Salary Deduction - Car Parking Application

Please complete the form below and return by post, fax or e-mail attachmentto: The University of Birmingham,

Security Office, Aston Webb Building, Edgbaston,BirminghamB15 2TT. Fax: 0121 4147596


Personal Details

Mr/Mrs/Ms/ Initials Surname


StaffIDCard Number


If you would like your windscreen permit sent to your home address, pleaseadd.

Home Address

Vehicle Details (Maximum 2 vehicles)Please print CLEARLY

Registration 1 Registration 2

Where Can I Park?

Main campus barrier controlled areas (excluding Chancellors Court, Hills and the Medical School Forecourt which are

accessible to authorised users only).Your ID card must be used to swipe both in and out of campus

Pay & Display Car Parks - if you choose to park in a pay &display car park you MUST purchase a pay & display ticket.

These car parks are not linked to the salary deduction system (with the exception of Grange Rd).


Disabled Blue Badge Holders will be given free access to campus but should submit a copy of their Blue Badge with their application.

The applicant should be aware that bringing a vehicle onto University property is subject to University Traffic Regulations
this includes the use of financial parking charges for unauthorised parking.

The current cost for deduction from salary is £1.00 per day. Pay & Display charges are also £1.00 per day for staff.

Changes to personal and vehicle details should be notified immediately to Car Parking Records at the above address.

The University will hold this data in a secure database accessible only by authorised members of staff. It will be retained whilst the applicant holds a valid parking barrier permit and will then be removed from the database. The data will be used for effective control, crime prevention,management and monitoring of parking and payments.

Signature required for Deduction of Parking Fees via SalaryDeduction from University Payroll

I hereby authorise the Finance Office to deduct car parking fees from my wage / salary in respect of the above payroll number until further notice.

NB * Casual staff who are not paid via the main University Payroll are not eligible for salary deduction and must use the Pay & Display option.

Signature: …………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………………….