Anatomy II Exam 1 Answers

Fill in the Blank

1. mediastinum

2. pericardium

3. serous

4. fibrous, parietal, visceral

5. visceral

6. fibrous

7. visceral, parietal

8. pericardial fluid

9. epicardium, myocardium, endocardium

10. myocardium

11. epicardium

12. endocardium

13. pectinate muscle

14. foramen ovale

15. fossa ovalis

16. right

17. trabeculae carneae

18. fibrous, endocardium

19. prevent backflow

20. right AV valve or tricuspid valve

21. left AV valve or bicuspid valve or mitral valve

22. right ventricle, pulmonary semilunar, pulmonary trunk

23. pulmonary vein

24. left atrium

25. left AV valve, left ventricle

26. aortic semilunar, aorta

27. brachiocephalic artery, left common carotid artery, left subclavian artery, right coronary artery, left coronary artery

28. superior/inferior vena cava, coronary sinus, right atrium

29. pulmonary circuit

30. systemic circuit

31. chordae tendinae

32. papillary muscle

33. systole

34. diastole

35. atrial systole

36. ventricular diastole

37. ventricular systole

38. atrial diastole

39. rapid ventricular filling

40. ductus arteriosus

41. ligamentum arteriosum

42. AV valves

43. semilunar valves

44. intercalated discs

45. gap junctions

46. Autonomic

47. sympathetic

48. parasympathetic

49. medulla

50. norepinephrine

51. acetylcholine

52. adrenaline or epinephrine

53. tunics, lumen

54. tunica interna

55. simple squamous epithelial tissue, elastic C.T.

56. tunica media

57. smooth muscle, elastic C.T.

58. tunica externa

59. dense C.T.

60. sympathetic division of Autonomic N.S.

61. Trick question. No Answer!

62. endothelium and basement lamina

63. fenestrae

64. pre-capillary sphincter muscles

65. arterioles

66. venules

67. flap-like valves, milking

68. systemic veins and venules

69. systemic capillaries

70. Sphygmomanometer

71. brachial artery

72. maximum

73. minimum

74. Korotkoff sounds

75. 5 liters

76. peripheral resistance, cardiac output

77. atherosclerosis

78. viscosity

79. Enter any triple-digit number

80. Diffusion and filtration

81. filtration

82. diffusion

83. arteriole side of capillary bed

84. along entire capillary bed

85. 40 mm Hg

86. 10 mm Hg

87. 25 mm Hg

88. 25 mm Hg

89. connective

90. 55%

91. water

92. plasma proteins, plasma nutrients, waste

93. albumins

94. alpha globulins and beta globulins

95. gamma globulins

96. fibrinogen

97. High-density lipoprotein

98. Low-density lipoprotein

99. filtration

100. hemocytoblast

101. in red bone marrow

102. erythrocytes

103. bi-concave

104. nucleus

105. never

106. hemoglobin

107. transport oxygen and carbon dioxide

108. anemia

109. hypoxia

110. amino acids, protein synthesis

112. thrombocytes

113. thrombus

114. embolus

115. diapedesis

116. neutrophils

117. granulocytes (also monocytes)

118. monocytes, lymphocytes

119. red bone marrow

120. red bone marrow and the lymphatic system.

121. introduction of a foreign antigen

122. glycoproteins

123. antigens, antibodies

124. missing

125. erythroblastosis fetalis

126. transport excess tissue fluid from interstitial spaces to blood stream , and to defend the body against disease

127. right lymphatic

128. thoracic

129. right subclavian vein

130. left subclavian vein

131. cervical, axillary, thoracic, abdominal, inguinal

132. milking, smooth muscle contraction

133. reticular C.T.

134. lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils, thymus gland

135. tonsils

136. lymph nodes

137. thymus gland

138. spleen

139. foreign antigen

140. infection.

141. mechanical barriers, phagocytosis, inflammation, fever

142. phagocytosis

143. inflammation

144. mechanical barrier

145. fever

146. specific immunity

147. in nasopharynx, at the base of the soft palate, at base of the tongue.

148. cervical region, thoracic region, axillary region, abdominal region, inguinal region.

149. within the mediastinum between the base of the heart and the sternum

150. left hypochondriac region below the diaphragm

151. helper T-cells, killer (cytotoxic) T-cells, suppressor T-cells, and memory T-cells

152. helper T-cells

153. suppressor T-cells

154. memory T-cells

155. killer T-cells

156. a treated antigen (vaccine)

157. memory cells

158. long lasting

159. antibodies

160. antibiotics (gamma globulins) or breast feeding

Short Answer

1. Complete- no mixing of oxygenated blood with deoxygenated blood.

Double Circuit- Blood is pumped separately to the lungs and to body tissues.

2. Aorta...Right and left coronary arteries...branch to myocardium capillaries for gas and nutrient exchange...Right(small) and left (great) cardiac veins...coronary sinus...right atrium.

Three half-moon cusps of fibrous C.T. covered by endocardium.

3. Three cusps formed from endothilium with little fibrous tissue between layers, with each free edge projected upward into the lumen of the vessel.

4. A slushing sound caused by incomplete closure of valves, usually AV valves

4. SA node...left and right atria...AV node...AV bundle...right and left bundle branches...Purkinje fibers...venticular myocardia.

5. P-wave- Atrial depolarization. P-Q Interval- Conduction time from beginning of atrial excitation to ventricular excitation QRS Complex- ventricular depolarization. S-T Segment- ventricular repolarization. T-Wave- ventricular repolarization.

7. It is masked by the QRS Complex.

8. Cardioregulatory center...spinal cord...thoracic region accelerator nerves...heart

9. Cardioinhibitory center...Vagus nerve (cranial nerve X)...SA node and AV node

10. Endothelium: To keep a smooth surface to prevent damage from blood cells. Connective tissue: To support, strengthen, and give elasticity to the blood vessel. Smooth muscle tissue: Controls vasodilation and vasoconstriction.

11. Vasodilation is caused by inhibiting the sympathetic division

12. Skeletal muscle, when moving, will squeeze veins and cause the blood to move in a direction back to the heart.

13. First tapping sound is systolic pressure. When the sound disappears, that is the diastolic pressure.

14. 4200 ml/minute

15. A globin: alpha and beta globulin proteins in 4 polypeptide chains forming a carbaminohemoglobin. 4 heme groups: iron plus oxygen forming an oxyhemoglobin.

16. 1. A break in the vessel wall appears. 2. Platelets clump together at the site of breakage, forming a platelet plug. 3. Damaged tissue and platelets release thromboplastin. 4. Prothrombin (which is a plasma protein produced in the liver) reacts with thromboplastin and calcium to produce thrombin, an enzyme. 5. Fibrinogen, also produced in the liver, reacts with the thrombin to produce fibrin.

17. B+B-, B-B-, B+O-, B-O-, and B-O+

18. Tissues...lymphatic capillaries...lymphatic vessels...2 main lymphatic ducts...subclavian veins

19. Lymphocyte stem cell in red bone marrow... carried by blood to lymphatic tissue...thymus, reacting with thymosin...T-cell

20. Lymphocyte stem cell in red bone marrow...carried by blood to lymphatic tissue...B-cell

21. B-cells activate when they encounter a foreign antigen. They clone into plasma cells and produce antibodies. Antibodies attack the foreign antigen, some Bcells then become memory B-cells.

22. A macrophage (monocyte) phagocytizes the antigen and presents it to T-cell receptors. T-cells with specific receptors react with the specific antigen. The T-cell is then activated, and it clones into four sub-cells. The four sub-cells then perform their specific function.