September 10, 2014

The Executive Board of the Virginia Mosquito Control Association held a meeting on September 10, 2014 at the Chesapeake Mosquito Control Deep Creek Office on Shell Rd.

Those present were President Jennifer Pierce, President ElectJay Kiser, Vice President Josh Smith, First Vice President Jeff Hottenstein, Secretary/Treasurer Penny Smelser, MAMCA Representative Tim DuBois, and Ann Herring.

The Executive Board meeting was called to order at 8:33am.

The minutes for the meeting of August 19, 2014and the financial report for August 20 toSeptember 10, 2014werereviewed. Motion was made by Josh Smithand seconded by Jeff Hottensteinto accept the minutes and financial report.All in favor, none opposed.

Officer Reports

Jay Kiser sent out a call for presentations to membership. Submission received from Gordon Morrison of Bayer may be presented by Chesapeake or assigned to a vendor presentation time slot.

Josh Smith sent an email reminder to vendors with the dates for the 2015 Annual Meeting. Received a response from Adapco indicating an interest in sponsoring the ice-breaker social with Central Life Sciences. Jeff Hottenstein indicated that Clarke Mosquito will sponsor one night of the hospitality room.

Unfinished Business

Jay Kiser brought up the discussion proposed by law changes to include an industry rep on the Executive Board. P. Smelser will contact George Wojcik to craft wording. Changes to be placed in the Fall edition of the Skeeter. Jeff Hottenstein made a motion to change the bylaws to include a non-voting sustaining member representative on the Executive Board with a two-year term. The representative is to be selected by current sustaining members and approved and appointed by the Executive Board. Seconded by Jay Kiser. Discussion held. All in favor, none opposed.

New Business

Jay Kiser reports that TMVCC has a sponsor for the September meeting and will not VMCA for that date. J. Kiser requests the VMCA sponsor the December meeting of the VMCA. Jeff Hottenstein made a motion to spend a maximum of $150 to sponsor the December TMVCC meeting. Motion seconded by Penny Smelser. Discussion was held. Four in favor, none opposed, and one abstained. Motion passed.

Local Arrangements committee will set times to visit Marriott in Newport News and Portsmouth Renaissance in the coming weeks.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 am.

Respectfully Submitted,

Penelope Smelser

Secretary/Treasurer VMCA