C.E.S.T. Minutes
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
3:00 p.m. in Admin. III, Room 124
The 3rd C.E.S.T. meeting of this academic year was held at 3:00 pm on Tuesday, Oct. 16 in Admin III Room 124. The meeting was attended by Patrick Amico, Lindsay Batchelor, Todd Becker, Kim Bernard, Richard Bernhard, Tim Blair, Ellen Buckner, Jack Colby, Wade Fulghum, Derek Moretz, Scott Noble, Danielle Pantelides, Kelly Peele, Bill Piper, Ryan Powell, Ewan Pritchard, Michelle Schroeder-Moreno, Ed Sekmistrz, and Bill Winner.
Faculty Senate – Richard Bernhard
As a member of the Faculty Senate Resources & Environment Committee, Richard Bernhard spoke about the Faculty Senate. He said the group is very supportive of initiatives that require enthusiasm with no paper shuffling on their part and agrees that the university needs someone to encourage participation in, as well as publicize, environmental sustainability initiatives on campus. The Faculty Senate Committees focus on Governance, Personnel Policy, Academic Policy, and Resources & Environment. The minutes for their biweekly meetings are available online at http://ncsu.edu/faculty_senate/meeting-minutes/faculty-senate-meetings/2007-2008/index.php Jack Colby asked how we can engage the university faculty, and Richard replied that the faculty doesn’t have the same level of excitement as the students.
Dorm Energy Competition – Wade Fulghum & Bobby Mills
Bobby Mills spoke of the Bagwell/Berry/Becton energy competition. Wade Fulghum created a dashboard to display data collected from the three residence halls, and it can be viewed at http://www.ncsu.edu/energy/Residence_Hall_Energy_.html
Campus Sustainability Day Webcast – Lindsay Batchelor
Lindsay Batchelor told us that 9 nine people attended the interactive showing of the Campus Sustainability Day Webcast. A PowerPoint presentation for the event is available from her via email at
Sustainability Office – Jack Colby
Jack Colby handed out the job description that has been posted for the university’s new Sustainability Coordinator. He also spoke of how the Sustainability Office is being designed as an umbrella for all things related to sustainability on campus.
Net Impact – Derek Moretz
Derek Moretz spoke as the president of the NCSU chapter. He and other Net Impact members attended the organization’s Annual conference at Vanderbilt. Approximately 1,700 MBA students were in attendance.
W.E.S.A. – Kelly Peele & Bill Winner
Kelly Peele told us that the Wolfpack Environmental Student Association has 187 members after only four month of recruitment efforts.
Energy Council – Jack Colby, Bobby Mills, & Bill Winner
Jack Colby stated that the Energy Council had given a presentation to the Faculty Senate in the previous weeks and was planning to give a presentation to the Staff Senate in future weeks. The Council wants a culmination of events surrounding Earth Day this April. Bobby Mills spoke of talks with Charlie Lefler to discuss the Sustainability Fee. The General Administration has stated that “no new fees” will be allowed for the 2008-2009 academic year. Bill Winner stated that there is a dialogue between the Council and others to call for ideas and perspiration.
E.E.S. Living & Learning Village – Bill Winner
Bill Winner told us that money might come through for the Energy, Environment and Sustainability Living and Learning Village.
Website – Kim Bernard
I stated that the blog is up and running, and that we will continue discussions with Creative Services about a long-term website.
AASHE – Lisa Satin
Lisa Satin gave us an overview of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education. There are more than 400 university members in the organization. She stated that the 2008 Conference will be held in Raleigh, NC and will include of a Mayors Panel and local businesses that are looking to hire people with an education in sustainability. She also spoke of STARS, AASHE’s new Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, & Rating System, which can be viewed at www.aashe.org/stars
Earth Week Planning– Lindsay Batchelor
Lindsay Batchelor distributed a handout that displayed the planning activities surrounding Earth Week in April. The first Earth Week Planning meeting will be Nov. 29 at noon in the Senate Chambers on the 2nd floor of Witherspoon Cinema. Jack Colby added that Earth Week is one Energy Council initiative that will require some of the perspiration that Bill referred to earlier.
Water Conservation Challenge w/ UNC – Jack Colby & Bobby Mills
Tim Blair told us that the university is currently replacing approximately 3,500 aerators as part of its water conservation plan. Jack stated that he and Susan Grant are the individuals to contact about the Challenge. More information about the Challenge with UNC is available via the university’s homepage or at http://news.ncsu.edu/news/2007/11/177knncsuwaterchallenge.php
Annual Report – Kim Bernard
I stated that I will be putting together an outline for the 2007 Annual Report and present it to the group at our next meeting on December 11. I asked that everyone send me any information they want to highlight about their department. I have attached the 2003 Annual Sustainability Report and the 2006 Campus Environmental Sustainability Assessment and ask that everyone try to take 10 minutes or so to look over them before the next meeting.
Sustainability Report Card – Jack Colby
Jack stated that the university chose not to participate in the institute’s survey because it asked for mostly financial information. Lisa Sating stated that efforts such as this one give the industry a bad name. Bill Winner stated that even if the grade we received is wrong, reality is perception.
CEST Working Groups – Jack Colby
Jack stated that the working groups are about setting the goals and employing the strategies for sustainability initiatives on campus. First, each group will ask the question, “What should the vision be for that area?” for example, should we set our goal at a 30% reduction or carbon neutrality. Second, each group will create a Tactical Plan for years 1, 2, 3, etc.
Bill Winner told Ewan that there will not be a boost to Advanced Energy’s bottom line based on his participation in our group, but there will be an indirect payback that really brings NCGreen Power to the consumer as well-informed students will graduate and want to purchase Green Power.
§ AASHE 2008 Conference to be held in Raleigh, Nov. 9-11, 2008
§ Rajendra Pachauri, an NCSU alumnus, shared in the Nobel Peace Prize as chairman of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. He will be speaking at the Emerging Issues Forum at NCSU in 2008.
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