Menu of Pre-Approved Professional Development Activities
The following activities can be counted toward the 42 hours required for individual Professional Development hours. These activities do not need prior dean approval.
Professional development credit falls into three categories: 1) faculty improvement, 2) student improvement, and 3) instructional improvement. It should be noted that some activities can address more than one category.
# / Activity / How to Report / Number of times allowed / Hours GrantedPART-TIME FACULTY ONLY
A / Part-time faculty member attends student learning outcome (SLO) discussions within the department / Sign-in sheet / Unlimited / Depends on individual contract
B / Part-time faculty attends Division and / or Department meetings / Sign-in sheet / Unlimited / Depends on individual contract
ALL FACULTY – full and part-time,
instructional and non-instructional (unless noted)
CATEGORY 1 – Faculty Improvement Related to Job Performance
Evaluations, Tenure Review, and Mentoring (full-time only)
1 / Serve on a Tenure Review Committee / Tracked thru Administration / Up to 2 per year / 12 each
2 / Peer Review (formal evaluation) of a part-time faculty / Tracked thru Administration / Up to 3 per year / 5 each
3 / Research careers in your field and serve as a
“major-mentor” through the Transfer Center’s
Faculty Alumni Project / Faculty submits evidence / 1 / 5
4 / Assigned as a mentor for a part-time faculty member for one semester / Tracked thru Administration / Unlimited / 10
5 / Assigned as a mentor for a full-time probationary faculty member for a full year. Requires meeting 1 hour each week. / Journal turned in to VP of Instruction / Unlimited / 32
Trainings and Enrichment
6 / Recommended district training offered through HR / Tracked thru HR / Unlimited trainings but once per training / Actual hours
7 / BIRT (Behavioral Intervention Resource Team) Training –
various topics / Certificate of Completion / Unlimited / Actual hours
8 / Serve on a visiting team for accreditation / Tracked thru Administration / Unlimited / 30
9 / Serve as a delegate at Plenary
(Senate President excluded due to release time) / Tracked thru Administration / Unlimited / 12
10 / Serve on statewide committee.
Dean must approve the specific committee. / Faculty submits evidence / Unlimited / Actual hours
11 / Full-time faculty member attends the part-time faculty orientation / Sign-in sheet / 1 per year / 2
12 / Observe colleague’s classes for personal or professional development with the purpose of getting ideas for teaching or improving teaching / Faculty submits evidence / Unlimited / Actual hours
13 / Attend the Learning Academy / Sign-in sheet / 1 / 12
14 / Attend a Student Success Workshop / Sign-in sheet / Unlimited- once per workshop / 1 each
15 / Attend a new student orientation / Sign-in sheet / 1 per year / 1
16 / Attend a college performance (play, concert, sports event)
or special event (film, civic expo, graduation) / Faculty submits evidence / 3 per year / 2 each
CATEGORY 2 – Student Improvement
17 / Add content to your faculty page on the website / Faculty submits evidence / Once per year / 3
18 / Create self-study modules and/or computer-assisted instruction / Faculty submits evidence / Once per year / 10
19 / Write a grant aimed to improve services to students.
Dean must approve grant. / Tracked thru Administration / Once per year / 20
20 / Be a club advisor for one year / Faculty submits evidence / One per year / 15
21 / Prepare for and participate in the Trimathalon / Faculty submits evidence / Once per year / 5
22 / Prepare for and participate in Eighth Grade Day / Faculty submits evidence / Once per year / 5
23 / Prepare for and participate in Career Day / Faculty submits evidence / Once per year / 5
CATEGORY 3 – Instructional Improvement
Course Improvements
24 / Create a new online course.
Dean must approve the specific course. / Tracked thru Administration / 1 per year / 42
25 / Convert a course from face-to-face to online or hybrid.
Dean must approve the specific course. / Tracked thru Administration / 1 per year / 42
26 / Prepare a course for ITV delivery.
Dean must approve the specific course. / Tracked thru Administration / 1 per year – once per course / 20
27 / Develop one-hour training module for tutors
and/or instructional aides
Present one-hour training module for tutors
and/or instructional aides. / Faculty submits evidence / Unlimited
Unlimited / 2 each
1 each
Workshops and Courses to Improve Teaching
28 / Attend a GIFTs workshop / Sign-in sheet / Unlimited / 1 each
29 / Present at a GIFTs workshop / Sign-in sheet / Unlimited / 2 each
30 / Any 3CSN course such as “Reading Apprenticeship” or
“Habits of Mind” (cannot be used for salary advancement) / Faculty submits evidence / Unlimited courses, once per course / Actual number of hours of the course
31 / Attend a Workshop with PD Seal of Approval / Sign-in sheet / Unlimited- once per workshop / Indicated on announcement
32 / Develop and present a workshop that will have the PD Seal of Approval. Must have approval of the Faculty Excellence Committee in advance. / Tracked thru Administration / Unlimited / Twice the hours awarded for attendance at workshop
“Brown Bag” seminars – bring your lunch and learn!
33 / “Brown Bag Lunch” activities sponsored by a
department, area or division on pedagogical topics / Sign-in sheet / Unlimited / Actual hours
34 / Safe Zone Brown Bag Discussion Series
Mondays, 12-1pm, Room 2314
Oct. 27. Nov. 17, Dec. 8 / Sign-in sheet / 6 per year / 6
35 / “Desktop Workshops” 12-1pm live,
also a host of archived workshops
@One is supported by a grant from the Chancellor’s Office
@One is for training that enhances your effectiveness and inspires your students / Certificate of completion awarded / Unlimited / Actual hours up to 10
Educational Technology
36 / Attend workshops offered through Educational Technology –
Moodle, Camtasia, online pedagogy, etc. / Sign-in sheet / Unlimited / Actual hours up to 10
37 / Attend trainings on how to incorporate technology into the classroom-
iPads, tablets, clickers, SmartBoards, etc. / Sign-in sheet / Unlimited / Actual hours up to 5
38 / Course: “Introduction to Online Teaching & Learning”
through @One Training / Certificate of completion awarded / 1 per year / 40
39 / Workshops and Courses from @One.
The @One Project makes it easy for California Community College faculty and staff to learn about technology that will enhance student learning and success. / Certificate of completion awarded / Unlimited / Actual hours up to 10
Community Engagement
40 / Create and implement a Community Engagement /
Service Learning project in your course(s) / Faculty submits evidence / Once per year / 10
41 / Adding class assignment related to Civic Expo/Shasta Presents / Faculty submits evidence / Once per year / 4
42 / Participation in Professional Learning Communities (PLC)
for the CAPP grant with Anderson High School / Faculty submits evidence / Unlimited / Actual hours
Faculty Inquiry Groups (FIGs) and Faculty Institutes
43 / Create and lead a Faculty Inquiry Group
Dean must approve the specific topic of study. / Faculty submits evidence / Unlimited / Actual hours up to 30
44 / Participate in Foundational Skills PLO Work Group
Analyze data and make recommendations for interventions / Sign-in sheet / Unlimited / Actual hours up to 15
45 / Participate in Quantitative Reasoning FIG
Analyze data and make recommendations for interventions / Sign-in sheet / Unlimited / Actual hours up to 15
46 / Participation in AB 86 Work Group / Sign-in sheet / Unlimited / Actual hours up to 10
47 / Participation in the New Faculty Institute (NFI)
(open to new and experienced faculty) / Sign-in sheets / Once per year / Actual hours up to 21
48 / Design interventions for self-efficacy, critical thinking, quantitative reasoning or global and community awareness ISLOs.
Group project for interested faculty. / Faculty submits evidence / Unlimited / Actual hours
49 / Participate in Faculty Inquiry Group of future creation / Sign-in sheet / Unlimited / Actual hours up to 15
50 / Book Club – groups of faculty select a book and meet throughout the year to discuss and implement ideas / Sign-in sheet / Once per year / Actual hours up to 15
Note 1: Updates to this Menu
Moving forward, more activities will be added to this menu. If there is an activity you would like to propose as a “pre-approved” item, please send your suggestion to the Faculty Excellence Committee at As updates are made to the Menu, faculty and administrators will be notified once a month.
Note 2: “How to Report” column descriptors
There are four main ways that professional development credit is tracked:
a. “Tracked through Administration” – This means that the activity is handled through either the dean’s office or the VP of Instruction’s office. Activities that fall into this tracking method include tenure review, serving on statewide committees, or peer evaluations. Faculty need not submit proof.
b. “Sign-in sheet” – This means that the activity involves a group of faculty meeting together for a professional purpose. Examples include GIFTs workshops, Brown Bag lunch meetings, FIGs, and Book Club meetings. The leader of the meeting will provide a sign-in sheet, participants will sign, and the leader will deliver sign-in sheet to the VP of Instruction.
c. “Faculty submits evidence” – This means that the activity is generally an independent action by the faculty member. Faculty will include this activity on their Final Report and will provide appropriate evidence of the participation in or the completion of the activity.
d. “Certificate of Completion” – This means that the activity was an independent online training workshop or program. Faculty will provide the certificate of completion along with the Final Report at the end of the year.
Updated: 10/6/14
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