Quarterly REPORT
Choice Provider Organization:
Contact Name:
Email Address:
- Reporting Period:(Please Indicate the reporting period)
- People plan goal- Successes: (please reference your people plan goal and list any successes your organization accomplished this past quarter)
- People Plan Goal – Gaps/Challenges: (please list any gaps/challenges your organization experienced this past quarter)
- Tracking: (metrics for tracking success towards reaching choice goal(s), consider the previous quarter to measure success, refer to your updated service goals or people plan, all providersexcept case management)
Quincy Heights ( Target Residents) #/%
Previous Quarter / Actual / Goal (Grant Close)
Choice Neighborhood (Entire Neighborhood) #/%
Previous Quarter / Actual / Goal (Grant Close)
- Collaboration/Partnerships (list any new collaboration/partnerships you have formed in the past quarter)
Additional: (comments, concerns, media coverage):
CASE Management ONLY:
Number of new target residents post application date but prior to relocation: Number of non-original target public and assisted housing residents who moved in after the Choice Neighborhoods application was submitted but prior to relocation. This number is cumulative for all quarters (PERSONS)
= Previous Quarter: Current Quarter:
Number of new target residents post application but prior to relocation in Case Management: Number of non-original target public and assisted housing residents who moved in after the Choice Neighborhoods application was submitted but prior to relocation receiving case management supportive services at the end of the reporting quarter (PERSONS)
= Previous Quarter: Current Quarter:
Number of new target residents post development in Case Management: Number of non-original target public and assisted housing residents who moved in after redevelopment who are receiving case management supportive services at the end of the reporting quarter (PERSONS)
= Previous Quarter: Current Quarter:
Number of target residents enrolled in job training or other workforce development program in past quarter
= Previous Quarter: Current Quarter:
Number of target residents who completed job training or other workforce development program in the past quarter
= Previous Quarter: Current Quarter:
Number of target resident who were job training attendees placed in jobs in the past quarter
= Previous Quarter: Current Quarter:
Created: Oct. 2016– MG
Updated: Jan. 2017