdCallowaySoo-Young Chang / PeterEcclesine / GeraldChuinard
- The agenda was reviewed and accepted without change.
- Approval of the minutes of the 4/21/06 minutes was deferred until the next conference call.
- A discussion of the Preliminary RFP distributed by BillRose was discussed. It was noted that the document was only intended to be used to initiate discussions on the subject. GeraldChouinard provided comments in the form of markups to the document. The marked up document was distributed to the TG by email during the call.
GeraldChouinard noted that the 802.22.1 TG PAR included a Title and Scope statement that could be interpreted as including some of the cognitive sensing functions being defined by the Sensing Tiger Team and the 802.22 .WG. He felt that the Preliminary RFP and resulting standard should focus on methods for signaling the presence of low powered licensed devices operating in the TV Broadcast bands to enhance interference protection from licensed exempt operation in the TV Broadcast Bands.
The discussion then moved to the specific issues the Preliminary RFP should include for proposals to address. The issues that were preliminarily agreed upon are listed in the revised “Preliminary RFP for IEEE 802_22_1_r1” distributed after the call. It was pointed out that these issues must be reviewed by others in their companies and therefore agreement to include them in this document does not constitute agreement they should be included in the final Preliminary RFP. - Next Meeting: It was decided to hold the next meeting on Friday May 5th at 11:00 AM EDT/8:00 AM PDT. The TG members are urged to review the comments to the FCC provided by Shure, the Preliminary RFP for IEEE 802_22_1r1 document, and a new document from GregBuchwald that will be distributed early next week. These documents will be assigned document numbers and posted to the 802.22 reflector as soon as possible.
- There was no new business.
- Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 12:55 PM EDT. .
Next Meetings:
The next conference call of 802.22.1 will be held on April 28 at 11:00 PM EDT (4:00 GMT). Unless there is a change requested at that meeting, 802.22.1 will hold one additional conference call prior to the interim meeting at 12:00 PM EDT on May 5th.
Close of the Meeting
The meeting adjourned at 12:55 PM EDT.
Submission page 1 BillRose, WJR Consulting