Brunswick Valley Landcare Landholder Expression of Interest Form
- Contact Details
Are you the property owner? □YES □NO
If no, do you have the consent of the landowner to work on the property? □YES □NO
Property name and address:
Postal address:
Phone number: / H: / M:
Would you like to receive Brunswick Valley Landcare’s monthly newsletter? □YES □NO
- Property details
Lot No:
DP No:
Area of property in Hectares (Ha):1 acre = 0.405 Ha 1 Ha = 10 000m2
Area of property with native vegetation in Ha:
Local council:
Sub Catchment:
A sub-catchment is the name of the body of water that feeds into a larger river catchment e.g. Mullumbimby Creek (sub-catchment) flows into the Brunswick River (catchment).
N.B.TheinformationyouprovidewillbeusedinaccordancewiththePrivacyProtectionofPersonalInformationAct1998.Allinformationthatis collectedcanwillonlybeusedforprojectadministration.Itcannot begiventoanyotherpartywithoutyourpermission.Ifyouareconcernedabout howthisinformationmaybeusedwewillbehappyto discussit with you.
- Your interest
Brunswick Valley Landcare aims to conserve and restore our natural environment from forest to foreshore. We help landholders to care for and increase the natural vegetation on their land. We can provide advice on funding that is available to assist landholders and also offer workshops, training, field days, resources and information on native plants, bush regeneration and weeds. I would like advice on:
□ weed control / □ seed collection and propagation□ weed management / □ supply of locally native plants
□ native plant identification / □ property management advice
□ providing habitat for wildlife / □ other
What are the main values of your land to you?
Are you a member of a Landcare group? □YES □NO If Yes, which one?
Please return to: Brunswick Valley Landcare any questions please call 6626 7028
More information on Brunswick Valley Landcare can be found at
Brunswick Valley Landcare Landholder Expression of Interest Form
- Previous work
Please tell us about any previous work, projects or funding that you have had on your property. Include weed control, plantings, and structural work or fauna enhancements such as nest boxes, wildlife friendly fencing, and food or habitat trees.
- Proposed work
Please tell us what you would like to do on your property.
- Property map
Please insert/attach a map of your property. You can find an aerial photo of your property either at or Hand drawn maps are also sufficient but please include features such as roads, creeks and labels showing native vegetation, plantings, or areas of your property you would like to enhance.
Please return to: Brunswick Valley Landcare any questions please call 6626 7028
More information on Brunswick Valley Landcare can be found at