Request For Proposals – July 21, 2009
Statement of Purpose.
The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) is requesting proposals for projects for the Parallel Pathways to Success Pilot Grant Program. The pilot program is administered by the Rural Economic Development Division (RED) of TDA and requires grant recipients to provide matching funds not less than 10% of the overall grant award. The purpose of this grant is to align educational resources with workforce needs by supporting the development of programs that offer rural high school students a more flexible education system such that students will have the opportunity to concurrently earn both a high school diploma and two years of college credit toward an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree. Funded projects are expected to result in a functioning program within 1-2 years.
Submission Dates/Locations.
Forms required for submitting a proposal are available by accessing TDA’s website at: or by e-mailing RED at: . One hard copy and one electronic copy of the proposal in Microsoft Word format must arrive no later than 5:00 p.m. on August 17, 2009to one of the following:
Physical Address:Mailing Address:
Texas Department of AgricultureTexas Department of Agriculture
Rural Economic DevelopmentRural Economic Development
Attn: Rick Rhodes Attn: Rick Rhodes
1700 N. Congress Ave., 11th FloorP.O. Box 12847
Austin, TX 78701Austin, TX 78711
The electronic copy should be e-mailed to: .
Grant proposals will be accepted from any accredited high school, institution of higher learning, chambers of commerce, economic development commissions or similar organizations located in the State of Texas.
Proposal Requirements.
Funding Parameters:
It is anticipated that selected projects will be funded in a range of $50,000 - $125,000 per year. Projects may be awarded in excess of this range if the project proposal includes a strong justification for the funding and a potential for providing an operating program by fall 2009. Projects will be awarded for two years (August 31, 2009 – August 31, 2011). All awards require matching funding at not less than 10% of the overall grant award.
TDA reserves the right to fund proposals partially or fully. Where more than one proposal for a geographical region is found acceptable for funding, TDA may request cooperation between grantees or revision/adjustment to a proposal in order to avoid duplication and to realize the maximum benefit to the state.
Form Requirements:
Proposals must be submitted on form RED-200 for consideration.
- RED-200 shall not exceed 6 pages. (2 pages for Personnel/contact information, 3 pages for proposal, and 1 page for budget information.)
The required forms are available by accessing TDA’s website at or by e-mailing the RED at: .
Technical Requirements:
Include the following items:
- Project Director Information – Do Not Exceed Two Pages. Include title, performing institutions, lead contact information and experience, responsible contracts officer information.
- Project Summary – Do Not Exceed 200 Words. Briefly summarize the program for which you are requesting funding.
- Project Proposal – Do Not Exceed Three Pages. Include the following:
- Background - Statement of program including the institutions that the program will be offered through; any history regarding this particular program; and how the program will serve the needs of the students in its community.
- Objectives - Concise outline of what the program will offer students including curriculum, any degrees or certificates offered, criteria for acceptance into program; specific goals and performance measures and how those will be measured.
C. Benefits - Description of the expected results and their anticipated contributions to students and meeting the needs of the workforce in rural Texas.
- Performance and Budget Information. Include the following:
- Project Budget- Include categories of Salary, Travel, Materials and Operating Expenses, Equipment, Other, Contracts, and Indirect (not to exceed 10%) and matching funds. Round budget items to the nearest $100;
- Matching Funds Table– This grant requires matching funds of not less than 10% of the grant award. The ability of a project to claim supporting or leveraged funds in excess of the minimum percentage will be a positive factor in the review process. Matching funds must be documented on the budget submission form and reported on a quarterly basis; and
- Indirect Costs – Under this grant 10% of the grant award amount will be allowed to be used for the reimbursement of indirect costs.
Budget Information:
This grant will be paid on a cost reimbursement basis after matching funds have been documented.
- Eligible Expenses. Generally, expenses that are necessary and reasonable for proper and efficient performance and administration of a project are eligible. Expenses must be properly documented with sufficient backup detail, including copies of invoices. Examples of eligible expenditures are:
●Personnel costs – both salary and benefits;
●Travel – domestic (Reimbursement for foreign travel is discouraged);
●Equipment, Materials and direct operating expenses – items that costs less than $5,000 per unit with a useful life of less than one year, office supplies, postage, telecommunications, printing, etc.;
●Other expenses – any expenses that do not fall into the above categories;
●Contracts – agreements made with other universities or private parties to perform a portion of the award; and
●Indirect expenses – limited to 10% of the grant award.
- Ineligible Expenses. Expenses that are prohibited by state or federal law are ineligible. Examples of these expenditures are:
●Alcoholic beverages;
●Contributions, charitable or political;
●Expenses falling outside of the contract period;
●Expenses for expenditures not listed in the project budget;
●Tangible personal property costing over $5000 per unit and having a useful life over one year; and
●Expenses that are not adequately documented.
- Description of the Budget. Present an overall project budget and include the following items in the budget description:
- Personnel services: Grant funds may be used for directly supporting salaries and wages of teachers, administrative assistances and other support personnel.
- Travel:Grant funds used for travel expenses, domestic or foreign, must be limited to the State of Texas established mileage, per diem, and lodging policies. Reimbursement for foreign travel is discouraged, but may be paid on a case-by-case basis. To be eligible for reimbursement, foreign travel shall be approved in advance by the Commissioner or his designee.
- Materials and Direct Operating Expenses: Expenses that are directly related to the grantee's day-to-day operation of the grant project that are not included in any of the Grantee's other standard budget categories and has an acquisition cost of less than $5,000 per unit. Grantees must allocate costs on a prorated basis for shared usage, including office supplies, postage, telecommunications, and printing.
- Professional/Contractual: Any contract or agreement entered into by a grantee and a third party that obligates grant funds must be in writing and consistent with Texas law. Grantees must maintain adequate documentation supporting budget items for a contractor's time, services, and rates of compensation.
- Indirect Expenses: Grant funds may be used for indirect costs up to 10% of the grant award amount.
- Matching Funds: Please identify all funding, including amount and payor, received for this project or funding anticipated to be received during the two-year grant term.
- Additional Budget Information: Provide any additional information you think would be helpful to the review committee including equipment justification, subcontract recipients and amounts, list of key personnel to be paid, or description of other large item expenditures.
Evaluation of Proposals.
The proposals will be evaluated on the following elements:
- The merits of the plan in regard to bridging the gap to higher education and workforce readiness for rural high school students;
- the potential for having a program in place in 1-2 years;
- rigorousness and relevancy of curriculum;
- the feasibility of the objectives;
- the anticipated benefits to the workforce in rural Texas;
- how the programs academic excellence is monitored and evaluated to ensure the students are performing at a higher level;
- the requested budget in relation to expected benefits; and
- the ability to provide 10 % matching funds.
Award Information and Notification.
TDA will approve projects for funding. TDA reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals submitted. TDA is under no legal or other obligation to award a grant on the basis of a proposal submitted in response to this RFP. TDA shall not pay for any costs incurred by any entity in responding to this RFP.
The public announcements and written notifications will be made to all applicants. Favorable decisions will indicate the amount of award, duration of the grant, and any special conditions associated with the project. All grant recipients will have to execute a grant agreement with TDA no later than August 31, 2009.
General Compliance Information.
- Prior to accepting the grant and signing the grant agreement, applicants will be provided a copy of the TDA reporting requirements for their review. This document will explain billing procedures, quarterly and annual reporting requirements, procedures for requesting a change in the project scope or budget, and other miscellaneous items.
- Any delegation by the Grantee to a subcontractor regarding any duties and responsibilities imposed by the grant award shall be approved in advance by TDA and shall not relieve the Grantee of its responsibilities to TDA for their performance.
- All grant awards are subject to the availability of appropriations and authorizations by the Texas Legislature and TDA.
- Any information or documentation submitted to TDA as part of the project grant proposal is subject to disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act.
- While TDA attempts to observe the strictest confidence in handling the proposals, it cannot guarantee complete confidentiality on any matters that lie beyond its control. The confidentiality of recipient's "proprietary data" so designated shall be strictly observed to the extent permitted by appropriate Texas laws, including the Texas Public Information Act.
- Control of the ownership and disposition of all patentable products and inventories shall be agreed to by Grantee and TDA.
- Awarded grant projects must remain in full compliance with state and federal laws and regulations. Noncompliance with such law may result in termination by TDA.
- Grant recipients must keep a separate bookkeeping account with a complete record of all expenditures relating to the project. Records shall be maintained for three years after the completion of the project or as otherwise agreed upon with TDA. TDA and the Texas State Auditor’s Office reserve the right to examine all books, documents, records, and accounts relating to the project at any time throughout the duration of the agreement and for three years immediately following completion of the project. If there has been any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit or other action started prior to the expiration of the three-year period involving the records, then the records must be retained until the completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it, or until the end of the regular three-year period, whichever is later. TDA and the Texas State Auditor’s Office reserve the right to inspect the project location(s) and to obtain full information regarding all project activities.
- If the Grantee has a financial audit performed in any year during which Grantee receives funds from Grantor, and if the Grantor requests information about the audit, the Grantee shall provide such information to TDA or provide information as to where the audit report can be publicly viewed, including the audit transmittal letter, management letter, and any schedules in which the Grantee’s funds are included.
- Grant awards to Texas institutions shall comply in all respects with the Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS). A copy may be downloaded from the following website:
- Grant management guidelines will be published under separate cover.
For any questions:
Please contact Rick Rhodes, Assistant Commissioner for Rural Economic Development, at 512.463.7577 or by e-mail at:
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