Application to Market your Products with FLAUNT - the E-Shop in collaboration with Lazada and Singtel 99% SME

To qualify your company and associated products under Flaunt Collection, you will have to fulfil the following criteria:

•Applicant company must be a Member of the Singapore Furniture Industries Council (SFIC). For non-member, please submit the SFIC membership application form and Cheque for membership enrolment together with this application.

•Applicant company must be a local registered business entity with ACRA

•Applicant company must be in active operation for at least the immediate past 12 months

•Brands and products proposed to be marketed under FLAUNT must be of Original Design. No copies and knock-offs are allowed.

•Brands and Products proposed must fall under at least one or more of the following categories:

  1. Designer owned Collection (where designer is also the applicant company)
  2. Collaboration between an Applicant Company and Appointed Designer
  3. Collection developed by in-house designers of Applicant Company
  4. Collection by International designers, represented by Applicant Company

•No more than 5 complaints lodged against breach of CPFTA (Consumer Protection Fair Trading Act). Clean track record with CASE and other relevant authorities at least for the immediate 12 months before.

Subscription Fee:

A 6-month subscription fee of $200 applies for participation with FLAUNT. This may be renewed every 6 months, provided your company and/or brand continues to fulfil the strict criteria and related terms and conditions governing FLAUNT.

This fee supports the marketing for FLAUNT and the brands and companies within.

Please return this form together with the following enclosures:
  1. Accounting and CorporateRegulatory (ACRA) registered business profile of company or LLP
  2. SFIC Membership Application form & Cheque for Membership Enrolment (This is required for only non-members interested in participating with FLAUNT)
  3. Cheque for the 6-month subscription fee of $200.00, to be addressed to the ‘Singapore Furniture Industries Council’. The Cheque will be returned should your application be unsuccessful.

Company Particulars

Full Company Name: ______

Company Address: ______



Company Tel: ______

Company Fax: ______

Email Address: ______
Website: ______

Name & Designation of Key Contact Person: ______

Contact/ Mobile number: ______

Number of Designers employed in the company: ______

FLAUNT application is targeted at designers and design-driven companies. Please list the names of your designers behind the products/brands you are proposing for FLAUNTin the space provided below. You may attach a separate document if the following space is not sufficient:

  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______

Product Information for Flaunt Collection

Please check against the product category/categories you intend to list under Flaunt Collection, and provide the assortment number in the space provided next to it. (For example, if ‘Bedroom’ is selected and you have 20 different models of Bed Frames and Dressing tables respectively to propose, that would total up to 40 assortment):

Bedroom _____ / Home Office _____ / Outdoor _____ / Dining _____
Living Room _____ / Home Décor _____ / Hallway & Entry _____

Others, please specify the product category and assortment number here: ______

Please tick accordingly
a) / My company is registered withAccounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and based in Singapore / Yes / No
b) / My company has been active for the immediate past 12 months / Yes / No
c) / My Brands and Products proposed for FLAUNT fall under at least one or more of the following categories:
  1. Designer owned Collection (where designer is also the applicant company)
  2. Collaboration between an Applicant Company and Appointed Designer
  3. Collection developed by in-house designers of Applicant Company
  4. Collection by International designers, represented by Applicant Company
/ Yes / No
d) / My company has less than 5 complaints lodged against breach of CPFTA and a clean track record from CASE and other relevant authorities for the past 12 months. / Yes / No

I hereby declare that the company information furnished in this application form is true to the best of my knowledge and I have not withheld any relevant company information.

I have disclosed all the company information required to be given in this application and confirmed that I met all the criteria required to qualify for FLAUNT.

I have read and agree to all terms & conditions governing FLAUNT and accept that the SFIC shall have the right to suspend or terminate my company’s participation under FLAUNT, without prior notice if my company has:

  • provided false information in the FLAUNT application or notification of change in the particulars of the application.
  • Violated any terms and condition stipulated for FLAUNT
  • Committed actions that are deemed to negatively impact the FLAUNT brand and its participating companies and brands.

Name& Designation of Signatory:


Signature & Company Stamp:
Upon completion, please return form and accompanied enclosures to:



62 Sungei Kadut Loop#04-19

Singapore 729507

Tel: +65 6569 9988 Fax: +6569 9939



Application Receipt

Application Form Received On: ______

Application approved for Flaunt Collection: Yes No

Approved by: Assistant Director, SFIC / Date / Supported by:Executive Director, SFIC / Date