Showing Extravaganza
Day time showing and afternoon//evening performances for Championships
Classes for everyone. This show is for all the people who have supported us over the last year, classes include novelties, Inhands Ridden etc. Something for everyone.
Saturday 24th September 2016
The show is open to everyone you do not need to be a member of any society to compete.
All Championships will be judged in evening/ afternoon performance
To be held at Sunnybank Farm Rudry Caerphilly
CF83 3DT
Showing Commences at 11.00am prompt
Pre paid entries close 17th Sept 2016 . Entries can be made on the day at additional cost
Show secretary
Mrs T Pesci-Griffiths
Sunnybank Farm
Rudry Caerphilly
CF83 3DT
Tel 07767 374079
Or see
All classes will take place undercover, there will be 3 rings. There will also be an outdoor area for warm up.
Rosettes to 4th placein all classes.
Championships to be judged in evening performance £20 prize money for all Champions and £10 to all reserves. Except Novelty young handler and best rider.There will also be a wild card championship. Sashes to all Champions and Reserves.£50 to supreme £30 to reserve supreme & £10 to first reserve supreme.
Refreshments available
Admission Charges: All non-towing vehicles will be charged admission of £3 per vehicle. There will be no exceptions. Non towing vehicles must park in the area allocated. No non towing vehicles will be allowed in the lorry park.
There are strictly no dogs allowed on the show ground other than guide dogs.We strongly advise you not to bring dogs at all as you will not be admitted with a dog in the car or lorry.No skipping out of lorries or trailers on the show ground is permitted.
There will be a championship for each section. The champion and reserve in all sections will receive a sash and lovely rosettes. Challenge cups will also be awarded to each Champion and Prize money of £20. Reserves £10. Sashes only in novelty Championship. £10 to champion young handlerWild card champion to receive £10
There will also be a supreme and reserve supreme of show. Which will take place at the end of the evening. This will be open to the Champions and Reserves from each section.EXCEPT the Novelty Section young handler.
Supreme of show will receive £50 plus a challenge cup Reserve Supreme £30 and first reserve £10. You will also receive beautiful satin sashes.
All prizes must be collected on show day.
Please remember that pre paid entries close on 17/09/16, there will be no exceptions. If you enter online after this date , your entry will be kept until the day, when additional fees will be payable. You can enter online or via post with a card number. No cheques are accepted please.
Entry fee per class is £7 pre paid ordinary classes £2 Novelty. Entries will be taken on the day at a charge of £9 per class ordinary classes £3 novelty, There will be a charge of £2.00 per rider/handler for first aid cover.
Admission Charges: All non-towing vehicles will be charged admission of £3 per vehicle. There will be no exceptions. Non towing vehicles must park in the area allocated. No non towing vehicles will be allowed in the lorry park.
ALL Challenge Cups will remain at Sunnybank after presentation
Commencing 11.00am
Judges Anneli Jones Steward
Class 1. Best turned out Inhand
Class 2.Best mare or gelding any age any type.
Class 3.Best In-hand Miniature
Class4.Best In-hand potential competition Horse/pony.Yearling, 2 year old or 3 year old.
Class 5. Best In-hand potential competition Horse/pony Any age any type but must be suitable as a competition animal.
Class 6.Best Inhand riding pony
Class 7.Best Inhand section A or B
Class 8. Best In hand section C or D
Class 9.Best Inhand any breed any type
Class 10.Best In-hand veteran aged 15 and over
Class 11Best In-hand coloured to include palominos, spotted etc.
Class 12.Best Mountain & Moorland registered or unregistered
Class 13.Best Inhand foreign breeds.
Class 14.Best young handler. Aged 10 and under on the day of the show.
Class 15.Best young handler , aged 11-16 on the day of the show.
Judge TBASteward
Class 16 pony most like it’s rider
Class 17. Pony with the prettiest face
Class 18. Pony the judge would most like to take home.
Class 19 Pony with the cleanest and best tail.
Class 20. Pony with the prettiest eyes
Class 21. Best thelwell look alike
Commencing 11.00am
Judge Julie Crowley Steward
Class 22. Open Lead Rein show pony not exc 122cms Riders not to have attained their 8th birthday before 1st January in the current year.
Class 23 Open First Ridden show Pony not exc 122cms . Riders not to have attained their 10th birthday before 1st January in the current year.
Class 24. Open Lead Rein Pony of Hunter Type. Not exc 122cms. Riders not to have attained their 9th birthday before 1st January in the current year.
Class 25. Open First Pony of Show Hunter Type. Not exc 122cms. Riders not to have attained their 10th birthday before the 1st January in the current year. Snaffle bridles only
Class 26.Mountain & Moorland open Lead Rein, Mares or Geldings 4 years old and over, not exc 128cms. Riders not to have attained their 9th birthday before 1st January in the current year.
Class 27. Mountain & Moorland open First Ridden. Mares or Geldings, 4 years old and over, not exc 128cms.Riders not to have attained their 12th birthday before 1st January in the current year.Any suitable bridle permitted.
Class 28. Best Small breeds Mountain & Moorland Open Ridden.
Class 29.Best Large breedsMountain & Moorland open ridden,
Class30.Best turned out horse or pony rider any age.
Class 31. Best pony club pony not exc 14.2hh.
Class 32.Best Small breeds Mountain & Moorland registered or unregistered, rider any age but must be the correct size for the pony
Class 33. Best Welsh part bred.Registered or un registered not exc 14.2hh
Class 34. Pure or part bred Arab registered or un registered not exc 14.2hh..
Class 35. Best lead rein pony, not to exc 12.2hh any breed or type rider not to have attained their 12th birthday by 1st Jan of the current year
Class 36. Best first ridden pony not to exc 13hh rider not to have attained their 12th birthdayby 1 Jan in the current year.
Judge Mrs Karen Morgan
Class 37. Potential Competition pony. The following movements must be included in the show.Walk trot on both reins, canter on both reins and halt
Class 38. Best show pony not to exc 14.2hh rider any age but must be the correct size for the pony.
Class 39.Best Show Hunter Pony, not to exceed 15hh rider any age but must be the correct size for the pony.
Class 40.Best ridden coloured Skewbald or Piebald not .exc 14.2hh
Class 41.Best coloured including spotted palominoes duns etc not exc 14.2hh
Class 42. Best pony to hunt with the local pack not exc 14.2hh
Class 43 Best child rider pony not to exc 14.2hh rider not to have attained their 16th birthday by 1st Jan in the current year
Bedwas Ring Commencing 11.00am
Judge Conf Karen Morgan Ride Lucy LlewelynSteward
Class 44. Best ridden Hunter to exc 15hh . Rider to have attained their 14th birthdayby1st Jan.
Class 45. Small Hunter. Horse to exc 14.2hh not to exceed 15.2hh. Rider must have attained their 14th birthday by 1st Jan in the current year.
Class 46.Riding Horse/Hack. Horse to exceed 14.2hh, rider must have attained their 14th birthday by 1st Jan in the current year.
Class 47. Riding cob./maxi cob Horse to exceed 14.2hh . rider must have attained their 14th birthday by 1st Jan in the current year.
Class 48. Race horse to riding horse. Horses must have raced and be entered under their wetherby passport name.
JUDGE Gwyneth EdgarSteward
Class 49 Potential competition horse exc 14.2hh. The following movements must be included in the show.Walk trot on both reins, canter on both reins and halt
Class 50. Large breeds Mountain & Moorland
Class 51. Best Riding club horse
Class 52. Pure or part bred Arab registered or un registered exc 14.2hh..
Class 53. Welsh part bred , registered or unregistered. exc 14.2hh
Class 54. Best Ridden Veteran aged 15 and over.
Class 55.Best ridden coloured Skewbald or Piebald exc 14.2hh
Class 56 Best coloured including spotted palominoes duns etc exc 14.2hh
Class 57. Best horse to hunt with the local pack.
Class 58. Best horse or pony not to have won a first rosette in any showing class.
Class 59. Best ridden foreign breed .
Championships for evening performance will run in schedule order Evening performance will commence at 5pm prompt
Championships will be held in the following order
- Novelty Championship
- Young Handler championship1st & 2nd from classes14 & 15
- Inhand championship1st & 2nd from classes 2-6
- Inhand championship 1st & 2nd from classes 7-13
- Mini Championship 1st & 2nd from classes22-27 & 35-36
- Mixed Pony Championship 1st & 2nd from classes 28,31-32,33-34
- Mixed Pony Championship 1st & 2nd from classes 37-42
- Hunter Championship 1st & 2nd from 44-48
- Mixed Horse Championship 1st & 2nd from classes 29, 49-53
- Mixed Horse Championship 1st & 2nd from classes 54-58
- Wild card championship
The sponsors will be looking at all Championships and picking from them a sponsors Champion. You will be presented with a sash and lovely rosette.
This will be followed by Supreme Champion of Show. Young handler novelty & best rider champion are not eligible for supreme of show.
There is a wild card Championship . The judges will be handing out Wild cards throughout the day. They will be given to exhibits that did not finish 1st or 2nd in their classes, but the judges feel that they should be eligible for a Championship.
There may also be some other prizes on offer but this is to be confirmed.
1. All Ridden horses and ponies must be 4 years old and over.
2. In lead rein classes the lead must be attached to the nose band.
3. Correct British Standard Headgear must be worn at all times when mounted. Hats witha 3 point harness up to BI Standard are compulsory while mounted.Handlers under 14 years must wear correctly secured BSI Skull cap/Riding hats.
4. The judge’s decision is final.
5. To enter this show you need not be a member of any society
6. Entry fees are not refundable even with a vet’s certificate.
7. In the event of the show having to be cancelled prior to the day ,50% of the entry fees will be retained for administration costs.
8. If the show has to be abandoned for any reason after it has started, no entry fees will be refunded.
9. There are no dogs allowed on the show ground.Except guide dogs.
10. It is strongly recommended that all exhibitors carry adequate Public Liability Insurance. Sunnybank EC its employees or assistants do not accept any liability for any injury or damage sustained by any third party whether to horse/rider spectator or property whatsoever and how so ever caused.
11. The organisers reserve the right to refuse entry without any reason being given and if necessary to alter or cancel any class at anytime.
12. Any vehicles parked do so at their own risk.
13. Any pony stallion not exceeding 138cms may not be ridden by juniors who have not attained their 12th birthday by 1st January in the current year. Stallions exceeding 138cms may not be ridden by juniors who have not attained their 14th birthday by 1st January in the current year.
14.Show canes whips are not allowed to exceed 30” (75cms). In lead rein classes, plain or leather covered canes only maybe used.
15. Any objections must be received in writing within 10 minutes of the conclusion of the class together with a deposit of £30, which will be refunded if the objection is upheld.
16. There is to be no skipping out of lorries or trailers on the show ground. No manure is to be placed in the bins. Please take it all home with you. Anyone found breaking the rule will be asked to leave the show ring.
17. It is the responsibility of all competitors, exhibitors and owners to read the above rules. When signing the entry forms, you agree to abide by them.
18. Strictly no dogs allowed on the show ground. Anyone bringing dogs in hot weather to leave in their cars or lorries will be asked to vacate the show ground.
19. Anyone found bringing a horse or pony to Sunnybank which has knowingly been in contact with any infectious or contagious diseases or have known diseases will be asked to leave and banned for life.