NCOCoC Monthly Meeting Minutes

January 4th, 2018 Page 1
CDSA-Enid, Oklahoma / 10:00 am
Meeting called by / Terry Hill, CoC Co-Chair
Type of meeting / NCOCoC Monthly Meeting January 2018
Secretary / Torey Widener
Attendees / Attendance log attached to the meeting minutes
Welcome & Introductions
Approval of December 7th, 2017 Meeting minutes
Motion made by / Second Motion
NCOCoC Co-Chair requested a motion to approve the December 7th, 2017 Meeting Minutes (meetings are recorded). / Melissa Brumley / Jana Nelson
All in favor, none opposed. Meeting minutes were approved.
Agency Reports
Survivor Resource Network- Denise reported one client moving into housing in December. She has more applications this month. She’s been busy with Christmas presents; they had a lot of donations. Their shelter is full, including a
5-week old baby.
Mission of Hope- Jana reports shelter being full, having been in emergency weather status for at least two weeks with people sleeping in living room and dining room. Regarding Christmas, donations came in later than usual causing some panic. All was well in the end, allowing MOH to take all clients out to dinner and buy them gifts. There was an open position which was filled yesterday. After training of new employee, schedules should return to normal. Torey reported on ESG that one client moved into an apartment last month. After paying for February rent, ESG16 funds will be entirely spent. She has started working on ESG17. Two clients were approved for apartments yesterday and plan to move the middle of January.
Wings of Hope- Ruth reported shelter is very full including 20 children. A couple families are moving out this week. Christmas was really good, they had donations left over to help out some churches provide gifts to families.
Peach Tree Landing-Terri reports Christmas was good; their donations came in late as well. This year they didn’t have the normal toy run from partner agency; without that cushion, there was a scramble but all turned out well and the three children in shelter were spoiled with lots of presents. There are three open beds available currently in their shelter. She reported burst pipes and flooding in storage building and parking lot. Other than that, they are gearing up for once a year fund raiser occurring in 4 months. Clients in shelter right now include one girl in school, recently out of rehab, another lady applying for disability and one who is employed. They all have vehicles making things more convenient.
  • January 4th, 2018 Page 2

  • Agency Reports Continued

NOYS-Jennifer reported they have four in their shelter right now with three more clients possibly coming this afternoon. Her quarterly report showed they have only two youths’ difference between parental placements and DHS OJA placements. Historically, it’s been significantly more DHS and OJA placement than parental placement which is a good testament to getting word out to local families and services provided in addition to shelter services. They started utilizing “Strengthening Families” program which has proven useful to clients. Regarding ESG, she has received a lot of referrals. The difficulty is people finding the living budget is outside their expectations. They then decide to stay with friends or family. She encourages them to live within budget and save money in order to move up. Housing is available; it’s just a matter of keeping them on track.
  • CDSA- Mike reported ESG16 RRH money was used up housing a client just before Christmas. Two more housed with 2017 money before Christmas depleting those funds. ESG homeless prevention funds are almost gone too. Due to private money; he’s been able to help people with utilities. They finished four houses with previous grant and they are ready. One has to be open for a period to veteran, homeless, fleeing domestic violence, or youth transitioning. The problem is rent is $600 not including any bills paid and youth just don’t get the kinds of jobs that make that affordable. He just finished a grant to get four more houses. Next, they plan to build four tri-plex one bedrooms.

PCYS-Sally Jane reported they currently have four TLP clients and are working on a fifth. Regarding Christmas, with programs like adopt a family and angel tree their clients all had a good Christmas.
VA-Tulsa- Paul reports it’s a busy time due to cold temperatures. There are many requests for services which require verifying they are eligible and which program they fit best with (e.g. tribal, VASH). Tulsa is a transitional area for veterans, they don’t necessarily want to stay there so this changes referrals. They are trying to get as many people into shelters out of weather as possible and THEN keep contact with them. Most vets helped don’t have phones. He has houses ready for some to move in but can’t locate the clients to get them moved in.
Youth and Family Services-Barbara reported Project Santa was hugely successful with Vance as volunteer partners. They supplied gifts to school kids. They are starting a new program for 16-17 year olds that are homelessor at risk of homelessness. They can stay in the shelter and hopefully move into transitional housing at 18 if needed. There are four kids in their shelter and two kids in TLP as she had to evict two in the last week. There are four openings currently available.
  • HMIS/AHAR Update

Regarding HMIS, Melisa stated she’s working on cleaning up data getting ready for system performance reports coming out in a few months.
COCAPR reports, she fixed several small errors where agencies had two contradicting answers. Overall, we’re looking better. She encouraged all agencies to continue cleaning up errors in section 6 of report because system performance reports will be coming out soon. Deadline for corrections is next month. Regarding income, HUD looks at yes/no, income amount and HUD verification. Those all need to match. System performance measure deadline is May 31st. Melisa is assuming things will start coming due in March for drafts before review and final report.
Regarding AHAR, finalization still isn’t received. Continuum has submitted information, everything shows 100% and they have reviewed it. She will give final report when she receives their final blessing. She brought the book of yearly information to pass around and let members look at. It includes reports and data from HMIS with all agencies combined, demographics of clients, etc. Any questions welcome.
January 4th, 2018 Page 3
  • Point in Time Count/Housing Inventory Count

Jana asked if anyone else would like to chair this year. She will chair again as no one else wants that position. Last year’s committee included Jana, Jennifer, Patti, and Melisa. We really need a contact person from each town. Contact person from Enid will be Earlene. We need all the help we can get to get numbers up. Mission of Hope is going to try to get volunteers from OSU to help. United Way has annual board meeting that same day which creates conflict in the afternoon. Melisa printed out new forms; Jana made sure members had those. Observation survey has changed with transgender being added as question number 6 choice. Melisa reported on other minor changes and suggested ways to save time and work more efficiently. Last year we tried to contact homeless liaisons in schools; Jana requested members to please follow thru this year to get those numbers reported.
Housing Inventory Count was passed out. Melisa went over 1st couple of pages to make sure data was correct. She pointed out changes, condensed format, and okayed receiving multiple forms for different programs or separate locations. Regarding target populations, it says select one but you can select more than one. Housing inventory count will vary according to programs on the date of count. Bed types; most are facility beds, not vouchers. Most confusing part is without or with children section. Melisa advised members to make sure numbers match. The number of units are counted by how many families can be housed in a unit. Apartments count as transitional housing and how many people are housed in current situation. Each individual counts as a bed counts as a unit. Seasonal beds/overflow beds are for emergency and emergency youth shelters (for instance emergency weather). Mark them as overflow, not seasonal. Paperwork was reduced by 11 pages by combining programs. Melisa only needs data and members can save forms while she goes over data to make sure numbers add up correctly. Members do NOT have to survey clients in their shelters, just fill out the data.
New Business
SPDAT Training-Mike is trying to set this up for next month in Stillwater.
Any HMIS agencies need to get contact info to Mike including agency name, contact information, counties served and services offered in order for him to update policies and procedures. SRN, Mission of hope and CDSA contact information has already been received.
MOUs for 2018-Confusion over these resulted in deciding to talk to Audra, as at last meeting she expressed willingness to take care of that.
Motion to adjourn
Made by Jana Nelson / Seconded by Denise Jack