November 1, 2017
The governing body met in regular session at 7:30 p.m., November 1, 2017 in the council room. Mayor Joe Mitchell and council members Alice Lackey, Mike Stallbaumer, Bruce Hermesch, Jim Mitchell and Steve Bennett were present. Council member Ray Shinn was absent. Also present were City Administrator Matt Rehder, City Attorney Martin Mishler, Brian Rusche, Wyatt Rusche, Bruce Deters, Kylee Luckeroth and Erik Ganstrom and reporters Matt Diehl and Heidi Wolfgang.
Bruce Hermesch moved and Mike Stallbaumer seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the October 4, 2017 regular council meeting. All five voted aye.
Alice Lackey moved and Steve Bennett seconded a motion to approve Appropriation Ordinance No. 1358, paying all bills. All five voted aye.
The Seneca Library Board of Trustees is requesting the appointment of Paul Boeding as a trustee to replace board member Stephanie Haug who has resigned for personal reasons. Mike Stallbaumer moved and Jim Mitchell seconded a motion appointing Paul Boeding as a trustee to the Seneca Library Board of Trustees. All five voted aye.
The Seneca Housing Board is requesting the appointment of Dick Miller or Jeff Kidd to replace T om Hilbert as a board member. Jim Mitchell moved and Mike Stallbaumer seconded a motion to appoint Dick Miller to replace Tom Hilbert on the Seneca Housing Board. All five voted aye.
An offer had been received in the amount of $100,000.00 from Precision Aerial Ag, Daren & Dustin Ronnebaum for the purchase of the Seneca City Airport. Jim Mitchell moved and Alice Lackey seconded a motion to deny the offer received from Precision Aerial Ag for the purchase of the airport. All five voted aye.
Wyatt Rusche was present to explain his Eagle Scout project to replace the chain link fence and make a new sign on the northwest corner at the North City Park. The proposed cost of the materials for the project will be $6,217.00, the amount he is requesting from the city. He is also requesting the use of city equipment with Brian Rusche’s supervision. Wyatt Rusche will perform the work as part of his Eagle Scout project. Steve Bennett moved and Bruce Hermesch seconded a motion to approve the request of the proposed cost of the materials in the amount of $6,217.00 and use of the equipment after city hours. All five voted aye.
Brian Rusche was present to explain the bids received for a new truck. Bids were received from Nemaha Valley Motors for a 2018 Dodge Reg Cab 4 X 4 w/8 ft. box in the amount of $24675.00; and a 2018 GMC 1500 Sierra 4 X 4 Reg Cab w/Long Box in the amount of $27,300.00; and from Rick Honeyman Ford a 2017 Ford 4 X 4 Reg Cab w/8 ft. box in the amount of $ 25,678.00 and a 2018 Ford 4 X 4 Reg Cab w/8 ft. box in the amount of $27,900.16. Bruce Hermesch moved and Steve Bennett seconded a motion to purchase from Rick Honeyman Ford the 2017 Ford 4 X 4 Reg Cab w/8 ft. box in the amount of $25,678.00 with tradein. All five voted aye.
At 7:50 p.m., Jim Mitchell moved and Mike Stallbaumer seconded a motion to go into executive session for attorney-client for Potential Contract Terms for ten minutes until 8:00 p.m., to include the Mayor, council, the City Administrator, the City Attorney and Erik Ganstrom. All five voted aye.
At 8:00 p.m., Alice Lackey moved and Jim Mitchell seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting. All five voted aye.
Jane F. Strathman
City Clerk