B.P.Ed. I (First) Semester Special Examination 2014-15
Course Code: BEPD102 Paper ID: 0891222
Introduction to Information Technology
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70 Max Marks: 75
Note: Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
uksV% dqy N% ç’uksa dk mRrj nhft,A ç’u la[;k 1 vfuok;Z gSA
1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer to 50 words). (4x5=20)
fdUgh ikWap iz'uksa ds mRrj nhft, rFkk mRrj ipkl 'kCnks ls vf/kd ugha gksuk pkfg,A
a) Write various specific features of Windows operating system.
foUMkst vkWisjsfVax flLVe dh fofHkUu fof’k”V fo’ks”krk,a fyf[k;sA
b) Describe in details the functions of taskbar in Windows.
foUMkst esa VkLdckj ds dk;ksZ dks foLrkj esa fyf[k;sA
c) What is system software? Mention the most commonly used system software.
flLVe lkW¶Vos;j D;k gSa\ vf/kdka’k :i ls bLrseky flLVe lkW¶Vos;j dk mYys[k dhft,A
d) What is Dial-up connection?
Mk;y&vi dusD’ku D;k gS\
e) What is the role of Windows Explorer in Windows?
foUMkst esa foUMkst ,DlIyksjj dh Hkwfedk D;k gS\
f) Write applications and advantages of Spread Sheet.
LçsM ‘khV ds vuqç;ksxksa ,oa ykHkksa dks fyf[k;sA
g) Explain how the following features are carried out in the word processing Packages:
oMZ çkslstj iSdst esa fuEufyf[kr fo’ks”krkvksa dks dSls ogu fd;k tkrk gS&
i) Spell-checking
ii) Printing a document
h) What is the difference between internet and intranet?
bUVjusV ,oa bUVªkusV ds chp vUrj D;k gS\
2. Explain briefly the salient features of various generations of computers. (10)
dEI;wVj ds fofHkUu tsusjs’ku ds eq[; fo’ks”krkvksa dks la{ksi esa le>kb;sA
3. What is mail merge in MsWord? Write various steps involved to perform Mail-Merge in Ms-Word. (10)
,e,l&oMZ esa esy etZ D;k gS\ ,e,l&oMZ esa esy etZ dks iwjk djus ds fy, ‘kkfey fofHkUu pj.kksa dks fyf[k;sA
4. What is email? Discuss the difference between pop based and web based email in detailed. (10)
bZ&esy D;k gS\ ikWi vk/kkfjr ,oa osc vk/kkfjr bZesy ds chp vUrj dk foLrkj esa ppkZ dhft,A
5. Write a short note of any five: (2x5=10)
fdUgh ikWp ij laf{kIr fVIi.kh fyf[k;s&
a) My Document
b) Start button
c) Title bar
d) Recycle bin
e) Scroll bar
f) Menu bar
6. What is formula in Ms Excel? Explain five function of MS Excel? (10)
,e,l&oMZ esa QkeZwyk D;k gS\ ,e,l,Dlsy ds ikWp dk;ksZ dks le>kb;sA
7. What is computer virus? Explain how to detect and prevent. (10)
dEI;wVj okbjl D;k gS\ bldk dSls irk yxk;k tk ldrk gS ,oa jksdk tk ldrk gS\
8. What is operating system? Explain the difference between single user and multi user operating system. (10)
avkWisjsfVax flLVe D;k gS\ flaxy ;wtj ,oa eYVh ;wtj vkWisjsfVax flLVe ds chp vUrj dks le>kb;sA