Kirbyville Housing Authority (Pecan Grove)

414 S. Vallie Ave.  KIRBYVILLE, TEXAS 75956  409-423-4751  409-423-3396 (fax)

Smoke-Free Policy

All terms and provisions appearing in the Smoke-Free Policy are specifically made a part of the Dwelling Lease effective June 1, 2017 in force at the property located at:

Address: 414 S. Vallie Ave., Kirbyville, TX 75956 – (Office address) - which includes/represents all Pecan Grove property from 202-620 W. Levert St., 944 W. MLK Blvd., Apts. 1-10, and 946 MLK Blvd.


This policy applies to all persons entering Kirbyville Housing Authority/Pecan Grove (“KHA”) properties and grounds, including KHA residents, their guests and visitors, KHA contractors, KHA employees, individuals/groups, or the general public renting or otherwise using any sports/activity areas/community centers or other areas.


1.Smoking is prohibited within 25 feet of all KHA apartment units, administrative buildings, maintenance buildings, community rooms, laundry rooms, pavilions, playgrounds, sports and activity fields/areas and all other KHA-owned buildings and common areas.

2.Prohibited tobacco products include cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes (hookahs) and ENDS (Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems).

3.Enforcement of the policy will be primarily through lease enforcement, signage and other individual policy enforcement.

4.All residents must sign the lease amendment as a condition of their continued occupancy (and inform all guests of the policy), and non-residents using any of the facilities or amenities must also sign acknowledgment of this policy.

5. Initial requests for reasonable accommodations for smoking by disabled residents who have already been allowed to smoke on their porches, shall be considered, but shall only be granted if such accommodations do not require any fundamental alterations to any housing program or operation, or pose an undue financial and/or administrative burden.

Resident Certification

I ______, certify that:

(Head of Household)

I will abide by the above “smoke-free” requirements, and will require all others inside or outside my premises to adhere to said requirements as well.

Note: This policy is an agreement between the head of household, spouse and all other parties to the Lease, and the Kirbyville Housing Authority and must be signed as an Addendum to the Lease.

As head of household/spouse/co-head/other adult member, I have read the Smoke-Free Policy and agree to fully abide by its provisions. As a Resident, I agree to assume responsible for the actions of my household members, guests, and visitors. Failure to adhere to any conditions of this Addendum will constitute both material non-compliance with and a serious violation of the KHA Dwelling Lease Agreement. I further understand that if I in any way violate this smoke-free policy, I agree to be responsible for all costs to remove smoke odor and residue at the time I vacate my unit. I understand that failure to comply with any part of this Addendum shall be cause for lease enforcement action, including an initial $500 smoking damage deposit, and eventual eviction, if further smoking violations continue.

I hereby acknowledge that I have received a copy of this policy:



Head of Household (please print) KHA Representative (please print)


Head of Household (Signature) Date KHA Representative (Signature) Date


Spouse / Co-Head/Other Adult (please print)


Spouse / Co-Head/Other Adult (Signature)


Other Adult (please print)


Other Adult (Signature)


Apartment Address

Non-Resident Certification

I ______, certify that:

(Print Name)

I will abide by the above “smoke-free” requirements, and will require all others in my group/activity to adhere to said requirements as well.

Note: This policy is an agreement between the signatory and all other parties associated with that person, and the Kirbyville Housing Authority, and must be signed upon request.

I have read the Smoke-Free Policy and agree to fully abide by its provisions. As a Guest of Pecan Grove/KHA, I agree to assume responsibility for the actions of my guests/group/function/activity. Failure to adhere to any conditions of this policy will constitute both material non-compliance with and a serious violation of KHA and U.S. Dept. of HUD requirements. I further understand that if I in any way violate this smoke-free policy, I agree to be responsible for any fines, costs to remove smoke odor and residue, and/or loss of security deposit (if applicable). I also understand that I may be prohibited from further use or enjoyment of any Pecan Grove/KHA properties and or amenities.

I have received a copy of this policy.


(Print name) KHA Representative (please print)


(Signature) Date KHA Representative (Signature) Date


Other Adult (please print)


Other Adult (Signature)


Other Adult (please print)


Other Adult (Signature)

Public Housing Non-Smoking Addendum 9/26/2017