PTO MEETING NOTES, December 5, 2016


Jennifer Krause Donna Spayd Stephanie Bruno Kim Shumaker Whitney Lawson

Theresa Gibney Julie Raab Julie Davis Bartol Kimberly Dauskha Amber Speicher

Leanne Conaway Meghan Arnast


The regular meeting of the Lawnton Elementary PTO was called to order at 6:37 p.m. on Monday, December 5, 2016; at Lawnton Elementary Library by Jennifer Krause, President. Theresa Gibney recorded the proceedings.

Approval of the Minutes

The minutes of the November Meeting were motioned for approval by: Stephanie Bruno and seconded by

Jen Krause.

Principal's Report-Mrs. Bruno

Title 1 Items: Mrs. Bruno showed everyone the website It allows public access to the data regarding the school district. It shows the growth of the students. You need to do a district search, Central Dauphin, and then bring up English language arts. as CDSC we are near the bottom at 6.42 in reading (Yellow color) and 9.43 in Math. (Blue color). These scores come from the PSSA's taken. Teachers can look at their class scores individually. The PDE website has released previous PSSA tests and these could be printed out and practiced with the children. Some of the ways that they are trying to improve these scores are by offering after school tutoring to 4-5th graders. Also going back to using 4 square writing Graphic organizers to help students organize their thoughts and break down the materials better for reading comprehension.

President's Report (Jennifer Krause)

Spirit Wear: A total of $815 was sold. The PTO will make approximately $140 profit. It will be here later on in the month for pick up. A discussion about possibly having it to be ordered online in the future. Discussion was that there are still many individuals without computer access, and that it might not work for our school size.

Movie Night: We will be having a movie night in January or February. A discussion was had concerning the movie license. Obtaining a movie license for the PTO, vs. the entire building. It costs $340 for the building, for us to show 1 movie costs a little over $100. If we split the cost of the movie license, we could possibly show more than 1 movie and the school could utilize it for all classrooms. Discussion concerning this. Since the PTO is not purchasing individual student gifts for Christmas, we can utilize these funds to purchase the movie license for the school. A motion was made by LeAnne Conaway that the PTO pay the $340 movie license for the building. It was seconded by Jennifer Krause.

Treasurer's Report/Budget- Donna Spayd

·  Treasurer's Report: Expenses included a field trip, staff appreciation, printing costs. December 1st balance is $5,484.55 The treasurer's report was approved by: Leanne Conaway and seconded by Kim Shumaker.

Committee Reports

Box Tops : (Jen reporting for Erin Brown). The next collection will be on December 22nd. Please label the amounts in the bag, and put the teacher's name on it. This way each class can get credit for the amounts they've collected.

Holiday Shoppe (Jen reporting for Stephanie Turri): Holiday Shopping will be done on December 8/9th. Flyers were sent home. This company does not provide the individual envelopes to mark family members the students want to purchase for. Set up will be Wednesday pm, and tear down will be done on Friday, immediately afterwards. All boxes have been received and are in the lobby.

A+ Rewards (Theresa Gibney): Program date starts October 7-March 16, 2017. We now have 84 individuals who have signed up and the YTD total earned for the first 2 months was $157.53. * This amount had not changed from last month to date.

Chuck E. Cheese (LeAnne Conaway): This past fundraiser wasn't a great turn out. We only received $66.88 for this fundraiser. November is always a lower turn out than February.

Dining for Dollars (LeAnne Conaway): Don't forget that this Wednesday December 7th is the Pizza Hut Fundraiser. We will receive 20% and it's all day at both locations from 11 am-10 pm.

Upcoming events:

January: 5th Grade Fundraiser for Friendly's

February: Chuck E. Cheese

Yearbook/Sub Sale: (Donna Spayd): No report at this time. Keep posting pictures on the PTO website of the parties and other events at the school so they can use them for the yearbook. There will be a sub sale in conjunction with yearbook. If you sell so many subs, you can get your yearbook for free.

New Business: (Julie Davis Bartol):Possible fund raiser opportunity at Infinito's. They do fundraisers Sunday-Thursdays. You pick the date that you want it to be. They would need a minimum of 50 people in order to make $$$ on the fundraiser, and they would give you $1/person.

Discussion about future classroom gifts. Maybe we could look into electric pencil sharpeners. This year,

The PTO purchased each class a board game for inside recess for their classroom gifts. Kim Shumaker asked if they could use some old games for inside recess? Mrs. Bruno said that she could distribute them.

Class Parties will be on December 23rd beginning at 2:45.

Family in Need: Kim Dauksha explained that there was a family in need and the teachers were collecting donations for them. The PTO elected to donate $100 to a 5th grade family whose father passed away suddenly. Let's try to help them over the holidays. A motion was made by Theresa Gibney to donate this amount to this Lawnton Family. It was seconded by LeAnne Conaway.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm. It was motioned by: Jen Krause and seconded by Julie Davis Bartol.

The next meeting of the Lawnton PTO will be on Monday, January 8, 2017 @ 6:30 pm.