2014 SWAT General Membership Meeting
Date: Dec 9, 2014 at 7pm
Place: Flying Star Café, 732 Silver Ave SW
Call to Order by President Julie Fillinger
Review of Minutes from September Meeting: Approved
Report of President: Thank you to the Executive Committee who with careful management of expenses and vouchers have left the organization in good financial shape.
Report of Corresponding Secretary: Upcoming Trial Chairs discussed. NADAC fee of $25.00 paid and being handled by Dee Faulk. Linda Smith is interested in being Trial Chair for the June USDAA. John Welby expressed regret that SWAT has purchased A-Frames from someone else.
Report of the Treasurer: Linda gave a financial update with a Trial by Trial accounting. Balance in checkbook as of December 8, 2014 is $30,185.99.
Committee Reports
January AKC Planning: Staffed. Coupons to Branding Iron will be issued in $2.00 amounts for workers. Running Order changed; Judge to have final decision on conflicts. Amy and Barbara are set up for hospitality and everything is ready to go.
Unfinished Business
USDAA in February advertising needed. Send out information to all previous participants and training facilities.
New Business
2015 Show Schedule presented.
Voting for new Executive Committee: Vote was unanimous.
President: Christina Parlapaino
V-President: Margaret Coombs
Treasurer: Linda Kipp
Corresp. Sec: Donna CraryJohnson
Record. Sec: Karen Green
May: NADAC application in and on website.
June: USDAA looking for chairperson
Should look at 2016 Trial Schedule as soon as possible to schedule judges.
Open Discussion
Need for new Tire Bases/Frames
Thank you to Gene and Pat for their committed work as Equipment Managers.
AKC: Recommended one day a year with a special event included in the Trial; consider ways to incorporate this into upcoming Trials.
Start looking at options for acquiring jumps that meet USDAA and AKC new requirements.
Adjournment: 7:56pm
Respectfully submitted,
Christina Parlapaino