in association with
The Wixamtree Trust &
All Churches Trust Limited
Name of Church/Chapel …………………………………………………………………Postcode …………….……....Parish…………………………………………………………………………………. Parish Population …………..
Average attendance at all Sunday services ……………… Electoral roll or membership numbers …………...
Brief description of the building including points of architectural and historic interest
Is it a listed building?……………… Grade………………….. In a conservation area?…………………..
Insurance Approved Roof Alarm
………………………………………………………………………………………………….………...... …………………
Cost of Installation Funding sources Available
The work £ ……………………… Church/Chapel £ ……..…….……….
Fees ……………………… Other ……..….…...………..
Incidental work ……………………… Friends ………………………
VAT payable ……..…….….……… VAT (LPWS Grant) ………………………
TOTAL COST .…………………….. TOTAL RESOURCES ………………………
FUNDING GAP ……………………...
Signed …………………………………… Office Held ………………………………. Date ………………………
Name and Address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Telephone(s) …………………………………………….. e-mail ……………………………………………………...
Name on cheque if a grant is awarded …………………………………………………………………………………
You will be considered for Grant aid if your church or chapel is a member of Churches Together in England and in use as a place of public Christian worship in the civil counties of Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, and that part of Barnet within the diocese of St Albans. Appropriate denominational authority has to be obtained and the works undertaken certified as meeting current standards and regulations.
Please return the completed Form to Archie Russell, Grants Secretary, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Historic Churches Trust,
Wychbrook, 31 Ivel Gardens, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire SG18 0AN. Tel: 01767 312966 e-mail
It is a condition of receiving a roof alarm grant that
- The alarm system installer should be from the list approved by Ecclesiastical Insurance Group – SS Systems Limited; Overton Electrical Services Limited; E-Bound AVX Limited; Ace Defence or GBSG Limited (for updates/additions see Ecclesiastical website).
- The church agrees to undertake maintenance and monitoring of the Alarm, as recommended by the manufacturer, for a minimum of five years and apply SmartWater as necessary. (You should be aware that the registration and use of approved marking such as SmartWater remains a policy condition of EIG.)
- The church should maintain adequate insurance for the fabric and contents of the church.
- All necessary denominational approvals for the work are in place or in progress.
- Two recent high resolution photographsof the exterior of the church are submitted electronically.
When returning the Form, it is helpful to know whether the church architect is involved in the context of other ongoing work to the building.
If a grant is awarded, we request that the church becomes a corporate member of BHHCT for five years.
Please note that we are only able to make awards on behalf of The Allchurches Trust (for whom we are acting as agents) until the end of 2018.
Please return the completed form to:
Archie Russell, Grants Secretary, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Historic Churches Trust,
Wychbrook, 31 Ivel Gardens, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire SG18 0AN.
Tel: 01767 312966 e-mail
You will be considered for Grant aid if your church or chapel is a member of Churches Together in England and in use as a place of public Christian worship in the civil counties of Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, and that part of Barnet within the diocese of St Albans.