December 18, 2014
Dear Researcher;
We thank you for your interest in conducting research in our district. The vision of the Kyrene District is to prepare all students so that they are able to positively contribute to society. To that end, major research interests for the district are studies that explore the following methodologies and approaches:
· Methods to increase student learning and achievement
· Methods to increase the effectiveness of instruction
· Approaches to help at-risk students meet or exceed grade level standards
· Approaches to specifically assist with school improvement
If your research is in alignment of the aforementioned, please complete the screening form and return it via email to , or mail hard copies directly to the address listed below.
Susie Ostmeyer, Ph.D.
Kyrene School District
8700 S. Kyrene Rd., Mail Stop #7
Tempe, AZ 85284
Be sure to complete all information and provide any additional materials (i.e. surveys, questionnaires, permission letters, etc.) that you intend to use. Only completed applications with all required attachments will be reviewed. We will contact you via email upon making a final determination. Thank you for your patience as this process may take up to four weeks.
Susie Ostmeyer, Ph.D.
Director of Research & Evaluation
Kyrene School District
480.541.1116 [ph] | 480.541.1802 [fx]
Kyrene School District
Request for Approval to Conduct Research
Office of Research and Evaluation
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Kyrene School District
Request for Approval to Conduct Research
Office of Research and Evaluation
Principal Investigator’s Name:
Date of Request:
Applicant’s Name:
Email Contact:
Institution (Study Sponsor):
Applicant’s Address:
Title of Project:
Instructions: Complete request forms and submit with a copy of each instrument (tests, questionnaires, interview schedules, etc.), to the Director of Research and Evaluation., Kyrene School District, 8700 S. Kyrene Rd., Mail Stop #7, Tempe, AZ 85284. All requests to conduct research must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the beginning of each semester (July 1 and December 1). Please allow 4-6 weeks for review.
Please check the research priority that your research proposal targets:
Methods to increase student learning and achievement
Methods to increase the effectiveness of instruction
Approaches to help at-risk students meet or exceed grade level standards
Approaches to specifically assist with school improvement
Please note: Projects in the “other” category will be considered only if they pertain to the general interest/mission of Kyrene School District.
How will Kyrene School District benefit from your research? (Please specify below.)
What is the purpose of your research?
What is the statement of your research problem?
What are the major research questions you want answered?
What are the major hypotheses of your research?
What is the research design?
Sample size:
Independent variables:
Dependent variables:
Instruments/materials (Please provide copies of any surveys, questionnaires, tests, letters, etc.):
List of attachments included in this application:
Procedures (be sure to include when the research is to take place, during class, after, etc.):
Who is actually doing research at school sites?
What are his/her qualifications to do that research?
Who is sponsoring the research (funding source)?
What is the time commitment for district personnel?
Time Frame of Research:
From: To:
Teachers’ Time commitment:
Weeks: Hours per Week: Number of Teachers:
Students’ Time commitment:
Weeks: Hours per Week: Number of Students:
How will you brief the participants about the purpose and results of your research?
How do you plan to disseminate the results to the district, scientific community, and general public?
Are research personnel insured? If so, by whom?