The Chemistry Department at Southern Connecticut State University is accredited by the American Chemical Society and offers courses leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree in chemistry, the Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry, the Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry with secondary education certification, the Master of Science degree in pure chemistry, and the Master of Science degree in chemistry with secondary education certification. These programs make use of the facilities located in the Jennings Hall Science Center. Graduates of these programs qualify for teaching positions in secondary schools, for professional positions in industry and government, as well as for graduate studies in chemistry, biochemistry, environmental science, medicine, dentistry, and related medical sciences.

The major in chemistry is designed to develop a mastery of the underlying theories and principles in the field by means of a carefully planned sequence of courses and related laboratory experiences. First year students begin their studies with General Chemistry. These basic courses introduce the student to topics such as the principles of atomic and molecular structure, stoichiometry, states of matter, chemical equilibrium, chemical kinetics and electrochemistry. In the second year, majors enroll in Organic Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis. During this year, students are expected to take engineering physics. In the third year, students are expected to take Physical Chemistry and begin taking their chemistry elective courses. In their fourth year, students are expected to take Inorganic Chemistry, a lab safety course and a seminar course as well as continued advanced elective courses. The advanced elective courses include Instrumental Analysis, Environmental Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry and Biochemistry.

Senior chemistry majors who have completed the core requirements in chemistry may elect to do independent research in their senior year in association with a member of the faculty. Those students who qualify may use this research to prepare an honor’s thesis. Successful completion of an honor’s thesis entitles the student to graduate with departmental honors in chemistry.

The Chemistry Department at Southern Connecticut State University is approved by the American Chemical Society (ACS) to certify to the Society those students who complete the curriculum requirements as outlined in the ACS Guidelines. For a student to receive certification from the ACS, the student must meet the requirements outlined in the Bachelor of Science degree with the following requirement: Biochemistry I is a required course.

Full-Time Faculty

Adiel Coca, Assistant Professor, B.S. Iona College, Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University. Specialty area: Organic Chemistry.

Lisa Carlson, Assistant Professor, B.S. State University of New York, Fredonia, M.S., Ph.D. University of Rochester. Specialty area: Physical Chemistry.

Ozcan Gulacar, Assistant Professor, B.A. Uludag University, M.S. National University of Mongolia, Ph.D. Western Michigan University. Specialty area: Chemical Education.

Andrew Karatjas, Assistant Professor, B.S. Haverford College, Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University. Specialty area: Organic Chemistry.

Gregory S. Kowalczyk, Associate Professor, B.S. Wayne State University, Ph.D. University of Maryland. Specialty area: Analytical and Environmental Chemistry.

M. Gerald Lesley, Professor, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. University of Waterloo, Specialty area: Inorganic Chemistry.

Jiongdong Pang, Associate Professor, B.S. Fudan University, Shanghai, P.R. China, M.S. Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Science, Ph.D. University of Rhode Island. Specialty area: Biochemistry.

Robert J. Snyder, Professor, B.A. University of Massachusetts, Ph.D. St. John’s University. Specialty area: General Chemistry and Instrumental Analysis.


Bruker 300 MHz Avance III NMR Spectrometer

Perkin-Elmir AutoSystemXL GCMS Turbo Gold Mass Spectrometer

Perkin-Elmir 1300 Series IR Spectrophotometers

Perkin-Elmir 1720 FTIR Spectrophotometer

Perkin Elmir System 2000 FTIR Spectrophotometer

Perkin-Elmir 2380 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

Perkin-Elmir 2380 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer with graphite furnace

Perkin-Elmir Series 3B Liquid Chromatograph with LC 135 Diode Array Detector

Perkin-Elmir Lambda 20 UV/Vis Spectrometer

Shimadzu LCMS-2010 EV Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer

Varian High Performance Liquid Chromatograph

Varian 3400 Gas Chromatographs

Philips XRG 3100 X-ray Diffraction System (Powder Samples)

Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction (Access via NSF-CCLI Consortium with YSU)

Perkin-Elmir LS-50 Luminescence Spectrophotometer

Amplitron II Thermocycler for Polymerase Chain Reactions (PCR)

Fisher DNA Sequencing System

OWL Protein Transfer System

Vacuum Atmospheres Nexus System Inert Atmosphere Drybox

Johnson-Matthey Magnetic Susceptibility Balance