A Company Limited by Guarantee
Held at Norton Park, Edinburgh,
On Thursday 29th September 2011
Jack Alexander World of Work
Jocelyn Butterworth Jersey Employment Trust
Kyle Hay Ingeus
Bruce Brodie Scottish Borders Council
Gordon McHugh South Lanarkshire Council
Susan McLaughlin Forth Sector
Kate Storrow RNIB
Gordon Wright Stirling Council
Mike Evans Individual
Angela Bain Capability Scotland
Tanya Gilchrist Shaw Trust
Sarah Cameron Employment Unit
Patricia Mill Dundee City Council
Angela Hamilton Fife Council
David Bain Into Work
Peter Purves Into Work
Callum McGregor Capability Scotland
Clare Clanachan Dumfries and Galloway Council
Presentation on Welfare Reform
Chris White from CJ Consultancy gave a very informative presentation on the Welfare Reform. This can be downloaded from the SUSE website: http://www.susescotland.co.uk/news/suse-agm-2011.aspx
Presentation on the Implications of the Christie Report
Dermont Rhatigan delivered this presentation on behalf of the Scottish Government.
You can download the summary of the Christie Commission and The Scottish Governments response to the commission from the SUSE website.
Minutes of the AGM held on 29 March 2010
These were accepted as being a true record and proposed by Angela Hamilton and Seconded by Bruce Brodie.
Matters arising from the minutes
There were no matters arising
Annual Report from the Chair
Callum summarised the years activities.
Annual General Meeting held in August at The Engine Shed with presentation on Social Return on Investment Evaluation of the Action Group’s supported employment service.
There was a Masterclass in Evidence-based Supported Employment by Miles Rinaldi, South West London and St George’s held in January 2011
March 2011 saw the annual SUSE Conference held in Peebles, Key Note Speaker was Andrew Lowe Chair of ADSW.
From the 2nd quarter of 2010 the ebulletin was produced in a new format and a monthly edition was emailed to all members.
The Supported Employment Learning portal was launched in January 2011. This includes definitions of terms, case studies, information on the activities that Intowork and Stirling Employability took part in as Supported Employment Demonstration Sites.
2010, was the 5th year of the Scottish Business Diversity Awards, and the overall winners gathered together in Edinburgh for the awards dinner at the Caledonian Hilton Hotel in November.
Regional events took place across Scotland over the summer and anyone from the business community, or the public at large, could nominate. The overall winner was St Andrews business, Zest Ltd. Zest showed excellence in practising diversity in both their recruitment and retention practises.
In the second quarter of 2010, the Scottish Government commissioned SUSE, in conjunction with the Scottish Development Centre for Mental Health, to implement a year’s project around the implementation of the Framework. The project was a part of the work led by Supported Employment Implementation Board’s (SEIB), which was established from September 2010 to September 2011 to take forward the Framework’s implementation.
SUSE and The Scottish Development Centre for Mental Health (SDC) (which merged with the Mental Health Foundation (MHF) in February 2011) worked with the Government and COSLA to select two demonstration sites: Midlothian Council with Intowork and Stirling Council with the mainstream service Stirling Employability. From September 2010 to April 2011, SDC/MHF worked with these two areas. They principally focussed on objective 3. Development of the outcomes framework was put out to tender. The contract was awarded to Sheila Durie of Haldane Associates, and based on a Social Return on Investment (SROI) approach.
More information on all SUSE activities can be found in the Chairpersons report on the SUSE website.
The content of the Annual Report was accepted, and proposed by Kyle Hay and seconded by Gordon McHugh.
Treasurers Report and presentation of accounts
Peter Purves presented the annual accounts and explained that the organisation have moved to a 15 month accounting period which will allow us in the future to work on a financial year basis. It was noted that the Scottish Government grant had made up the majority of external funding in the previous year, and that there had been a reduction in income from membership fees, reflecting the external financial environment.
There were no questions for Peter.
The accounts were accepted.
Appointment of Auditor
Peter proposed that the existing Auditors were retained. This was agreed.
EUSE report
Mike evans delivered the EUSE report and highlighted some good work that EUSE had undertaken in the past year including; EUSE scholarship awards, 10th EUSE conference held in Denmark, development and publication of the Supported Employment toolkit and the EU study of Supported Employment.
It was noted that Mike has stood down as president of EUSE after 4 years holding this position.
Any Other Competent Business
Callum thanked everyone for their attendance, and explained that office bearers to the SUSE board would be elected at the next board meeting.
Callum also thanked Mike for his contribution to SUSE and EUSE over the years.