Government Finance Officers Association of Connecticut
Executive Board Meeting Agenda
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Anthony’s Ocean View
450 Lighthouse Road
New Haven, CT 06512
Jim Wren called the meeting to order at 9:42 a.m.
Members present: Tony Genovese (11:00), Jim Wren, Mike Lupkas, Bob Barron, Beth Bauer, Nina Cousins, Bob Curry, Rick Darling, Ann Harter, Bill Hogan, Sal Pandolfo, Jonathan Perugini (11:00), Emilia Portelinha, Jim Reynolds, Greg Simmons, Maryanna Stevens, Bob Tait
Members absent: Diana Doyle, Jim Finch, Mike LeBlanc, Diane Waldron,
I. Approval of minutes
A review of the minutes for February 6, 2014 was done and a Motion to approve was made by Maryanna Stevens, Second Emilia Portelinha, Passed Unanimous Abstain Ann Harter, Beth Bauer, Rick Darling, Bob Barron
II. Reinstate Board Members
Beth Bauer was reinstated as a member according to the bylaws. Motion to approve by Maryanna Stevens, Second Ann Harter Passed Unanimous
III. Treasurer’s Report
The Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Change in Fund Balance for period ending March 31, 2014 and the Revenues and Expenditures Compared to Budget for period ending March 31, 2014 was presented by Sal Pandolfo. Comments were made in regards to the two reports. Also mentioned was that the binder(s) of information have been handed over to Greg Simmons as this is the last report prepared by Sal. It was mentioned that Sal Pandolfo has been the Treasurer for almost 20 years.
Motion to accept Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Change in Fund Balance and the Revenues and Expenditures Compared to Budget both as of March 31, 2014 was made by Maryanna Stevens, Second Ann Harter Passed Unanimous
IV. Old Business
Mike Lupkas discussed the Uniformed Chart of Accounts; there has been no further communication from the state concerning the crosswalk update, no other board members have heard anything either.
Jim Wren began the discussion on the legislative lobbyist review. Since he was delayed; Tony Genovese asked Jim to relay information about his prior experience with MP Guinan Associates. Tony felt that they have been more responsive since the board’s concerns were brought to their attention. Beth Bauer talked about having more interaction from MaryPhil. Write-ups/handouts continued to remain the same. Discussion was held regarding the contractual obligations that currently exist should the board desire to end the contract. There was additional discussion about “What do we want to do as organization?” Jim Wren talked about conversations held with MaryPhil. Should GFOA be an active (lobbying/advocacy) or passive member? MP Guinan is currently serving in a passive role. Additional discussion about what role was needed and how the current relationship was held. There was discussion about issuing a RFP and the type to be issued. It was determined that the RFP for lobbyist should include the options for submittals which contain the different roles (active or passive) and the processes and cost involved for each. Motion was made by Maryanna Stevens, Second Ann Harter Passed Unanimous
A RFP Sub-committee was created consisting of Jim Wren, Beth Bauer, Tony Genovese. Motion was made by Maryanna Stevens, Second Ann Harter Passed Unanimous
V. New Business
A. Al Young Award – Barbara Bertrand, Robert Curry
Jim Wren discussed executive board selection decision. Motion to approve by Rick Darling, Second Maryanna Stevens Passed Unanimous
B. Appointment of Nominating Committee
It was noted that the Chairperson of the committee is the past president. Ann Harter, Jim Finch, Bill Hogan will make up the committee. Vice President Jim Wren approved the committee.
C. Discussion of the Mini Golf Event for the Annual Meeting
Jim Wren told the board that Webster bank cannot sponsor the event any longer. It was agreed that mini-golf will not be offered this year. The golf tournament and bocce tournament will continue to be offered.
D. Honorary membership request – Ted May
Following a previous historical review by Jim Reynolds, it was found that there was no precedence for accepting the request as a vendor/finance director. Discussion was held about qualifications for honorary membership and the board felt the requirement of “exemplary service to corporation” per the bylaws was not met. There was additional discussion that the Board or a sub-committee may look at the existing bylaw.
VI. Reports
A. Accounting Standards
Bob Tait discussed that the Implementation Guide for GASB Statement 68 is out. Bob distributed an information page “GASB in the News”. Nina Cousins discussed changes coming for A133.
B. Education
Bob Barron mentioned that there was no formal activity to report. He talked about his perception of the CPFO certification program.
C. Historian’s Report
Jim Reynolds discussed his research and mentioned that Sal Pandolfo started as treasurer July 1, 1995.
D. Internet
Bob Curry has been transitioning information with the website to Emilia Portelinha. Emilia discussed the amount of time needed to maintain the website. She deleted an employment opening which was posted on the message board. The submitters were told to submit openings to position listing for the site.
E. Walsh and Miklus Scholarship
Bill Hogan mentioned that there are five scholarships to be handed out. The Walsh scholarships were 2@$2,000 and they are to be handed out today. 3 scholarships were for NESGFOA training.
F. Legislative
Beth Bauer mentioned ongoing items of legislative concern. Among them were:
Real Estates proration, mental health benefits, storage of tenant possessions, MRSA funds, health insurance premium tax elimination, MERS employee contribution rate increase, pesticide/herbicide bans.
G. Membership
Jonathan Perugini discussed that there were currently 334 total members including honorary members. The purge of unpaid members was done and several members then paid. As of April 30 there was a total of 343 members, consisting of 210 Active, 113 Associates and 20 Honorary members.
H. National Event
Bob Barron discussed that there are currently 24 persons registered from Connecticut. The evening dinner plans for this year have been cancelled.
I. Program
Jim Wren reviewed the program for today.
VII. NESGFOA Representative
Maryanna Stevens mentioned that Providence, RI is the 2014 site and then Boston, MA in 2015.
VIII. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn at 11:17 am was made by Ann Harter, Second by Emilia Portelinha