EMS Response to Terrorism

From Bradys’ Emergency Care 10th Edition

1. Which are characteristics of an agent that isnonpersistent?

A.) High boiling point and high vapor pressure

B.) High boiling point and low vapor pressure

C.) Low boiling point and high vapor pressure

D.) Low boiling point and low vapor pressure

2. Which is a naturally occurring disease in livestock thatcan be transmitted to humans?

A.) Botulism

B.) Cholera

C.) Tularemia

D.) Anthrax

3. How long after the eclipse period with anthrax does deathoccur?

A.) 4 to 5 days

B.) 3 to 4 days

C.) 5 to 6 days

D.) 2 to 3 days

4. Where are the blisters of smallpox most prominent?

A.) Face

B.) Back

C.) Legs

D.) Trunk

5. Which has the greatest potential to cause biological agentinfection?

A.) Ingestion

B.) Absorption

C.) Inhalation

D.) Injection

6. Which is NOT considered an EMS's critical asset?

A.) People

B.) Buildings

C.) Supplies

D.) Vehicles

7. What are placed at an attack location with the intentionof harming responders on the scene?

A.) Domestic devices

B.) Destructive devices

C.) Internal devices

D.) Secondary devices

8. What is the incubation period for smallpox?

A.) 10 to 12 days

B.) 2 to 10 days

C.) 1 to 8 days

D.) 2 to 6 days

9. Which is the most likely scenario from a standpoint ofnuclear terrorism?

A.) Sabotage

B.) Military nuclear device

C.) Improvised nuclear device

D.) Dirty bomb

10. What is the relative severity of disease produced by amicroorganism?

A.) Lethality

B.) Infectivity

C.) Toxicity

D.) Virulence

11. Where can the effects of the viral hemorrhagic fevers beseen first?

A.) Nail beds of the fingers

B.) Soles of the feet

C.) Palms of the hands

D.) Whites of the eyes

12. Which cause chemical changes in the cells of exposedtissues almost immediately on contact?

A.) Chocking agents

B.) Vescicating agents

C.) Cyanides

D.) Nerve agents

13. Which type of harm is caused by carbon dioxide?

A.) Mechanical

B.) Asphyxiation

C.) Psychological

D.) Thermal

14. What is infectious dose data based upon?

A.) 150 pound female in good health

B.) 200 pound female in good health

C.) 200 pound male in good health

D.) 150 pound male in good health

15. Which is derived from the castor plant?

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A.) Mycotoxin

B.) Ricin

C.) Enterotoxin

D.) Botulinum

16. Which are a single-celled organism capable of growing in avariety of environments?

A.) Viruses

B.) Toxins

C.) Chemicals

D.) Bacteria

17. What is the primary harm from a nuclear explosion?

A.) Chemical

B.) Radiological

C.) Thermal

D.) Psychological

18. Which is NOT a sign or symptom of Q fever?

A.) Cough

B.) Chills

C.) Sharp chest pain

D.) Fever

19. Which involves groups whose terrorist activities are aimedat the government without foreign direction?

A.) Domestic terrorism

B.) Legitimate terrorism

C.) Internal terrorism

D.) Illegal terrorism

20. Which type of harm is generally produced by a nuclearfuel?

A.) Asphyxiation

B.) Radiological

C.) Chemical

D.) Mechanical

21. What is the primary hazard to those exposed to the heat ofan explosion?

A.) Asphyxiation

B.) Thermal

C.) Radiological

D.) Chemical

22. What is the spreading of a chemical agent?

A.) Dilution

B.) Dissemination

C.) Dispersion

D.) Permeation

23. What is the incubation period of anthrax?

A.) 2 to 3 days

B.) 1 to 6 days

C.) 4 to 7 days

D.) 2 to 10 days

24. Which is known as deer fly fever?

A.) Tularemia

B.) Q fever

C.) Plague

D.) Cholera

25. What is top priority for the first responder at aterrorist incident?

A.) Self-protection

B.) Victim-protection

C.) Exposure-protection

D.) Scene-protection

26. Which is considered a favorite weapon of terrorist groups?

A.) Fear mongering

B.) Firearms

C.) Explosives

D.) Chemicals

27. Whose responsibility is it to perform notificationprocedures?

A.) Firefighter captain

B.) On-scene EMT

C.) Dispatch center

D.) Incident commander

28. What is the primary harm in a biological incident?

A.) Chemical

B.) Etiological

C.) Psychological

D.) Mechanical

29. Which of the following would require aggressiverespiratory support?

A.) Botulinum

B.) Anthrax

C.) Cholera

D.) Smallpox

30. Which has a high incidence of human-to-human transmission?

A.) Anthrax

B.) Tularemia

C.) Plague

D.) Q fever

31. Which is used to help identify a terrorist event?





32. Which is seldom the route of entry for biological agents?

A.) Inhalation

B.) Absorption

C.) Ingestion

D.) injection

33. What is the starting radiation dosage that affects theblood?

A.) 375

B.) 790

C.) 150

D.) 500

34. Which location is in the category of public buildings interms of a terrorist attack?

A.) Power plants

B.) Family planning clinics

C.) IRS office

D.) Tourist destinations

35. What is the measure of a radiation dosage?

A.) det

B.) kwh

C.) rem

D.) pen

36. Which is used to restrict all public access to theincident?

A.) Central perimeter

B.) Middle perimeter

C.) Outer perimeter

D.) Inner perimeter

37. How much of the domestic water supply is consumed throughingestion?

A.) 1%

B.) 3%

C.) 5%

D.) 10%

38. When does death occur after exposure to trichothecenemycotoxin?

A.) 48 hours

B.) 24 hours

C.) 12 hours

D.) 36 hours

39. Which type of harm is associated with nerve agents?

A.) Mechanical

B.) Radiological

C.) Thermal

D.) Chemical

40. What are the CBRNE agents often called?

A.) Weapons of minimal destruction

B.) Secondary devices

C.) Primary devices

D.) Weapons of mass destruction

41. When responding to a chemical incident, what is theprimary harm?

A.) Radiological

B.) Chemical

C.) Biological

D.) Thermal

42. Which is an organism that requires a host cell to live andreproduce in?

A.) Bacteria

B.) Toxin

C.) Poison

D.) Virus

43. Which is NOT a principle to protect the responder at apossible terrorist event?

A.) Placement

B.) Time

C.) Shielding

D.) Distance

44. Which occurs when a substance is taken into the bodythrough one of the routes of exposure?

A.) Contamination

B.) Terrorism

C.) Exposure

D.) Permeation

45. Which is caused by the blast overpressure at a bombingincident?

A.) Thermal harm

B.) Mechanical harm

C.) Chemical harm

D.) Radiological harm

46. Which type of harm is caused by extreme heat or cold?

A.) Chemical

B.) Thermal

C.) Etiological

D.) Radiological

47. What is a violent act dangerous to human life?

A.) Violence

B.) Terrorism

C.) High-thrill

D.) Interrogation

48. Which will result in fluid in the lungs 18 to 24 hourspost exposure?

A.) Smallpox

B.) Botulinum

C.) Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B

D.) Ricin