1Naming Circumcision of Jesus
Aba (NigerDelta, Nigeria) The Most Revd Ugochukwu Ezuoke
2Basil the Great 379 & 389;Seraphim, Monk of Sarov, Spiritual Guide, 1833; Vedanayagam Samuel Azariah, Bp in South India, Evangelist, 1945
Aba Ngwa North (NigerDelta, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Nathan Kanu
3Abakaliki (Enugu, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Benson Onyeibor
4Aberdeen & OrkneyThe Rt Revd Dr Robert Gillies
5Pray for The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand & PolynesiaThe Most Revd William Brown Turei Pihopa Aotearora Primate Abp of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New ZealandPolynesia
6The Epiphany
Robert Waldby 1389
O God, who revealed your only Son to the Gentiles by the leading of a star, mercifully grant that we, who know you now by faith, may after this life enjoy the splendour of your gracious Godhead, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
7Philip Nicholas Shuttleworth 1842
Accra (Ghana, West Africa) The Rt Revd Dr Daniel Sylvanus Mensah Torto
8Adam Moleyns 1450
Adelaide (South Australia) The Most Revd Jeffrey William Driver
9Afikpo (Enugu, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Paul Uduogu
10William Laud, Abp of Canterbury, 1645
Agra (North India) The Rt Revd Samuel Cutting
11Mary Slessor, Missionary in West Africa, 1915; Simon Sydenham 1438
Ahoada (NigerDelta, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Clement Ekpeye; Aguata (Niger) The Most Revd Christian Efobi
12Epiphany 2 The Baptism of Christ
Aelred of Hexham, 1167; Benedict Biscop, Abbot of Wearmouth, Scholar, 689
Pray for The Anglican Church of AustraliaThe Most Revd Dr Phillip John AspinallAbp of Brisbane & Primate of Australia
Property department, Church House: Director (Vacant), Les BrownStuart Cager (surveyors), Guy Leonard, Val PocockAnn Rossi (admin support)
13Hilary, Bp of Poitiers, Teacher of the Faith, 367;
Kentigern (Mungo), Missionary Bp in Strathclyde Cumbria, 603; George Fox, Founder of the Society of Friends (the Quakers), 1691
Aipo Rongo (Papua New Guinea) The Rt Revd Dr Nathan Ingen
Suffragan Bp of Aipo Rongo (Papua New Guinea) The Rt Revd Denys Ririka
Chichester, St Pancras & St John: Mark Payne, I; Christopher Styles, C
14Lango (Uganda) Bp John Odurkami; Ajayi Crowther (Ibadan, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Olugbenga Oduntan
Donnington, St George: Vacant, PinC
15Richard Fitzjames 1522
Akoko (Ondo, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Gabriel Akinbiyi
Earnley with East Wittering & Almodington: Steve Davies, I
16Akoko Edo (Bendel, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Jolly Oyekpen
Lavant, St Mary: James Radcliffe, I
17Antony of Egypt, Hermit, Abbot, 356; Charles Gore, Bp, Founder of the Community of the Resurrection, 1932
Akot (Sudan) The Rt Revd Isaac Dhieu Ater
North Mundham with Merston & Hunston: James Russel, PinC; Neil Coleman, C
18Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Akure (Ondo, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Michael Ipinmoye
Whyke St George with Rumboldswhyke St Mary: Stuart Cradduck, I; Rebekah Cannon, C
19Epiphany 3
Wulfstan, Bp of Worcester 1095
Pray for The Church of BangladeshThe Most Revd Paul SarkerModerator, Church of BangladeshBp of Dhaka
Diocesan Advisory Committee: Dr Alan Thurlow (Chair), Beth Hale (secretary)
20Richard Rolle of Hampole, Spiritual Writer, 1349;Fabian Sebastian, Martyrs, 250 c288
Alabama (IV, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd John Sloan
Suffragan Bp elect of Alabama- Vacant
Selsey, St Peter: James Wesson, I
21Agnes, Child Martyr at Rome 304
Alaska (VIII, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Mark Lattime
Albany (II, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd William Love
Sidlesham, St Mary: Stephen Guise, PinC
22Vincent of Saragossa, Deacon, first Martyr of Spain, 304
Algoma (Ontario, Canada) The Rt Revd Stephen Andrews
Tangmere& Oving Derek Humphrey, PinC
23The Most Revd Dr Eliud Wabukala Primate Abp of All Kenya
All Saints Cathedral Diocese - Garissa Missionary Area (Kenya) The Rt Revd David Mutisya; All Saints Cathedral Diocese - Marsabit Missionary Area (Kenya) The Rt Revd Robert Martin
Bp Episcopate of the Armed Forces (Kenya) The RtRevd Colonel Peter Simiyu
West Wittering & Birdham with Itchenor: Jonathan Swindells, I; Bruce Holben, C; Jim Mould, C; Alistair Ghinn, YW; Michael Chater, Rdr; Jeffrey Harvey, Rdr; Joyce Henson, Rdr
24Francis de Sales, Bp of Geneva 1622
Amazon (Brazil) The Rt Revd Saulo Mauricio de Barros
Rural Deanery of Hove: Vacant, RD; Terry Stratford, ARD; William Holden, DLC
25The Conversion of St Paul
Amichi (Niger, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Ephraim Ikeakor
Aldrington: Stephen Terry, I; Gwynneth Davies, Rdr
26Epiphany 4
Timothy & Titus, Companions of Paul
Pray for Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do BrasilThe Most Revd Maurício Jose Araujo De Andrade Primate of Brazil & Bp of Brasilia
Church Buildings support, Church House: Scott Ralph (Support Officer)
27St Julian, Bp of Le Mans 3rd Century (Patron of Kingston Buci)
Amritsar (North India) The Rt Revd Pradeep Samantaroy
Hangleton, St Helen: Keith Perkinton, I
28Thomas Aquinas 1274
Andaman & Car Nicobar Islands (North India) The Rt Revd Christopher Paul
Hove, All Saints: Philip Ritchie, I; Talisker MacLeod, C
29Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior (British Columbia & the Yukon, Canada) The Rt Revd Barbara Jean Andrews
Hove, Bp Hannington Memorial Church: Phil Moon, I; Rory Graham, C; Julian Milson, C/CinC Holy Cross; David Docherty, Rdr; Simon Forrest, Rdr
30Charles, King & Martyr 1649
Angola (Missionary Diocese) – (Southern Africa) The Rt Revd Andre Soares
Hove, St Barnabas & St Agnes: vacant, PinC
31John Bosco, Priest, Founder of Salesian Teaching Order, 1888
Ankole (Uganda) The Rt Revd Sheldon Mwesigwa;North Ankole (Uganda) The Rt Revd John Muhanguzi
Hove, St Patrick: Stephen Underdown, PinC
1Brigid, Abbess of Kildare, c525; Ralph Nevill 1244
Antananarivo (Indian Ocean) The Rt Revd Samoela Jaona Ranarivelo;Antananarivo Tulear The Rt Revd Todd Andrew McGregor; Antsiranana The Rt Revd Dr Oliver Simon
Kingston Buci, St Julian: Terry Stratford, PinC/ARD
2Epiphany 5 The Presentation of our Lord: Candlemas
Pray for The Anglican Church of BurundiThe Most Revd Bernard NtahoturiAbp of the Province of Burundi & Bp of Matana
Schools Department, Church House: Diocesan Director of Education (Vacant), Sarah Phillips (Strategic Education Advisor), Martin Lloyd, Rosie Black (Schools Support Officer), Sally Collins (Schools Buildings Officer), Schools Officer – Governor Services (Vacant), Judith GriffithsVanessa Vollebregt (admin support)
3Anskar, ABp of Hamburg, Missionary in Denmark
Sweden, 865; St Blaise, Bp & Martyr 4th Century (Joint Patron of Boxgrove)
Argentina (Southern Cone) The Rt Revd Gregory James Venables
Portslade & Mile Oak: Andy Perry, PinC; Peter Keeley-Pannett, C/DD
4Gilbert of Sempringham, 1189
Argyll & The Isles (Scotland) The Rt Revd Kevin Pearson
Shoreham Beach, Good Shepherd: Gail Souppouris, PinC; Helen Rose, C; Sally Excell, Rdr; Derek Hansen, Rdr
5St Agatha, Virgin & Martyr 3rd Century (Patron of Coates) Arizona (VIII, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Kirk Smith
Shoreham New, St Mary de Haura: Ann Waizeneker, PinC; Jonathan Smith, Rdr
6The Martyrs of Japan, 1597
Arkansas (VII, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Larry Benfield
Shoreham Old, St Nicolas: Ann Waizeneker, PinC
7Bujumbura (Burundi) The Rt Revd Eraste Bigirimana
Southwick, St Michael & All Angels: Jonathan French, I; Ian Clark, Rdr
8St Cuthman of Steyning, Hermit c900
Armidale (New South Wales, Australia) The Rt Revd Peter Robert Brain
West Blatchington, St Peter: Daniel Smith, I
9Epiphany 6. Transfiguration Sunday
Pray for The Anglican Church of CanadaThe Most Revd Frederick Hiltz Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada
Communications, Church House: Lisa Williamson (Communications Officer), Receptionist (Vacant)
10Scholastica, c543
Arochukwu/Ohafia (Aba, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Johnson Onuoha
Hove, St Andrew: Vacant, I
11Aru (Congo) The Rt Revd Dr Georges Titre Ande
Hove, St John the Baptist: Paul Doick, I; Judy Greenfield, C/DD
12Gilbert of St Leofard 1305
Asaba (Bendel, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Justus Mogekwu
Rural Deanery of Worthing: Colin Kassell, RD; Wing Man Tsang, ARD; David Mason, DLC
13Winfrid Burrows 1929
Athabasca (Rupert's Land, Canada) The Rt Revd Fraser Lawton
Broadwater: Peter Irwin-Clark, I/TR; Gary Neal, TV; Edward Quibell, TV; Wing Man Tsang, TV/ARD; Donald Banks, Rdr; Ann Barlow, Rdr; Barry Bates, Rdr; Angela Brooke, Rdr; Garry Butler, Rdr; Anne Robinson, Rdr; Roderick Ostler, Rdr; Sue Stamp, Rdr; Peter Stewart, Rdr; Colleen Tsang, Rdr; John Wheatley, Rdr
14Cyril Methodius, Missionaries to the Slavs, 869 & 885; Valentine, Martyr at Rome, c269
Atlanta (IV, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Robert C Wright
Durrington, St Symphorian: Vacant, I
15Sigfrid, Bp, Apostle of Sweden, 1045;Thomas Bray, Priest,
Founder of SPCK SPG, 1730
The Most Revd William Brown TureiPihopa o Aotearora Primate Abp of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand & Polynesia; Aotearoa Central North Island The Rt Revd Ngarahu Katene;Aotearoa Northern Region The Rt Revd Te Kitohi Wiremu Pikaahu; Aotearoa South IslandThe Rt Revd John Robert Kuru Gray;Aotearoa Wellington/Taranaki The Rt Revd Muru Walters
Ferring, St Andrew: Gary Ingram, I; Jill Simpson, C
16Pray for The Church of the Province of Central AfricaThe Most Revd Albert ChamaAbp of Central Africa & Bp of Northern Zambia
Youth, Church House: Ali Campbell (YES advisor & Youth Officer for East Sussex), Steve Tennant (Youth Officer for West Sussex), Irene Smale (YES Children’s Work Officer), Moira Peckham (admin support)
17Janani Luwum, ABp of Uganda, Martyr, 1977
Auckland (Aotearoa NZ & Polynesia) The Rt Revd Ross Bay
Findon, Clapham & Patching: Vacant, I; Helena Buque, C
18Aweil (Sudan) The Rt Revd Abraham Yel Nhial
Findon Valley, All Saints: Graham Whiting, I; Beverley Miles, C/DD; Margaret Browning, Rdr
19Awka (Niger, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Alexander Ibezim;Awgu/ Aninri The Rt Revd Emmaunuel Ugwu
Goring-by-Sea, St Mary: George Butler, I; Simon Horton, C; Keith Lelliott, Rdr
20Ashurst Tunrer Gilbert 1870
Awori (Lagos, Nigeria) The Rt Revd J Akin Atere
Maybridge, St Richard: Jo Gavigan, DinC/DD; Judith Mundy, Rdr
21Saints Martyrs of Africa
Badagry (Lagos, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Joseph Adeyemi
Heene, St Botolph: Peter Roberts, I; Rachel Bennett, C/DD
22Bukuru (Jos, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Jwan Zhumbes
Lancing with Coombes: Vacant, I
23Polycarp c 155
Pray for Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central de AmericaThe Most Revd Armando Guerra Soria Primate of IARCA & Bp of Guatemala
For the current group of young people on the Encounter Scheme as they think about their future ministry
24Ballarat (Victoria, Australia) The Rt Revd Garry Weatherill
Lancing, St Michael All Angels: Barry Carter, I
25Bangor (Wales) The Rt Revd Andrew John
Sompting: Erika Howard, I
26Banks & Torres (Melanesia) The Revd Alfred Worek
West Tarring, St Andrew: Edward Jervis, I; Gordon Spencer, Peter Atkins, Rdr; Brenda McCurdie, Rdr
27George Herbert, 1633
Clogher (Armagh, Ireland) The Rt Revd John McDowell
Worthing, Holy Trinity with Christ Church: Matthew Luff, PinC
28Oswald, Bp of Worcester York, 992; Charles John Ridgeway 1927
Bari (Kaduna, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Idris Zubairu
Worthing, St George: Brian Penfold, I; John Bridger, Rdr; Peter Cole, Rdr
1David, Bp of Menevia, Patron of Wales, c601;
Roger Wilson, 2002
Barrackpore (North India) The Rt Revd Brojen Malakar
Worthing, St Matthew: John Chitham, I; Mary Parish, AP; Ravinder Sangra, YW; Angela Pursey, Rdr
2Chad, Bp of Lichfield, Missionary, 672
Pray for Province de L'Eglise Anglicane Du CongoThe Most Revd Kahwa Henri IsingomaAbp of the Congo & Bp of Kinshasa
Church in Society, Church House: David Farey (Advisor), Jennie Davies (admin support)
3St Cunegund of Bavaria, Foundress of Bamberg 1039
Bath & Wells (Canterbury) Vacant
Bath & Wells – TauntonThe Rt Revd Peter David Maurice
Worthing, St Andrew: Colin Kassell, PinC/RD
4Bathurst (New South Wales, Australia) The Rt Revd Ian Palmer;Assistant Bp of Bathurst – Vacant
West Worthing, St John the Divine: John Eldridge, I
5Ash Wednesday
Bauchi (Jos, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Musa Tula
Archdeaconry of Horsham: Roger Combes, AD
6Belize (West Indies) The Rt Revd Philip Wright
Rural Deanery of Cuckfield: Gary Simmons, RD; Valerie Fyans, DLC
7Perpetua, Felicity, their Companions, Martyrs at Carthage, 203
Bendigo (Victoria, Australia) The Rt Revd Andrew William Curnow
Ardingly, St Peter: John Crutchley, I; Sarah Upchurch, C; David Smith, Rdr
8Edward King, Bp of Lincoln, 1910; Felix, Bp, Apostle to the East Angles, 647; Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy, Priest, Poet, 1929
Benin (Bendel, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Peter Imasuen
Balcombe, St Mary: Desmond Burton, PinC; Rosemary Corder, Rdr
9Lent 1
Pray for The Church of EnglandThe Most Revd Rt Hon Justin WelbyAbp of Canterbury
Discipleship & Ministry team, Church House: (Advisor), Philip Bourne (DDO), Rebecca Swyer (Ministry Development Officer), Ruth Sowerby (Adult Education & Training Officer), The Co-ordinator of The magnet. Carolyn Ford, Wendy GreenanHelen Swyer (admin support)
10Coimbatore (South India) The Rt Revd Manickam Dorai
Bolney, St Mary Magdalene: Keith Littlejohn, PinC
11Bethlehem (III, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Dr Paul Marshall
Cuckfield, Holy Trinity: Nicholas Wetherall, I; Sandra Hall, C; David Seabrook, Rdr; Clive Simmonds, Rdr
12Bhopal (North India) Vacant
Haywards Heath, St Wilfrid: Ray Smith, IMichael Clark, C; David Young, C; Colin Alves, Rdr
13Bida (Abuja, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Jonah Kolo
Haywards Heath, St Richard: David Weaver, PinC; Gordon Bond, AP
14Birmingham (Canterbury) The Rt Revd David Andrew Urquhart;Birmingham - Aston The Rt Revd Andrew John Watson
Highbrook & West Hoathly: Lionel Whatley, I; Nigel Dunsmore-Rouse, Rdr
15Blackburn (York)The Ven Julian Tudor Henderson;Blackburn - Burnley The Rt Revd John William Goddard; Blackburn - Lancaster The Rt Revd Geoffrey Seagrave Pearson
Horsted Keynes, St Giles: John Twisleton, I
16Lent 2
Edward Storey 1503
Pray for Hong Kong Sheng Kung HuiThe Most Revd Dr Paul KwongAbp of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui & Bp of Hong Kong Island
Bp of Chichester’s team: Jason Rendell (The Bp's Policy Advisor), Anthony Speca (Acting Palace Secretary), Sue Baker (Secretary)
17Patrick, Bp, Missionary, Patron of Ireland, c460; Seffrid II 1204
Bo (Sierra Leone, West Africa) The Rt Revd Emmanuel Tucker
Lindfield, All Saints: James Clarke, I; Adam Pymble, C; Stephanie Sayers, PW; Simon Brickell, Rdr; Alan Carter, Rdr; Steve Hagger, Rdr; Jeremy Taylor, Rdr; Alan Tuddenham, Rdr; Cavan Wood, Rdr
18Cyril of Jerusalem, 386
Boga (Congo) The Rt Revd Mugenyi William Bahemuka
Scaynes Hill, St Augustine: Lisa Barnett, PinC
19Joseph of Nazareth
Bolivia (Southern Cone) The Rt Revd Frank Raymond Lyons
Slaugham & Staplefield Common: Gary Simmons, I; Robert Morris, Rdr; Jonathon Rotheray, Rdr
20Cuthbert, Bp of Lindisfarne, Missionary, 687
Bondo (Kenya) The Rt Revd Johannes Angela
Wivelsfield, St Peter & St John the Baptist: Christopher Breeds, I; David White, Rdr
21Thomas Cranmer, ABp of Canterbury, Reformation Martyr, 1556
Bor (Sudan) The Rt Revd Ruben Akurdid Ngong
Haywards Heath, Ascension: Neil Tipple, IJoanna Elliott, C; Sue Sampson, C
22John Kempe 1454
Botswana (Central Africa)
RuralDeanery of East Grinstead: Julia Peaty, RD; Paul Seaman, ARD; Chris Bell, DLC
23Lent 3
Pray for The Church of the Province of the Indian OceanThe Most Revd Ian Gerald James ErnestAbp, Province of Indian Ocean & Bp of Mauritius
Bp of Horsham’s team: Anthony Clements (Lay Chaplain), Shirley Steers (secretary)
24Walter Hilton of Thurgarton, Augustinian Canon, Mystic, 1396; Oscar Romero, ABp of San Salvador, Martyr, 1980
Bradford (York) The Rt Revd Nicholas Baines;Ripon Leeds The Rt Revd John Packer;Ripon Leeds - Knaresborough The Rt Revd James Bell;Wakefield The Rt Revd Stephen Platten;Wakefield - Pontefract The Rt Revd Anthony Robinson
Copthorne, St John the Evangelist: Simon Hill, I; Elizabeth Logan, C
25The Annunciation
Brandon (Rupert's Land, Canada) The Rt Revd James Dusan Njegovan
Crawley: Malcolm Liles, I/TR; Sue Marray, TV; Jonathan Baldwin, C; Felicity Hendry, C; Gordon Kitney, ALM; John Baker, Rdr; Peter Murray, Rdr
26Harriet Monsell, Founder of the Community of St John the Baptist, 1883
Brechin (Scotland) The Rt Revd Dr Nigel Peyton
Crawley Down, All Saints: Jon Hale, I; Margaret Telford, Rdr; Brian Moore, Rdr
27The Most Revd Dr Phillip John AspinallAbp of Brisbane & Primate of Australia; Anglican Bp to the Australian Defence Force The Rt Revd Ian Keese Lambert;Brisbane - Northern Region (Queensland)The Rt Revd Dr Jonathan Holland;Brisbane - Southern Region The Rt Revd Alison Taylor; Brisbane - Western Region The Rt Revd Robert Nolan
Southgate: Tim Wilson, I/TR; Robert Edwards, TV; Richard Poole, TV; Howard Schnaar, TV/DD; Christopher Hutton, C; Norman Jones, C; Gwilym Richards, C; Jeremy Brown, YW at Broadfield; Mark Alderton, Rdr; Marilyn Appleby, Rdr; Howard Bristow, Rdr; Derek Greenland, Rdr; Sandra Jones, Rdr; Derek Lawrence, Rdr; Paul Morgan, Rdr; John Rodgers, Rdr; Deirdre Schnaar, Rdr
28Bristol (Canterbury) The Rt Revd Michael Arthur Hill; Bristol - Swindon The Rt Revd Lee Stephen Rayfield
East Grinstead, St Swithun: Clive Everett-Allen, I; Julia Peaty, C/RD; Emma Stonham, C; Deborah Matthews, YW/Rdr; John Durrant, Rdr; Adrian Goss, Rdr;
29British Columbia (British Columbia & the Yukon, Canada) The Rt Revd James Arnold Jackson Cowan
East Grinstead, St Mary the Virgin: Paul Seaman, I/ARD; John Gayford, AP; David Hadfield, C
30Lent 4 (Mothering Sunday)
Pray for The Church of IrelandThe Most Revd Dr Richard Lionel ClarkeAbp of Armagh Primate of All Ireland Metropolitan
Mission & Renewal Department, Church House: Richard Jackson (Advisor), John SherlockTony Cox (Stewardship), Gordon Banks (Diocesan evangelist), Jennie Davies (admin support)
31John Donne, Priest, Poet, 1631
Bukavu (Congo) The Rt Revd Sylvestre Bahati
Forest Row: Vacant, I; Paul Stephens, C; Donna Dewar, Rdr