May 17, 2006


Agency: Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs

Institution: Wisconsin Veterans Home - King

Project: Olson Hall Domestic Water Piping Replacement

Request: Request approval to design and replace the domestic water piping system in Olson Hall for $1,500,000 ($975,000 existing PRSB and $525,000 GFSB).

Project Description: Olson Hall is a skilled nursing care building serving 200 members. The building was opened in 1968. Although previously not apparent, interior-pitting corrosion of the domestic water piping has occurred. This project will be a comprehensive replacement of the domestic water piping in Olson Hall. To accomplish this replacement the work will involve: opening walls and ceilings in a fully (or partially) occupied skilled nursing facility, removal of insulation, asbestos abatement, replacement of all existing water pipes, and restoration of walls and ceilings. Work must be completed in each members’ room on the same day as started. Members can be scheduled to be out of their room on the day of construction. If possible portions of Olson Hall will be vacated during construction. Residents will have disrupted water service for short periods during construction and replacement.

Asbestos insulation is present inside of walls wrapped around piping elbows and fittings. The Division of State Facilities will coordinate abatement using contract service providers.

Justification: There has be a recent sudden and dramatic increase in the number of leaks throughout the domestic water service piping in Olson. As an example, in the 12 day period from April 7 to April 19, 2006, 27 leaks were identified and patched. Twenty one of these leaks were in members rooms. In all cases the leaks were either above ceilings or in walls. As piping is hidden behind walls and above ceilings leaks, are not identifiable until damage to wall or ceiling surfaces has occurred. Repairs often require extensive cutting and patching of surfaces. Domestic water piping is concentrated primarily in member living spaces, therefore, leaks and their repair are very disruptive to member care.

A comprehensive approach to the problem is in the best interest of the members, staff and the state.

Stordock Hall, constructed in 1970, experienced the same domestic water piping problems and were addressed through DSF Project #97824 in 2000 and 2001.

Budget and Schedule:



/ $1,150,000
Contingency / 115,000
Asbestos Abatement / 57,400
Design A/E Fee / 127,000
DSF Management Fee / 50,600
Total Project Budget / $1,150,000

ASF – Not Applicable GSF – Not Applicable Efficiency % – Not Applicable

Construction Cost per GSF – Not Applicable Project Cost per GSF – Not Applicable

Building Commission Approval Request / May 2006
AE Selection / August 2006
Contract Bidding / November 2006
Start Construction / January 2007
Substantial Completion / June 2007

Previous Building Commission Action: None

Agency Contact: Doug Tyndall, , 715-258-4253

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AR King Olson Hall Domestic Water System Replacement