Iliad – Character Crossword

1 / Queen of Troy
3 / Priest of Apollo who begs Agamemnon for his daughter’s return
5 / Elderly king of Troy
6 / Goddess of war, wisdom, and crafts; supports Achaeans
9 / Seer and prophet
11 / Queen of gods; goddess of childbirth and marriage; supports Achaeans
13 / Friend (lover?) of Achilles
14 / In overall command of Achaean forces
17 / King of Sparta and husband to Helen
18 / Sea nymph, goddess, and mother of Achilles
19 / King of gods; god of sky, thunder, storm
2 / Great warrior who leads the Myrmidons
4 / Wife of Hector and princess of Troy
7 / Prince of Troy and leader of Trojan forces
8 / Elder statesman and advisor for Achaeans
10 / Goddess of love, mainly physical attraction and the resulting lust; supports Trojans
12 / The god of archery, prophecy, music, the sun, and youth; sent plague on Achaean army
15 / Prince of Troy who abducted Helen
16 / Wife of Menelaus; abducted by Paris